Questions for all Muslims

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Apr 22, 2006
And also the Quran was sent to mankind to abrogate and replace the Bible and the Torah, since the current Bible and Torah we have today were both tampered with by deviant people, and is not at all authentic anymore.

But the original Tawrah (Torah) that Prophet Musa revealed, and the original injeel (the pure and authentic bible) that Prophet Isa revealed, were the true word of God, but unfortantely were tampered with after their passing.
Aug 6, 2006
Yeshua ben Yosef in Hebrew/Aramaic means Jesus son of Joseph, not messiah, Messiah itself means anointed one. Meshiach, Mashiach at times, Christos, Cristos.
You're right, the direct translation is (Jesus Son Of Joseph), just trying to see where he was coming from. And Hebrew and Aramaic are two different semitic languages, what is Aramaic/Hebrew?
Apr 22, 2006
Prophet Isa is the Masih as well as a Messenger of God. I guess that's one thing Christainity and Islam have in common, that both believe he was the Masih, where as the Jews dismiss this belief. But the similarities end there, as most Christians like Stockton truly do believe that Jesus is the son of God.
Mar 12, 2005
Yeah, like God will change his mind, and abandon his promise to the Sons of Jacob, Issac and Abraham. Like how he would change his mind on those who accepted Yeshua as savior. God keeps his promise, and if the Jews and Christians weren't right in the earlier days in his accordance, then Islam wasn't either. A good of peace yet Judgment, would let the early Muslims make war to convert People? Christians died for their preaching, they did not kill in the Name of Yeshua.


Apr 25, 2002
Naw...I gotta step in now. Yeshua NEVER had a "bible" or book that he came with. He quoted from old testament sources, but there is NO record of him coming with a book, and no quotes from an "injeel" have been attributed to him. Remember, the bible is a COLLECTION of books, so how could he have come with a pure version when NO VERSION existed until AFTER his death?
Mar 12, 2005
Carnage said:
Prophet Isa is the Masih as well as a Messenger of God. I guess that's one thing Christainity and Islam have in common, that both believe he was the Masih, where as the Jews dismiss this belief. But the similarities end there, as most Christians like Stockton truly do believe that Jesus is the son of God.
How could it be that even those ancient Jews of the time of Jesus have Descendants of Today accept Yeshua as God himself? Why is the Quran so harsh towards Christians or Jews(infidels in the Quran) but in the Word of Yeshua, it's more peaceful? Then it's not the teachings that contradicts the Faith, It's God himself. But that is impossible. So how did the Sacrifice of Issac, become the Sacrifice of Ismael? Seems like someone wanted to change the story there bud.
Mar 12, 2005
You're very ignorant, I get this bullshit alot you motherfuckers need to know what you're speaking about before you get into relgious debates, I have been reading a little bit of the Quran, I have a Computerized Quran on my computer for reference, and for the 100th time, ROMAN CATHOLICS in the early church WERE NOT CHRISTIAN! Obviously if you did research you'd know that THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WAS A PAGAN RELIGION, and If you knew what the True Teachings of Yeshua is, then you'd know the Catholic Church is an apostate Church, BECAUSE THEY CHANGED THE LAWS ACCORDING TO THEIR LIKENESS.
Apr 22, 2006
Bible, scripture, doesn't matter what you want to call it Heresy. Basically what I'm saying is that the scripture that was revealed to Prophet Musa was the truth, but as I said, was tampered with by mankind. Hence the Tawrah we have today is completely unauthentic. And the Injeel that was revealed to Prophet Isa was also the truth and came the replace the Tawrah which was no longer (and still isn't) authentic.

Hence God sent down the Quran to his last and final messenger the Prophet Muhammad, the seal of all prophets and messengers. And the Quran came to replace all the previous scriptures, bibles, whatever you want to call them since they are now unauthentic. So that's why Muslims refer to the Quran as the last revealed book, since it is the final scripture that God has safegurded and protected from corruption and copyright. It came to replace the previous scriptures, and is the true word of God. And it will always be safegurded til the end of time.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2002
They say the Quran is the purest book because it was written together with a group of enemies, I believe 9 of them, I could be wrong. Anyhow they say it was written by people that were all enemies so you know each person would be watchin each person, making sure everything that went into it was the proper word of Allah. I don't know everything about Islam or the Quran but I most of the things I have read in the Quran I can agree or relate to. I've known a lot of hardcore Christians that would kinda talk down on Islam a lil bit, and I changed their views vastly by just reading them certain Suras out the Quran. I read one Sura about how Islam recoginzes Jesus as the Messiah and those guys were suprised and had a whole new found of respect for Islam. But every single book was written by man, one way or another a mortal human being has wrote every book out there. So there is no way of telling which one is the REAL book. So just have faith in the religion you feel is right, and respect all other religions and beliefs and you'll be good. Quran is also the only book I have read that specifically says that all good religious people will make it into heaven whether they are Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc. and that's a fact.
Aug 6, 2006
You're very ignorant, I get this bullshit alot you motherfuckers need to know what you're speaking about before you get into relgious debates, I have been reading a little bit of the Quran, I have a Computerized Quran on my computer for reference, and for the 100th time, ROMAN CATHOLICS in the early church WERE NOT CHRISTIAN! Obviously if you did research you'd know that THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WAS A PAGAN RELIGION, and If you knew what the True Teachings of Yeshua is, then you'd know the Catholic Church is an apostate Church, BECAUSE THEY CHANGED THE LAWS ACCORDING TO THEIR LIKENESS.
Hahaha, whatever dude, they were Christians.. Even if your delusional way of thinking could be confirmed by "facts", your current prophet George W. Bush is engaged in a holy war as we speak on the muslims. You speak as if all Christians are infallible, ridiculous..


Apr 25, 2002
Bible, scripture, doesn't matter what you want to call it.
Again, there is NO EVIDENCE of him ever coming with a book or quoting anything outside of the O.T.

Basically what I'm saying is that the scripture that was revealed to Prophet Musa was the truth, but as I said, was tampered with by mankind.
He NEVER quoted from a book. When was this book tampered with?

Hence the Tawrah we have today is completely unauthentic.
What part of the Torah is corrupt and completely unauthentic.

And the Injeel that was revealed to Prophet Isa was also the truth and came the replace the Tawrah which was no longer (and still isn't) authentic.
Listen, there IS NO INJEEL! The Injeel is a figmant of the imagination of a muslim that is still in the minds of many muslims across the globe. There exists NO EVIDENCE to support the claim of an INJEEL. Yeshua di NOT have a written Gospel, that is a fact, and no where on the planet earth will you find an INJEEL.

Hence God sent down the Quran to his last and final messenger the Prophet Muhammad, the seal of all prophets and messengers. And the Quran came to replace all the previous scriptures, bibles, whatever you want to call them since they are now unauthentic. So that's why Muslims refer to the Quran as the last revealed book, since it is the final scripture that God has safegurded and protected from corruption and copyright. It came to replace the previous scriptures, and is the true word of God. And it will always be safegurded til the end of time.
nhojsmith, who I believe does NOT know much about religion, was still able to shed some light on the Quran and the corruption it is said to contain.
Mar 12, 2005
Carnage said:
Bible, scripture, doesn't matter what you want to call it. Basically what I'm saying is that the scripture that was revealed to Prophet Musa was the truth, but as I said, was tampered with by mankind.
So Islam hasn't? You have differenct Sects Killing each other!!!!

Hence the Tawrah we have today is completely unauthentic.
You don't even have proof of that.
And the Injeel that was revealed to Prophet Isa was also the truth and came the replace the Tawrah which was no longer (and still isn't) authentic.
Yeshua, did more than what you're book tells you. He did not have any books to go by which Heresy Has already told you. He quoted from Heart, WHICH HE HIMSELF told the Prophets before. What about in Genesis, the ENMITY BETWEEN THE WOMAN AND THE SERPENT, he shall bruise the head of the Serpent, and he shall wound Iza. So is that un-authentic as well, or did Mohammad gladly change it to where Iza was just a mere man. There are records of Jesus' exitence. Obviously could Jesus of the new Testament, QUOTE EVERYTHING FROM THE OLD, which he made many references many times? Yes
Hence God sent down the Quran to his last and final messenger the Prophet Muhammad,
who came millenniums after Moses, and hundreds after Yeshua.
And the Quran came to replace all the previous scriptures, bibles, whatever you want to call them since they are now unauthentic.
With you statement, you say God can break his promises, therefore he's a Liar, and a god of contradictions. A god who breaks his promises huh?
So that's why Muslims refer to the Quran as the last revealed book, since it is the final scripture that God has safegurded and protected from corruption and copyright.
Polygamy, abuse towards Women, glorified death in War, you mean to tell me those aren't corrupt?
It came to replace the previous scriptures, and is the true word of God. And it will always be safegurded til the end of time.
According to who? You?
Mar 12, 2005
ParkBoyz said:
Hahaha, whatever dude, they were Christians.. Even if your delusional way of thinking could be confirmed by "facts", your current prophet George W. Bush is engaged in a holy war as we speak on the muslims. You speak as if all Christians are infallible, ridiculous..
You're not even muslim, even that you are a man of apostasy. Don't post if you're not a damn muslim, if you were just a new muslim today, much power to you, but you still haven't gone through everything to be a muslim then come here and Debate.
Aug 6, 2006
You're not even muslim, even that you are a man of apostasy. Don't post if you're not a damn muslim, if you were just a new muslim today, much power to you, but you still haven't gone through everything to be a muslim then come here and Debate.
Haha, I'm a former Christian with copious amounts of knowledge on both topics, so if that's the case ask all of the Christians to refrain also, if only experienced muslims can apply. You must feel threatened because you've been getting your ass beat on the debate side of things lately and I'm starting to feel emotion coming from that way. Okay guy, I'll back off and let the pros go to work. Get em muslims!!
Mar 12, 2005
Aryo said:
read one Sura about how Islam recoginzes Jesus as the Messiah and those guys were suprised and had a whole new found of respect for Islam.
I can respect Islam, but does that Mean I have to conform to the beliefs, and just because it states he is messiah in Islam as well, that means it's the True Religion. The Messiah is God himself Incarnate, there was a ransom to be paid, and a law to be enforced, and he ended it with himself. He is now the Law.

Quran is also the only book I have read that specifically says that all good religious people will make it into heaven whether they are Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc. and that's a fact.
Oh Yeah what's this? Christians and Jews who disbelieve in Muhammad will go to hell. (Al-Bayyinah 98:6)
Mar 12, 2005
ParkBoyz said:
Haha, I'm a former Christian with copious amounts of knowledge on both topics, so if that's the case ask all of the Christians to refrain also, if only experienced muslims can apply. You must feel threatened because you've been getting your ass beat on the debate side of things lately and I'm starting to feel emotion coming from that way. Okay guy, I'll back off and let the pros gp to work. Get em muslims!!
I haven't been refuted in now way, neither am I getting my ass whooped in this debate. You're comment about the Crusades and George Bush as Christians, is enough for me to refrain when you make statements towards Christianity. I don't feel threatened why Should I? And if you're going to root for the muslims because of what they have presented, Ride your own shit, I learned, you can't ride on what people said. So come up with a stronger argument, If I was a Muslim looking to accept you as a Christian, I wouldn't know what to do. Maybe Laugh? You can't even get your facts right.

Aug 6, 2006
Like I said, I'll just back off because you're getting upset, you're cursing me out and everything, lol.. I'm better with the science side of things anyways and I ain't tryna slip up and talk about things that I'm still learning about. So yea, have fun at school too, peace!