To Keep this going, I have one question, If you all can take time to pick you bibles up please and Read the Old Testament Book of Daniel
Chapter 9:38
He speaks about a Middle Eastern god, ASIDE FROM ELOHIM AND YAHWEH, remember this was BEFORE ISLAM, and this was BEFORE Mohammad or Allah ever existed. Chapter 9:38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom HIS FATHERS KNEW NOT SHALL HE SHALL HE HONOUR
(Ok folks, what does this tell you about this Middle Eastern God? How could this Man whom Daniel speaks about Honor this god which his fathers did not know? Did the Early Arabs Know Mohammad or Allah? Nope. Was Ismael a Muslim? Nope. So what Kind of God came after the early Middle Eastern Countries within the Arab Nations? You got it folks! Islam) with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
Now continue to Verse 39 of Chapter 9
Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.
Does this sound Familiar, is Israel Not Divided? Who is this strange god that he acknowledges and increase with glory? Why is Allah Consider the MOST merciful, if he is supposed to be the One true God. Why would he have an adjective describing him being 1st of Many, if he's the Only One? Why Not Allah the Merciful, or Allah the Great, but no, Allah the GREATEST. What has Islam gained since it's time, most of the Middle East, Rapid conversions in the Eastern Parts of Asia, the Pacific Islands, Europe, Many withing the Black Community. See where I'm headed.
This Man that gives glory to his God, the MAHDI, or the Muslim Messiah. Also in the Bible called the Man of Perdition, THE ANTI-CHRIST. Because this man, who will lead Islam to Conquer Jerusalem, has denied YESHUA(JESUS), and blasphemed against God, saying his Torah and New Testament are Corrupt, and has waged war against God's Saints and Israel.
If post hasn't gotten to you, I'll be glad to further elaborate.