Racist white people in the US (50s-70s)

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Aug 6, 2006
nhojsmith said:
im not white you afrocentric racist, but you are typical in that anything that stands in opposition to your self loathing and scapegoating you assume is white. you are a slave a slave a slave.....
You are an idiot an idiot an idiot who got owned and are too lazy to give me a worthwhile response so you repeat yourself like a dumb parrot over and over again, calling me a slave, hoping that you'll get some type of reaction, which you won't since I'm better than you are. :cool: And we all know that you're white, you're fooling no one and must be ashamed to be after what I've went over with you about your history here..

you are like a rape victim who looks to and expects the rapist to help them get through the pain, your infatuation with the white race is eerily similar to the rape victim who falls in love with their attacker, every person you meet who is not also a victim, you assume must me a rapist, the white man has you in his palm, you can never be freed because you will never free yourself, enjoy.
Ranting with your half thought out analogy that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You are again, a waste of time.. Have a nice day.. :)
Aug 6, 2006
Even if you aren't white (which you are), what you were responding to, still applies... Please remove yourself from swinging ever so gracefully from the nuts of black men who created the culture that this site is dedicated to, since you hate them so much.
Aug 6, 2006
Dhadnot said:
if you could give a shit then stop talking, cuz you dont know what you are talking about, and even if the best economist, social scientist, historians, etc., showed you all the structural problems, personal and national prejudice blacks faced and face nowadays, you would still be pumpin the same shit. So why don't you just ignore these topics if you don't really care?
This describes nhojsmith and Robs4 perfectly and is certainly the driving fallacy behind Eurocentric ideology. They are slaves to their own bias and racial dogma.. I honestly don't think they can be helped because I believe that the problem has more to do with intellectual capacity than environment, in this case.
Feb 7, 2006
ParkBoyz said:
This describes nhojsmith and Robs4 perfectly and is certainly the driving fallacy behind Eurocentric ideology. They are slaves to their own bias and racial dogma.. I honestly don't think they can be helped because I believe that the problem has more to do with intellectual capacity than environment, in this case.
You know it, that's why I dont trip of people like them...they dont give a fuck. Our only mission is to get truth out to our people and avoid or crush white racist diversions, which you see is rampant all throughout the internet concerning anything black (be it positive or negative).
Apr 8, 2005
nhojsmith said:
biggest fucking racist on the siccness except for maybe "thatguy"
first im curios to know how i made it to be most racist aside him? lol

parkboys: first you say blacks would like acknowledgment for what they have done. what is meant by this? you want special days that acknowledge black history? you want every child in school to hear about martin luther king, malcolm x and rosa parks? perhaps you want it known to every american the struggles your ancestors went through? all this is present, but it never ever seems to be enough. the very fact that none of the african americans making these kinds of demands are even the ones who were enslaved seems ridiculous. sure african americans are discriminated against because the majority of media involving them lays stereotypes, which younger generations follow. other posters supporting your argument have talked about "being white sell outs" and "uncle toms" due to the fact they supposedly abandoned their culture. what does anyones view on their culture choice have to do with anything as long as they are black, and their getting away from the stereotypes and being successful. but here is where you become part of the problem specifically. making statements about whites coming to a rap site and saying they'd fit in somewhere else more easily makes this very forum seem race exclusive. you refer to whites in a whole different category than blacks and continually divide the two. so it seems like you and supporters of your argument are the only ones passing judgment based upon the color of skin, and therefor keeping the stereotypes going. ill elaborate more if you would like.
Mar 26, 2006
I agree that hop hop is everybodies culture now, not just one race of people, that would be spasticated.

I'm not sure what they teach in US schools, but I'm sure they would touch on slavery and racism along with other parts of american history??
Apr 25, 2002
Originally Posted by Dhadnot
if you could give a shit then stop talking, cuz you dont know what you are talking about, and even if the best economist, social scientist, historians, etc., showed you all the structural problems, personal and national prejudice blacks faced and face nowadays, you would still be pumpin the same shit. So why don't you just ignore these topics if you don't really care?
ParkBoyz said:
This describes nhojsmith and Robs4 perfectly and is certainly the driving fallacy behind Eurocentric ideology. They are slaves to their own bias and racial dogma.. I honestly don't think they can be helped because I believe that the problem has more to do with intellectual capacity than environment, in this case.
You are no less a slave than them.
Mar 12, 2005
You know it, that's why I dont trip of people like them...they dont give a fuck. Our only mission is to get truth out to our people and avoid or crush white racist diversions, which you see is rampant all throughout the internet concerning anything black (be it positive or negative).
Sadly enough people are never going to understand this. How they've done this in Africa where the lighter skinned tribes would be in cahootz with the european(white) imperialists and kill the darker ones off. Same thing in Austrialia, Ethiopia, that battle against fake Jews(Gentile proselytes) and the True Jews, Obviously in the Americas and the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands. People think Ignorance is a bliss, but when issues like these aren't addressed this proves even more that ignorance isn't a bliss.
Mar 12, 2005
do you have any proof of this lighter tribes getting in cahoots with americans? ive never seen a light colored tribal african
Not with Americans, but when the WHITES(EUROPEANS) imperialized parts of Africa they took sides with the lighter tribes or the one they intermingled with


Dark Skin vs. Light Skin

The humanitarian agency Genocide Watch sent a research team to Gambella in January, 2004 and recorded similar accounts, including that Ethiopian soldiers often told the women as they raped them that “We are going to kill your men, so the next generation of Anuak will be produced by us.”

Anuak women in refugee camps have begun to have babies fathered by Ethiopian soldier rapists, recent visitors to the refugee camps say.

More than 1,200 Anuak refugees live in southern Minnesota, having arrived here in the middle 1990s after fleeing an earlier ethnic cleansing that took as many – if not more – lives as the 2003 and 2004 killings.

Some 7,000 Anuak refugees live scattered around the world in a diaspora that today is grieving the death in Ethiopia of their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and friends at the hands of Ethiopian soldiers.

The Anuak, like the tribes of Darfur, are black-skinned people of African descent. In Sudan and Ethiopia, the black-skinned tribes are shunned and oppressed by lighter-skinned tribes whose leaders hold national power. As in the case of the American Indian, in Darfur and Gambella the dark-skinned natives are sitting on oil fields that the light-skinned leaders want.


You can deny it or accept it, Where these Europeans(Whites) go and set up shop, along with them comes race supremacy. In the Philippines my Friends mother whose married to a white man went to visit her mom. So it's my homegirls grandmother. Then passes this indigenous filipino, or a Black Filipino, and being mixed with Spanish(WHITE) her grandmother says, look them niggers don't belong where us light skinned filipinos are. They believe, AS THEY WERE TAUGHT BY EUROPEANS(WHITE SPANIARDS) that the indigenous negritos or Black Filipinos are inferior and are nothing more than monkey niggers. Is White Supremacy exclusive in America, No sir, it's prevalent throughout the world.

In those countries where white supremacy or light skinned supremacy(not synonymous) people tend to go to the lighter shade of skin.
Oct 14, 2004
^^^We learned about this in a class of mine.

People dont understand (parkboyz) that you have to view all people as fellow human beings not as black or white. Until this is done racism will always prevail.
May 13, 2002
An observation: Most arguments that take place here really end up as personal attacks on eachother, ego trips for certain people, and everyone misses the TRUE meaning of a debate; for both sides to learn from eachother and learn to see things from a different point of view.

Anyone agree or disagree?
May 9, 2002
An observation: Most arguments that take place here really end up as personal attacks on eachother, ego trips for certain people, and everyone misses the TRUE meaning of a debate; for both sides to learn from eachother and learn to see things from a different point of view.

Anyone agree or disagree?
Yes i disagree and your mother is a fat whore...

Oh wait...sorry! I got caught up in the GOM moment.


Parkboyz is a known racist..big fuckin whoopty-ti-doo...

He learns things in his "rhetoric for dummies" class and then comes here and uses them in EVERY reply in an attempt to look smarter, as if no one knows what they are...its hilarious AND very predictable. He also uses the SAME "big" words, as if to say "im smater than you, but only in a straight line".

The arrogance he portrays is stupifying, as to say "im smarter than everyone...on the Siccness.net!"

Way to go, sport...keep the onbounding accomplishments coming!

Apr 8, 2005
An observation: Most arguments that take place here really end up as personal attacks on eachother, ego trips for certain people, and everyone misses the TRUE meaning of a debate; for both sides to learn from eachother and learn to see things from a different point of view.

Anyone agree or disagree?
i fully agree this is why im asking questions, and my whole post was dedicated to how people are dividing the colors. if slavery was looked at as human beings enslaving each other, i would not be accused of holding the black man down based on that event. not to be racist, it just seems that blacks use slavery as a way to make us feel sorry for them. that is my view, learn from it. here is what formulates that view for me. standards in school and other things have lowered to not look racist, being that more blacks could attend. there are black scholarships, but when a white scholarship was made, it was looked at as racist. now the thing that annoys me the most about this is, i didnt own any slaves, i have never put a black man into the ghetto. but im blamed for this in a sense because im another "white devil" that doesnt wanna see blacks succeed also, you were never enslaved. lol, so i dont see the problem. also, i have never been called a racist by an indian or chineese. whites did equally fucked up things to those groups.