ArYo said:
They say the Quran is the purest book because it was written together with a group of enemies, I believe 9 of them, I could be wrong. Anyhow they say it was written by people that were all enemies so you know each person would be watchin each person, making sure everything that went into it was the proper word of Allah. I don't know everything about Islam or the Quran but I most of the things I have read in the Quran I can agree or relate to. I've known a lot of hardcore Christians that would kinda talk down on Islam a lil bit, and I changed their views vastly by just reading them certain Suras out the Quran. I read one Sura about how Islam recoginzes Jesus as the Messiah and those guys were suprised and had a whole new found of respect for Islam. But every single book was written by man, one way or another a mortal human being has wrote every book out there. So there is no way of telling which one is the REAL book. So just have faith in the religion you feel is right, and respect all other religions and beliefs and you'll be good. Quran is also the only book I have read that specifically says that all good religious people will make it into heaven whether they are Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc. and that's a fact.