Pat Buchanan’s Anti-Hispanic Rhetoric Echoes Earlier Anti-Immigrant Hysteria «

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Feb 10, 2006
Yet, why is it that you are still here, have YET to make plans to leave and have YET to do ANYTHING that will CHANGE the way this country operates? I DON'T care for this country, and people on this board who have watched me post over the years have saw me make this VERY CLEAR, however I plan to LEAVE this country. YOU plan to STAY in this country. Do you see teh difference, chap?
If you dont care for this country why do you defend its unjust,RACIST laws,bitch?Youre a patriotic white amerikkkan,youre not fooling anyone,you lunatic.


Apr 25, 2002
Mexico is on north america.If your ancestors are from mexico then they are from america.
Mexico is not "on" anything. Mexico is a PART of North America. Again, not all illegals have ancestry that inhabited the regions that were purchased from Mexico. Not all illegals have ancestry that places them in what is now known as the united states. This is a FACT.

There was no magic wall that seperated what we now call mexico from what we now call the USA.The borders didnt come until whites came,murdered and fucked over the natives,and created the borders.
Mexico did not encompass all of the united states. This is a fact and any person with basic knowledge will tell you this. As to the borders that is up for debate, because it is a fact that some tribes stayed away from other tribes and established borders based on trade or war. Were they as defined as the ones made by whites? No.

I see no logical reason as to how the USA,a white supremicist entity,is entitled to anything.Whites are NOT indigenous to North America.
Again, lay off the emotionally charged posts and deal with the scientific evidence that has been posted (and yet to be refuted.)

Fuck this country.IT HAS NO RIGHT TO EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE.Want to send some immigrants back,start with the 200 million or so europeons that are here.Until then shut the fuck up.Youre not black and youre not fooling anyone.
LMAO! You prove your intelligence everytime you make a foolish post boy. You saying "fuck you" or "you aren't black" does nothing to me, but does EVERYTHING for me. It makes my job of making you look like a DUMMY that much EASIER, so by all means CONTINUE with the insults!!!
Feb 10, 2006
Mexico is not "on" anything. Mexico is a PART of North America. Again, not all illegals have ancestry that inhabited the regions that were purchased from Mexico. Not all illegals have ancestry that places them in what is now known as the united states. This is a FACT.
Mexico,like the United States,is an entity on the North American continent.The land we call mexico existed long before it was called that.So did the land we call the USA.People were on this land long before it was called these things also.Guess what?the people you call illegals are descended from these people.Most of the 200 million whites that make up the USA dont.So how are they somehow right for being here and these others are wrong?

LMAO! You prove your intelligence everytime you make a foolish post boy. You saying "fuck you" or "you aren't black" does nothing to me, but does EVERYTHING for me. It makes my job of making you look like a DUMMY that much EASIER, so by all means CONTINUE with the insults!!!

The only person who looks dumb is you,trying to explain how whites,who are descendants of invaders,land thieves and murderers,have a right to land on north american soil,but those who descend from NATIVE north americans (which brown skinned mexicans do) dont.
Feb 10, 2006
Thats typical HONKEY,DEVIL logic,which is irrational and hypocritical.If anyone has no right to this land its whites.

''.we flat out stole this land,immigrated here by the masses, and now its rightfully ours,and youre wrong for trying to live on it,even though your ancestors were here before our backstabbing,greedy ancestors came.''


Apr 25, 2002
What is an ''illegal''?Arent mexicans earthlings?This is earth right?If 200 million europeons can stay here,anyone else can.Point blank.And stop claiming my race you white bitch.
An illegal is someone who comes here illegally. Why I have to explain this is beyond me. 200 million whites came here when it was not packed and when no economic infrastrure (like this one) was currently in place. 200 million of ANY race should NOT come here at THIS time because the country will NOT sustain itself. As far as me being a white bitch and "claiming your race", you are a silly little boy who can't even use his computer to properly reply to messages on the internet. You telling me to "stop" doing anything is a waste of your time and siccness bandwidth.

Why am I here?Because Im an earthling,and this is earth.I dont have a problem with the land mass of north america.
ROFL!!! This is quite possibly the most DUMBEST thing I have read on the siccness. Everyone take a good look at this mans statement. His statements prove without a doubt that he is uneducated and is lacking in basic comprehension skills. Here it is that this man is constantly bashing america and he has made NO PLANS to leave this country. When asked why he is still here he tells us that he does not have a problem with the "land mass of north america"!!! LMAO!!!! I am SO glad that you're not the only representative for the black race, for if you we would be back in PHYSICAL slavery as soon as you opened your mouth.

If you dont care for this country why do you defend its unjust,RACIST laws,bitch?Youre a patriotic white amerikkkan,youre not fooling anyone,you lunatic.
LMAO! Defending what laws? You defend the laws everytime you choose to NOT break them.
May 2, 2002
loyalty, you're making yourself look really fuckin stupid. everytime you post something, you come off as even more ignorant. stop while you're far behind.
Feb 10, 2006
An illegal is someone who comes here illegally. Why I have to explain this is beyond me. 200 million whites came here when it was not packed and when no economic infrastrure (like this one) was currently in place. 200 million of ANY race should NOT come here at THIS time because the country will NOT sustain itself. As far as me being a white bitch and "claiming your race", you are a silly little boy who can't even use his computer to properly reply to messages on the internet. You telling me to "stop" doing anything is a waste of your time and siccness bandwidth.

The USA is a white racist country which you admitted.Therefore its laws are null and void.Therefore,those who they call illegal,are not really illegal.:cheeky:

ROFL!!! This is quite possibly the most DUMBEST thing I have read on the siccness. Everyone take a good look at this mans statement. His statements prove without a doubt that he is uneducated and is lacking in basic comprehension skills. Here it is that this man is constantly bashing america and he has made NO PLANS to leave this country. When asked why he is still here he tells us that he does not have a problem with the "land mass of north america"!!! LMAO!!!! I am SO glad that you're not the only representative for the black race, for if you we would be back in PHYSICAL slavery as soon as you opened your mouth.
I dont bash the land mass that I live on.I bash the white supremicist entity on it.I hate the majority of the 200 or so million europeons that are here,not the LAND that my feet comes in contact with everytime I walk out the house.Get it?Im an earthing and I dont have to respect racists to live anywhere on earth.

And as far as your slavery comment,its further proof that youre just a white devil.
Feb 10, 2006
PHX Sun said:
loyalty, you're making yourself look really fuckin stupid. everytime you post something, you come off as even more ignorant. stop while you're far behind.

Only a honkey would think the truth is stupid or ignorant.You people are nuts.Youre probably the same guy as Heresay.


Apr 25, 2002
Mexico,like the United States,is an entity on the North American continent.The land we call mexico existed long before it was called that.So did the land we call the USA.People were on this land long before it was called these things also
But MANY of these people were NOT mexican citizens and a lot of the land was NOT part of mexico. This is a fact.

Guess what?the people you call illegals are descended from these people.
Some are some are not.

Most of the 200 million whites that make up the USA dont.So how are they somehow right for being here and these others are wrong?
They are wrong because mexico AGREED to give up the land for a large amount of money (at that time) and for certain benefits. The way people SHOULD address the issue is very simple. Attack it from a WRITTEN AGREEMENT/CONTRACT perspective instead of a "this land is our land" perspective. Again, their are arguments to support that the united states may have violated its agreement with mexico, and since this is a country ran as a BUSINESS it is only logical to address the mistreatment in like fashion.

Also, why do mexicans have teh right to be HERE when NATIVE AMERICANS get treated like ninth class citizens in mexico? Why is it that the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT is WORSE than the american one when it comes to illegal immigration or immigration in general?

The only person who looks dumb is you,trying to explain how whites,who are descendants of invaders,land thieves and murderers,have a right to land on north american soil,
I am not defending whites. I am defending the american population who currently live here and this population is comprised of people from ALL parts of teh globe. My ENTIRE position is this country cannot sustain the influx of illegal immigrants, and it doesn't matter WHERE they come from, but the fact that they come from a country with a high poverty level makes it worse.

but those who descend from NATIVE north americans (which brown skinned mexicans do) dont.
IF you or anyone else arguing that all Natives from the Americas are related actually believed in the principles you are so adamantly arguing for, than you would be compelled to make the SAME argument for Northern Native Americans right to enter into Mexican territory, as you believe all of this land (the America’s) is rightfully Native American territory. Why then are you only arguing for Mexican’s ability to enter into the US as it is “their land” and not for Northern Native Americans right to reside in Mexico or become citizens, as by your argument that is their land as well?


Thats typical HONKEY,DEVIL logic,which is irrational and hypocritical.If anyone has no right to this land its whites.

''wow.we flat out stole this land but its rightfully ours,and youre wrong for trying to live on it''
My argument is NOT about who is entitled to this land. My argument is about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and the results of it if it is not limited.
Feb 10, 2006
An illegal is someone who comes here illegally. Why I have to explain this is beyond me. 200 million whites came here when it was not packed and when no economic infrastrure (like this one) was currently in place. 200 million of ANY race should NOT come here at THIS time because the country will NOT sustain itself. As far as me being a white bitch and "claiming your race", you are a silly little boy who can't even use his computer to properly reply to messages on the internet. You telling me to "stop" doing anything is a waste of your time and siccness bandwidth.
The millions of mexicans coming here dont give a fuck about sustaining this racist country.They are out to use it for thier own personal gain,just like whites have used blacks,native americans,and everyone else for thiers.Tough luck bitch,thieves cant hold on to stolen property forever.
Feb 10, 2006
I am not defending whites.
Yes you are.Only whites benefit by keeping the country mostly white,which is what this whole 'illegal' situation is really done argueing with your fictional character,you pig devil.Fuck you and fuck the USA,I hate you,and what you stand for.Fuck the borders,let em in,besides,I like latinas anyway the more the merrier


Apr 25, 2002
The USA is a white racist country which you admitted.Therefore its laws are null and void.Therefore,those who they call illegal,are not really illegal.
Everyone, this is the result of FAILURE in this mans home and educational system.

I dont bash the land mass that I live on.
You just said "fuck america" almost 900 times in 4 or 5 posts!!! Do you not live in america?

I bash the white supremicist entity on it
You "bash the white supremicist entity on it"? Guy, that makes NO sense whatsoever, for if it where true you would say "FUCK THE GOVERNMENT" or "FUCK THE ELITE". Instead, you are saying "fuck america" LMAO!!!

hate the majority of the 200 or so million europeons that are here,not the LAND that my feet comes in contact with everytime I walk out the house.Get it?Im an earthing and I dont have to respect racists to live anywhere on earth.
Someone can call you a racist or accuse you of discrimination based on the slurs/epithets you're using. You ADMIT that you HATE white people, so can it be said that YOU are a racist?

And as far as your slavery comment,its further proof that youre just a white devil
No, White Devil doesn't have as many posts as I do, nor is he as good looking.

The millions of mexicans coming here dont give a fuck about sustaining this racist country.They are out to use it for thier own personal gain,just like whites have used blacks,native americans,and everyone else for thiers.Tough luck bitch,thieves cant hold on to stolen property forever.

The good thing about this is YOU will STILL be in america when everything IS used up and you'll fall waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below the poverty level as a result of it.
Feb 10, 2006
You just said "fuck america" almost 900 times in 4 or 5 posts!!! Do you not live in america?

Let me be specific.Fuck the United States of America,not the continent of North America.You know,the racist nation founded by George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,etc.Something that has been aniti-me from the jump,so no sane person would wonder why i would say such a thing.
You "bash the white supremicist entity on it"? Guy, that makes NO sense whatsoever, for if it where true you would say "FUCK THE GOVERNMENT" or "FUCK THE ELITE". Instead, you are saying "fuck america" LMAO!!!
Because your average everyday US citizen is a racist and in fact chooses who will be in the government.What I really mean is fuck white people and thier lying,hypcocritical, nutty ways.

Someone can call you a racist or accuse you of discrimination based on the slurs/epithets you're using. You ADMIT that you HATE white people, so can it be said that YOU are a racist?
I dont hate whites because of thier race,its because most of them,like you,have a perverted sense of right and wrong and somehow see themselves as right,no matter how blatently wrong they are.For example:enslave peoplee for hundreds of years and then discriminate against them and treat them as second class citizens,and magically not owe them anything.Or take land through thievery and murder,flood it with your people,using a racist immigration policy,and suddenly its rightfully yours and indigenous inhabitants of the continent are somehow wrong for wanting to stay on the land.You know,the usual sick white mindstate.

The good thing about this is YOU will STILL be in america when everything IS used up and you'll fall waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below the poverty level as a result of it.
A huge chunk of my people are below the poverty line anyway, because you see,the USA doesnt give a shit about us anyway,and does not include our well being in its definition of a good economy.This is why I dont care weather the system falls or not,because I will make it in spite of it,as my people always have.The USA=by whites for whites.I'm Black.Therefore,fuck the USA.Get it bitch?


Apr 25, 2002
Let me be specific.Fuck the United States of America,not the continent of North America.
Do you not live in the united states of america? LMAO! You are saying "fuck the place I was born in and the place I live in", but you have made NO ATTEMPTS to LEAVE this place you are strongly against nor have you made any attempts to CHANGE anything here.

You know,the racist nation founded by George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,etc.Something that has been aniti-me from the jump,so no sane person would wonder why i would say such a thing.
The racist nation you currently inhabit? The same racist nation your parents inhabit? This place IS "anti" yet YOU are NOT making ANY moves to LEAVE the country or CHANGE the system.

Because your average everyday US citizen is a racist and in fact chooses who will be in the government.

Just when I thought you had ran out of dumb shit to type you pull this one. Listen, the average american citizen, no matter what color he or she is, DOES NOT CHOOSE WHO WILL BE IN THE GOVERNMENT ON A NATIONAL LEVEL. On a local level? Yes. National level? NO!

What I really mean is fuck white people and thier lying,hypcocritical, nutty ways.
"I really meant this" oh..."I really mean that."

I dont hate whites because of thier race,its because most of them,like you,have a perverted sense of right and wrong and somehow see themselves as right,no matter how blatently wrong they are.
I couldn't care less about your reasons for hating whites, but the fact is you danced around my question and want to insult me in hopes of thinking that I will concentrate on them instead of addressing your blatent stupidity. Boy, I will not do this, so save your insults for someone who actually cares and stick to what has been posted.

A huge chunk of my people are below the poverty line anyway, because you see,the USA doesnt give a shit about us anyway,and does not include our well being in its definition of a good economy.
The united states of america values the black dollar which is why black americans spend so much money OUTSIDE OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY. On the real, have you READ or HEARD the anti-black rhetoric coming from the mexican NATIONALS? What do you think will happen to blacks in the long run? If blacks are already down and out and more people come who are down and out what do you think will happen?

This is why I dont care weather the system falls or not,because I will make it in spite of it,as my people always have.
How are you going to make it when you are barely making it now? LMAO! What plans have you made in case shit hits the fan tommorow? Are you going to trust in God to save you and protect you when you are hungry? What tangibles have you invested in? Where can you go? Do you know how to live off the land? Can you live without the luxuries you currently experience on a daily basis? If you answered NONE, NO, NOWHERE or NOTHING to at LEAST one of these you're lost.

The USA=by whites for whites.Get it bitch?
Yet you are still here, boy.
May 17, 2002
It feels good to see that my folks are still on their shit.

Whatitdo :H:

What Up 206, EDJ, Smurf, and the host of other homies I ain't chopped it up with in a while.

I stay on some next shit. still watching y'all

but I digress.

y'all keep beating it out.