MaddDogg said:
Is this from the same guy who said "your people" and "you people." Which people exactly are we talking about here?
White people.. Who else? Did you expect me to water that down or something?
I don't understand this. It is a fringe hypothesis that the collective population wanted to see reconciliation with the African American community? That sounds pretty unreasonable considering what has happened in the last 40 years.
I've addressed this above. To suggest that African Americans were searching for reconciliation in the 50s and 60s is ignorant, and that's an understatement. What they were fighting for, as we all should by now be aware of since we are all adultsl, is an equal right to control their own destiny and live according to what is already written in stone and promised to every natural American-born citizen, not reconciliation.
Who threw him in there in the first place? Who is you? Is it me because I’m white?
"You", corresponds to the descendants of those that benefit from their ancestors while at the same time criticizing the climber and denying the lasting affect of this Seesaw legacy.
Is this the same as “you”?
It is the same as just how I stated it..
Isn't "your people" a way of referencing a community of millions of individuals with varying personalities and views?
No, it is in reference again to those descendants who definitely benefit from these said atrocities, willing participant or not. If my father robbed a bank, died the following month but gave me the money beforehand, do you seriously believe that the District Attorney will give a shit that I've never robbed a bank in my life when they come looking for that missing money, that is now in my possession? I won't go to prison obviously, but the money is going back where it came from.. Or is there a statute of limitation on human enslavement, degradation, and prolonged deprivation?
I would like to hear exactly who “you people are.” My family is perdominately Irish, they haven’t lived hear more than 100 years, they were protestors and for equality years before the 60s, but I guess they are “you people.” Do they have a responsibility for what happened? In my opinion they have some but no more than anyone else. I’ll get to that later.
^^Then I wasn't talking to you and I've answered this question. Repeating the same thing over and over really alludes to you having nothing really to say.
So you only seek to engage intelligent “you people’s?” Is the adjective “intelligent” used in this comment to mean those who are college educated or high IQed, those who you have spoken with before and enjoy conversation or just simply people who agree with everything you say?
Stop babbling please, that wasn't even directed at you so why give me this annoying response full of rhetorical questions that only waste time? For some reason I find you overwhelmingly petty and annoying.Hopefully you have a point..
I appreciate your contribution to this forum in many respects but I just looked back at your posts through July 2007 and NOT ONCE did you put ANY responsibility on African Americans for some of the situations and hardships they face.
Why would I when you advocate individuality? Don't be a hypocrite, it is seriously distasteful..
Are condoms and other methods of STD prevention not widely available and FOR FREE?
No, but there is a general lack of sex education and awareness that isn't emphasized in the African American community or incorporated in a set frame work. The culture created by the noted slave mentality is one that is degenerate and care free. Sexual machismo at times also compensates other things that are otherwise lacking. Of course someone as shallow as yourself takes no time to think about it as you simply reduce it to an issue of lazy African Americans who don't like to use condoms. Wouldn't that be convenient?
Are “you people” constantly forcing African Americans to kill each other?
You ever heard of the saying "crabs in a bucket"? Well, whenever you have tons of people condensed in a space they feel unable to free themselves from, while they all basically fight for the same scant resources available to them, it is expected that conflict be a part of that struggle to survive. In addition to that, going back to the ditch and the crab analogy, if you have ten people in one ditch with everyone looking out for self, then as soon as the first person reaches the top, they 8 times out of 10 will be inevitably pulled back down since misery loves company and everybody wants to get out first. Also, the environment that compels the sort of mentality that leads people to justify killing, is a pretty harsh one. Surely African Americans didn't bring themselves over here from west africa by boat simply to place themselves in the inner city ghettos and fight each other for resources.
How many children are born in the African American community out of wedlock?
A lot..
And besides performing essential parenting like discipline, making sure children go to school and homework, and making sure they eat, how does having one parent instead of two economically affect a family?
Answer that question on your own, since I think it is quite obvious and pretty much a silly question..
There needs to be JUST AS MUCH introspection as there is pointing the finger.
If you call what I've went over, "pointing the finger", then maybe you should either reassess your comprehension skills, or it must simply be that you honestly feel guilty about something. What? I don't know, but it's been noted.
MaddDogg said:
The reason EVERY AMERICAN (note, not “you people”

owe the African American community compensation is for hundreds of years this country gained an economic advantage on the backs of the African American community.
Totally wrong since everyone hasn't reaped the benefits of the Seesaw, as many are neutral or new participants. I am indeed referring to "you people" and I've explained who "you people" are. Hopefully you don't keep going off on that same tangent as it really seems to have bothered you since you keep bringing it up.
Therefore, as an Irish American (among other things) I feel we should give back to the African Americans, even if “my people” had nothing to do with it, because AMERICA wronged them and today everyone living here benefits from it.
This is pathetic, self-loathing nonsense. You don't owe African Americans anything besides space from some of these nonsense views you have that are potentially deadly to their progression. AMERICA didn't do anything. AMERICA is a united empire in the western hemisphere; it is a land mass. White folk who inhabited America are the perpetrators and since humans are not distinctive geographical landmasses, they are capable of such atrocities. Everybody doesn't share the same benefits, because if that were the case, this discussion wouldn't be happening.. Many Asians for instance advance on the opportunities here, but bring their way of life with them... Also, for 90% of America's history, the best interests suited the dominant majority class and their living descendants, not AMERICANS.. We now reap the benefits of the struggle against THAT, not slavery and oppression..
This means whites, latinos, Asians, African Americans from Africa, etc etc.
Latinos were systematically victimized as minorities, Asians were systematically victimized as minorities, neither the latter or the former has ever been in a position of power collectively to exercise any kind of discrimination against blacks, and your last so called ethnic group is obviously an oxymoron. Africans are those born in Africa. African Americans are those people of African descent who were born in America. There is no such thing as African Americans from Africa. It is logically impossible for African Americans that did not exist to travel to Africa, kidnap Africans, enslave them and make them honorary African Americans as well. In other words, Africans born in America (African Americans) could not have possibly had anything to do with their own disposition since they were born there.Hope that makes sense..
Providing reparations should be the duty of the American government.
Since it is not easy to account for which Africans descend from slaves or not
By process of elimination it is, pretty much. All migrant Africans are documented, so those African Americans with European last names are obviously of a different (slave) lineage.
my two cents is that EVERY AMERICAN pays a tax that used to provide for better education, housing, and food for African American communities. And EVERY DOLLAR of that money should be accounted for.
Your reasoning is flawed, but your proposed solutions are pretty much on point.
No buyin’ big rig trucks like you see on Chapelle and shit.
You've again lost all credibility with me right here..