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Jan 11, 2006
According to reports on, Eurogamer, and NeoGAF, Sony's PlayStation Network password reset system-the one just put in place after the PSN hack-has been compromised, allowing hackers to change a PSN password if they know your email and date of birth. Exactly the sort of information that was released in the original hack.

Sony has taken the password reset system offline. Kotaku has reached out to Sony for comment.

Update 1: The good news (as pointed out by NeoGAF's "Metalmurphy") is that if your account was compromised, you should have gotten an email from PSN that says your password has been reset.

Update 2: An official community moderator on the EU PlayStation forums notes the following services are offline:
PlayStation forums
PlayStation Blog
Music Unlimited via the web client
All PlayStation game title websites

Update 3: This is the purported exploit as provided to Kotaku. As PlayStation services are now offline, this exploit is no longer able to be executed:

The prodecure is as follows:
1) Navigate to : (this is normally, via email, with the y's being a unique token) - do not enter the code at this point.
2) Open a new tab in firefox, and go to (other pages will work too most likely), and click Login (Connexion)
3) Click Recover password
4) Enter the email and date of birth of the target account
5) Click continue, then on the confirmation page, click "Reset using E-mail"
6) Switch back to the original tab, and enter the code, then click continue
7) You will now be asked to enter a new password for the target account


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
how do the free games work do they go by ip or by each system? id like to get 2 games on one ps3 and the other 2 on my other one. or is it just for one household?
Dec 4, 2006
the 3.61 update fucked up my PS3 ... I can't play MLB 10 The Show online...

I can't save downloaded movies to my PS3 anymore ...

Sony kind of pissing me off..
Dec 4, 2006
i don't know man...the fact that i can't save movies from my micro sd card to my ps3 buggin me out...

and i can't get online on mlb 10 the gonna email them assholes and see whats up..


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
i don't know man...the fact that i can't save movies from my micro sd card to my ps3 buggin me out...

and i can't get online on mlb 10 the gonna email them assholes and see whats up..

id call customer support over an email...

does the ps3 give an explanation why it wont save anymore? what is the format of movies?
Oct 9, 2008
the 3.61 update fucked up my PS3 ... I can't play MLB 10 The Show online...

I can't save downloaded movies to my PS3 anymore ...

Sony kind of pissing me off..
Don't know if you're playing this but...

Update 2: Sony and Rockstar Games have issued the following joint statement.

"We have received a very small number of customer support questions about PS3s overheating or shutting down while playing L.A. Noire. At this time, Rockstar Games and Sony can confirm that neither L.A. Noire or firmware update 3.61 are causing the PS3 hardware to overheat. We are both committed to working hard to find solutions to this and any issues that may arise. If you are experiencing any issues with L.A. Noire or your PS3 hardware, please contact technical support using any of the means provided below:

Rockstar Support
Rockstar Support on Twitter
PlayStation 3 Support"

Update 1: A Sony spokesperson has told EDGE that the firmware 3.61 is not responsible for L.A. Noire overheating issues. Sony also went on to say that "Rockstar have now updated their FAQ on the matter, have admitted that it is a fault with their latest title LA Noire and have offered a work around. It should also be noted that the issue with this title is not PS3 specific and is also affecting other consoles."

Rockstar Support is advising affected users to delete their game data (not their save data) from their PS3 or clear their cache on Xbox 360. Rockstar are currently describing such incidents as "isolated crashes."

Original Story: Sony's 3.61 firmware patch for the PS3, which attempted to secure consoles after the PSN breach, could be making older machines freeze or switch off.

This claim originated on an official Rockstar support page. However, this page has since been taken down, and Rockstar have stressed that this was not an official statement. The information was sourced by a member of their customer support team from the European PlayStation boards.

When the page was active, Rockstar support detailed "reports of PS3s overheating while playing L.A. Noire or beeping three times before shutting down/turning themselves off, mostly on older 60GB and 80GB fat models."

And that it was "confirmed locally that multiple games (Rockstar and non-Rockstar) overheat or freeze only when 3.61 is installed."

Again, Rockstar have stressed that this was not an official statement. When contacted for comment, Sony said, "We don't comment on rumours or speculation about our products."