Pat Buchanan’s Anti-Hispanic Rhetoric Echoes Earlier Anti-Immigrant Hysteria «

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Apr 25, 2002
[-KoRp$-]559 said:
I agree with Heresyies views for the most part, hes not putting down Mexicans as most pro immgration guys put it, but actually being a realist. I lived in mexico for 3 years and then moved back to cali when I was younger, My views of being there in Mexico was it was a corrupt ass place to be. In School they throw the mexican flag in your face and do a whole "desfile" like a march with the whole mexican anthem. This is done at a early age so you know Mexican pride is pushed like a mofo. Shit is so corrupt, In First Grade the teachers subsititute was her son (or at least thats what she told us) and he made us kids fight each other to see who was the toughest everytime he took over. Now I threw out this example because I believe 80% of people there are corrupt minded the rest are just gullible and go with the flow because of Mexican Pride pushed. When we moved back to Cali shit it was like takin a fresh breath being taken back to the 90s instead of stuck in the 70s in Mexico cuz thats how it felt.

Miggs if you came threw Fresno, Kings, Tulare Counties here in the valley youd be in shock of how many 2nd generation Mexican-Americans cant speak English well and or read at that. A lot of drop out rates because of perents visiting Mexico and not coming back till mid year or not even that, All in which hindering the whole childs education in the U.S. Some Mexican perents even discourage going to school, and would rather their kids work even at a young age in the fields.
And this man is speaking from experience.


Apr 25, 2002
Heresy, Sorry for taking so long, finally had some free time.

The fact that the real history isn't taught only adds to the fact that what these people are reacting to is the oppression they have been facing for generations and continue to do so.
Teaching starts at home, and it is on the person to CHOOSE if they will continue in ignorance or seek intelligence. A lot of black history was NOT taught in school, and it continues to not be taught in school, but that does not give anyone (including myself) the right to break the law. If they are not teaching certain facts or certain histories in school it is then on the people (the race/group) or the parents to instill these truths.

The reason why it should not be used for justification is because they are not attacking the real problem. The real problem is the mexican government, and no matter how many times a person tries to spin it blame needs to fall back on the mexican government. Does it fall on them solely? No, america shares some blame (due to capitalism), but to keep implying the land was "stolen" and using that as justification for taking over an economic/political infrastructure is lunacy.

If the system needs change, then the people should do what needs to be done in order to make that change. Whether it is protesting, marching, etc.
Protest in mexico.

You seem to be really impressed with the civil rights movement, your same argument could be said (and was) about that movement. If the system is failing people, it requires change.
Fact: The majority of civil rights activist in america were legal citizens.

Fact: The civil rights activist were protesting in the country they were BORN in and not countries their ancestors stem from.

Fact: The mexican people are doing more prostests in america than in mexico.

Fact: The mexican government is a major contributor to the economic plight of mexican people.


Your comparison of the civil rights movement to the current movement of america is shabby. Why? You didn't see african americans saying "this land is our land and we need rights because our ancestors were slaves." When they protested and fought for civil rights they did so because their views were "WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS AND WE ARE EQUAL". The messages are COMPLETELY different, and while you may have had some radical movements (and no I'm not talking about the panthers), you still have movements and messengers of peace that fought in a different way.

Yes, under the current law they are criminals. But, from my perspective as well as many others, the law is a bunch of bull shit.
The perspectives of others and yourself may be food for thought here, and it may even be food for thought to someone offline, but the bottom line is it holds no weight over the laws of this land and the u.s. constitution. Just because you believe something is B.S. doesn't actually make it B.S.

And since I believe this, the fact that I'm breaking the law by aiding an illegal immigrant means absolutely nothing to me because I know that what I am doing is the correct thing to do. Fuck the Law.
Thats on you, and if you want to be considered a felon and have to experience all the hardships that come with being one go ahead and be my guest. Now, also remember, when you say "fuck the law" I can GUARANTEE you that if something happens to one of your loved ones, and you don't have the ability to handle the matter yourself, you'll PRAY for "the law" to help you out.

WE WERE HERE FIRST! That cannot be disputed.
No, it can be disputed, and if you read my posts regarding this matter (in two other threads) you'll see the evidence/links I presented. Because I posted the evidence does that mean I agree with it? No, it simply means another view worthy of consideration has been presented.

The land wasn't technically "stolen", but please read about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the circumstances surrounding it and you'll understand why.
I already discussed it in another thread. While I did not specifically mention the name of the treaty, I did mention the land that was not stolen and the monetary compensation that was rewarded and the mexican governments choice to do all of this. So, with that being said, why do we have all the "this land was stolen" rhetoric coming from the illegal immigration side, but even more importantly WHAT VIOLATION OF THE TREATY HAS OCCURED? If violations of the treaty have occured (there are arguments for this), more emphasis should be placed on this instead of "we were here first".

The thing that you are missing is that Mexicans are a mixture of both European and Indian blood.
The thing you are missing is that I've already stated this MANY times in the past immigration threads, and the other thing you're missing is the fact that a lot of mexicans have AFRIKAN blood in them, but considering the FACT that the majority of mexicans in america identify as WHITE, I can see the reason why you would possibly leave this out and place a partial emphasis on europeans.

Native Americans have their own land here in the United States, they recieve aide from the government because of what happened in the past. The Natives of the Americas have many things in common and are very similar in culture, yet because we have Spanish in us as well, we don't get our indigenous past recognized. In fact, too many Mexicans disregard their true indigenous past which adds more to the ignorance involved while making these border laws.
What you fail to realize is that the united states government often VIOLATED its deals with native americans, so it is ok to break them off a piece, and in my opinion they should probably be given more, but unfortunately that will never happen. The thing is people are using the "we are related to natives" rhetoric simply for economic and political gain. Tell me about the treatment of natives in mexico.

Here is a question that was asked by MR. NICE GUY, and to this day no logical answer has been provided:

IF you or anyone else arguing that all Natives from the Americas are related actually believed in the principles you are so adamantly arguing for, than you would be compelled to make the SAME argument for Northern Native Americans right to enter into Mexican territory, as you believe all of this land (the America’s) is rightfully Native American territory. Why then are you only arguing for Mexican’s ability to enter into the US as it is “their land” and not for Northern Native Americans right to reside in Mexico or become citizens, as by your argument that is their land as well?
Please answer this question.

Mexicans should be treated in a similar fashion to Native Americans because we are partly the same. Now, I am not talking about reperations or anything like that, but I would like to see more schools dedicated to teaching our indigenous past and I also would like for these people trying to pass these border laws to understand that we were here first
Understanding if you were here first, second, third, fourth or LAST is NOT important in the grand scheme of things. What IS important is the FACT that this land is now controlled by a certain group of people, and these people control the laws. Ok, so you were here first, and?????? What does that mean? How does that entitle you to anything?

half of us has been here thousands of years.
Where is the proof of this?

What is the difference between these people being easily influenced this way, and others being easily influenced to be against immigration.
No difference exists, but in MY case the difference is the METHOD of persuasion and the results of it. One who is easily influenced to be against illegal immigration will not take the time to look at both sides objectively, do the research and formulate an opinion based on the findings.

Fact: The majority of people these days, especially in this country, are morons and are very easily influenced.

Don't act like the people in these marches are the only ones.
No one is acting as if the people in the marches are the only ones who are morons and easily influenced. If that is what you get from my posts I feel sorry for you. Now, can you show me an instance of were I have done this? If no instance exists why would you tell me to not act like it?

There is no other motive because like I have said many times, the main purpose of these marches was to show people the numbers of people who are here working and trying to make a living.
No, the motive was very simple and it goes back to the core message of nationalists. Watch the links I posted.

These marches were made to show people that they are NOT criminals, but everyday working people like everyone else here.
No, the majority of the marches I have watched or read about have a lot to do with the nationalist agenda and message. Watch the links I posted.

The difference is that they are considered illegal. But in no way shape or form are they like other criminals, they may be considered it because of the law, but that is it.
They ARE like other criminals because they are BREAKING the current laws of this country. Are they commiting Type 1 crimes or Mala In Se? NO! Is illegal immigration Mala Prohibita? YES! So, you are incorrect in stating "in no way shape or form are they like other criminals.", and I suggest you learn the DIFFERENCES in crime (types) and study penal code before you respond to this one.

The legal process of becoming citizens is so backtracked that it takes years upon years upon years to become a citizen here or to get here legally. Also, when the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, it stated that Mexicans were to be treated differently than immigrants from other countries because of the Mexican/US relationship. Mexicans were supposed to have a special privilage when it came to the border and immigration.
So, because it is backtracked one should break the law? Also, I see more provisions for mexicans who were already in america as opposed to those who were not. Do provisions exist for those who were not here? Possibly, and thats on YOU to bring it to the light, and if you do THIS is what emphasis should be placed on; THE VIOLATION OF A WRITTEN AGREEMENT.

I can see that you are obviously very impressed with what blacks did in this country, and it is easly understandable. The civil rights movement did very many good things. They had to sacrifice a lot and many people died fighting. The Chicano movement can be tied in with the civil rights movement as well, so it wasn't only blacks.
No one has implied that the PAST chicano movement can not be tied in to civil rights, nor has anyone implied that the civil righst were only blacks. However, the FACTS show the MAJORITY of people who fought and DIED for civil rights in america WERE black, and these people had NO INFRASTRUCTURE to rely on outside of the american one. The same cannot be said for Mexicans, Jews, Asians, Arabs etc.

But, what exactly did they gain? Black people are still the poorest, black people still get harrassed by police, black people still don't have that much representation in the government. What exactly is so great about today?
First of all, part of the reason these things occur is because blacks in america have NEVER had a TRUE infrastructure to rely on, nor do the majority of blacks have a HISTORY or CULTURE they can truly identify with. Mexicans in america can trace their lineage to mexico and have a strong sense of culture. A lot of the beliefs were handed down from generation to generation and are still carried on to this day. The same cannot be said about blacks in america because most do not know what parts of afrika they come from, and afrikan culture was stripped from blacks on purpose. Mexicans from mexico have the ability to come to america and "make it" because they have TWO systems they can utilize. Can you say the same for blacks?

What exactly is so great about today? Well for starters I have the right to attend college, run my business, purchase property, vote and do things that only white males were allowed to do. I have the ability to live my life as a HUMAN BEING and not as 3/5 of a human or an animal. I have the ability to do things that ALL MEN should be afforded. YOU probably will NEVER understand this because you do NOT understand the struggles of afrikan people in america and you don't know their history. Do blacks in america have problems? Yes, and anyone who knows me will tell you I'm VERY vocal about these problems, however change does not come overnight. You had Jim Crow laws all the way up till the 1960's, so technically blacks have only been "equal" for around 40-50 years. Also, with the assasination of black leaders, the systematic destruction of black families (single parent homes, freeway rick/crack epidemic) what do you expect? You expect blacks to be on top like whites who have been on top for 400 years, or like the so-called jews who have benefitted from slavery? Better yet, how about mexican immigrants who have two infrastructures?

I am not taking anything away from the great things that came from the movements in the 60's, but you are acting like black people MADE it.
No I'm not and the next time you accuse me of doing something I am not doing my gloves will come off. I have been respectful up til this point, but if you don't want me to spin this thread in another direction I suggest you keep it cool and refrain from accusations. If I appear to be doing something or you don't understand what I am trying to convey, it is better to ask for clarification or pose a question.

As far as acting as if black people have made it this is not the case. However, black people have the CHANCE to make it IF black people practice the same techniques the so-called Jews and Asians practice. Black people will have the chance to make it IF black people place less emphasis on materialism and adopt forms of social conservatism. What you are missing is the FACT that I am saying blacks died for what they believed in and didn't use the "easier said than done" cop out that pro immigration people use when they are told mexicans need to protest and change the mexican government. Regardless of what results you are not aware of results HAVE come from the civil rights movement, and blacks do have a long way to go, so stick to what has been said instead of relying on fallicies to further your argument.

If Congalangus Rice and Colon Powell equal black people making it to you, than I honestly don't know what to say to you.
No one mentioned them, and they are globalists. Here is a black guy that is making it:

Blacks and other minorities are FAR from being equal. Let's just say that everyone in this country now has equal civil rights regardless of race, gender, etc, which is not true by the way. But, what good is having equal rights when economically there is no way in hell that there will ever be an equality. Whites have so much money and power in this country that equal civil rights don't mean shit when it comes to economics.
The majority of whites in america don't have much power. Yes, some of them may be allowed more rights or privelages than others, but a poor white male is in the same boat as a poor black male when you really look at it. The good part about having civil rights is you now have the ability to at least ATTEMPT to carve your own path. Whites have money and power in america, but that money and power is reserved for the "haves and have mores". Equal civil rights DO mean shit if you have the ability to make money, save, build an infrastructure, open your own banks, and keep the dollar amongst your people and in your community. BLACK WALL STREET is a PRIME EXAMPLE of this, but look what happened? They were not treated equal and the place was DESTROYED. So, you are INCORRECT when saying civil rights don't mean shit when it comes to economics, because one CAN'T make a dollar and utilize it if one has limited rights.

I will address the rest of your post tommorow afternoon.
Feb 10, 2006
but a poor white male is in the same boat as a poor black male when you really look at it.
Thats not true.Due to the fact that the USA is a white supremicist,racist country,even white criminals get better treatment in society than black law abiders.BTW,I have actual proof of this.


Apr 25, 2002

If you have the time, please read this very good essay by Karl Marx explaining what I am talking about here.
OK, I read it. What is your point?

The point of all this is that blacks and all other minorities are part of a bigger picture in this country, they are just part of the poor and exploited lower class.
Any person who has taken an intro to sociology class and has the ability to read for themselves knows this. What is your reason for stating this? I have already stated in this thread that immigrants (both legal and illegal) are exploited, yet YOU want the exploitation to continue.

Now, I'm sure you'll say that what do illegal Mexicans have to do with this movement, but like Mr. Trotsky, I believe that the movement has to be worldwide and not just in one country. There is a minority of people which have too much power, the NWO or whatever. It doesn't matter to me, the fact is that people are running this show with the masses not aware of it and more importantly not doing anything about it. A movement in just one country is easily stopped or controlled (Cuba, Venezuela). But, a worldwide movement is a completely different story.
You are missing the point and arguing something of little value. We are not discussing the movements of Cuba or Venezuela because it appears that these countries are not controlled by the american government. You are attempting to side-step the issue and sweep it under the rug by making this a worldwide issue, when it doesn't need to be one. The bottom line is this is an IMMIGRATION issue, and you trying to justify the mexican nationalist movement by saying a large movement needs to occur is doing a diservice to Trotsky and yourself.

And I won't dance around your question, look at what is going on in Mexico right now.
I have asked something specific several times now and I have YET to receive an answer from you. Yes, you ARE dancing around the question.

THERE ARE protests happening there and things are starting to unfold. More people are becoming radicalized and it's only a matter of time before something major goes down.
They are protesting the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. They are NOT protesting the IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS and LACK of ECONOMIC STABILITY in Mexico. Also, more people ARE becoming radicalized, but your previous statements don't seem to confirm this. In fact they seem to DENY this.

What was so wrong about the Berlin wall? To me, it was the fact that it seperated families and a people as a whole.
I HONESTLY don't believe you know anything about the Berlin Wall. Do you realize that both the east and west were war torn, the west became a fast growing industrialized nation, but that the east constructed the wall to stop its citizens from emigrating to the west? It appears that you are comparing america to east germany, and this is LUNACY because american citizens are NOT emigrating to mexico to the point where it causes an economic problem. Can the same be said about Mexico and its citizens coming to america? NO!

The same can be said for this wall, period. The purposes are different, but the results are the same and this is why I am against the wall at the border. IMO the negatives of the wall outweigh the positives by a lot.
The ONLY negative you have provided is that it will seperate families and people as a whole. I have YET to see you mention how money will be saved or lost, how disease will be less or more, how economic collapse could arise because of it, or how the mortality rates will change. Basically, you haven't said ANYTHING of remote importance as to why a wall shouldn't be built.

I am implying that a wall will not stop people from coming here. But, it will seperate families and make it a lot harder for people to go back and forth. A wall would make the numbers less, but it definetely will not stop the whole movement. So like I said above, negatives outweigh the positives.
The purpose of the wall is not to stop the whole movement. The purpose of the wall is to curtail illegal immigration.

The problem of overpopulation is not just a US problem, but a worldwide problem.
Please, stick to the topic and stop trying to spin this. We are discussing america, mexico and other countries that contribute to immigration status of this country. I am sorry, but we are NOT talking about the world and the worlds population problems.

And the US should not ignore their responsibility as citizens of this earth by thinking that they are special and deserve more than others outside of the country.
People outside of this country are not citizens of this country, but you have to make sure home is taken care of FIRST. Are you going to go and feed a homeless man two cities over if your daughter is sitting at your table starving with nothing to eat? A yes or no answer will suffice.

This is where the resources are, so this is where the people will come. What is this country doing to solve the problem of overpopulation and pollution and everything connected?
For starters they are trying to curb illegal immigration, and if you watched the video I posted illegal immigration is a MAJOR contributor to overpopulation, pollution and everything connected.

I don't know the exact number, but this country uses a HUGE amount of the world's resources and I personally don't think people here are more special than people elsewhere.
Again, you are arguing something that really has nothing to do with much of anything, but you just made my job a bit easier. If this country already uses a HUGE amount of the world's resources what will happen if MORE PEOPLE come here? Will the use of resources go UP or go DOWN? Please answer the question.

So the fact that people coming here illegaly have such a negative impact on the economy of this country and may result in it falling apart means nothing to me because I look at this problem as a worldwide issue, and not just from this countries perspective.
Your statement is devoid of logic and does not deserve an in depth response.

As for your comment on the bottom, you should be slapped across the face. If you are being sarcastic, I apoligize because it was not clear to me.
First of all we need to get this straight here. YOU nor ANYONE else will slap ME or ANYONE I am connected with. Check yourself for even suggesting that and keep your aplogy, because if this is that serious to you I can come to sacramento this week and you can handle your business.

Now, since it is obvious that you lack critical reading and comprehension skills I'll go over my statement, however in order to do so we must first go over YOUR statement that I was respponding to.

They are already here, and I'd like to see them try and deport 10 million people by force.
(emphasis mine)

Do you see the word in bold? It is OBVIOUS from the flow of convo that the THEM you made reference to is the united states government or law makers. In response to that I replied with:

As far as deportation that is not the only option. Death and concentration camps would not be out of the norm if things get out of hand.
Do you see what I did? I addressed DEPORTATION and said it was NOT the only option and HISTORY proves this. Can you explain what happened to the Japanese that were here in america during WW2?

You are saying "I would like to seem them try blah blah blah" as if it can't be done or that if it is attempted a fight will ensue. I am saying that what you see as the only option to this is NOT the only option that THEY will implement if things get bad. WHERE IS THE SARCASM IN THAT? :dead:

Confused was the wrong word, I simply want to make fact that there are cities in the United States that have billboards in spanish, store signs in spanish, and look very similar to a city like Guadalajara or Mexico city.
I see spanish billboards in Vallejo, Vacaville and Fairfield. What is your point and how do these things relate to immigration?

The world is being overpopulated, therefore the resources are being consumed quicker and are more in demand now than ever. The United States is where a lot of resources are, so people will come here. If you are saying that the US should continue the way it is with consuming such a large amount of the world's resources while millions starve to death everyday, then this is something we disagree with.
Again, you dance around the question and make this a WORLD issue. Sorry, but that will not cut it, and I suggest you stop using all these fallacies to avoid answering. Please answer the question:

Which will have a more negative effect, a wall being made to curtail out of control immigration or the entrance of 2 million people (below the poverty level) for the next 20 years?

The numbers and facts cannot be refuted, you are correct. But, like I said before, I don't give a shit about the economy here because the current situation is something that needs change IMO. Therefore, if the economy fails because of this immigration, it actually helps with what I believe should happen anyways. People need to step up and take control, and if this helps, then I am not going to stop it.
Nonsense. If this economy crumbles due to immigration that places the immigrants in a harmful position. Simple logic should tell you that. If you walk into a burning building without a gas mask you'll die from fumes before the flames even touch you. If you walk into the building with a gas mask on, but the building falls on you, flames engulf your body and no sign of the fire department is in sight guess what? :dead:


Apr 25, 2002
loyalty7414 said:
Thats not true.Due to the fact that the USA is a white supremicist,racist country,even white criminals get better treatment in society than black law abiders.BTW,I have actual proof of this.
You have actual proof of what? White criminals getting better treatment in society than black law abiders? So? How does that have an impact on what I said? I didn't say anything about criminals or law abiding citizens, so what do your claims have to do with any of this? Yes, this IS a racist country, and it has been a racist country for most if not ALL of its existance, but that does NOT mean POOR WHITES and POOR BLACKS are NOT in the same boat. If you knew anything about sociology and capitalism you would know this. What is happening in america is a CLASS WAR, but due to our lack of understanding we fall victim to division based on religion, educational background, political party, way of dress, etc. Again, the poor whites and blacks are in the same boat. The people who control this country don't care for either of the two and consider them both to be "useless eaters."
Apr 25, 2002
america helped create the problems in mexico

the indegenoius(sp?) people have the right to be anywere in the americas you can argue most mexicans are mixed but we did not ask the spanish to mingle with our blood.

i liked how on channel 2 some peice of shit lady mentioned her husband was from cuba and came here legally . fuckin idiot as soon as a cuban sets foot on america he or she has amnesty


Apr 25, 2002
america helped create the problems in mexico
This was never denied, however the majority of immigrants come from mexico and they are leaving due to the problems in MEXICO not because of the problems in america.

the indegenoius(sp?) people have the right to be anywere in the americas
Actually they don't. An indigenous person whos family (ancestors etc) has NEVER set foot in america has no claim to this land.

you can argue most mexicans are mixed but we did not ask the spanish to mingle with our blood.
Useless info at this point.

i liked how on channel 2 some peice of shit lady mentioned her husband was from cuba and came here legally . fuckin idiot as soon as a cuban sets foot on america he or she has amnesty
Feb 10, 2006
Yes, this IS a racist country, and it has been a racist country for most if not ALL of its existance
This fact alone makes american talk of ''citizenship'' and whats ''legal'' or ''illegal'' null and void in my eyes,the eyes of alot of other blacks,and alot of other people of color.It was once 'legal' in the USA to hold me as fucking property.Youre truely nuts if you think the US legal system should be respected by anyone.Being that this is racist country,its laws and sense of right or wrong are tainted and obviously meant to uphold white supremacy.Its laws mean diddly squat shit to me,and I can fully understand why a mexican(or anyone for that matter) would say ''fuck the USA,Im coming there and Im going to use it for whatever I can''.The USA has no right to exist and surely nobody has any moral responsability to respect ANY of its laws.Theres no way in hell you can get me to see why whites can come here by the millions,going from zero to 70% of the land mass on North America we call the USA's population,through murder,unprovoked warfare,and outright thievery, and now all of a sudden someone else is wrong for coming here.If whites can stay here anyone can.I dont give a damn what you say,youre a fucking lunatic.
Feb 10, 2006
Actually they don't. An indigenous person whos family (ancestors etc) has NEVER set foot in america has no claim to this land.
The United States is an entity upon the continent of north america.I believe homie was speaking of America as a continent,not the country.Brown skinned mexicans ancestors roamed north america long before europeons arrived and the USA was created.Once again,theres NO WAY IN HELL you can say anthing that will make me or any other sane person believe that whites (who created and run the USA) have any claim to this land but somehow mexicans dont.
Feb 10, 2006
Of coarse a thief will protect what he steals,but please,dont expect anyone else to respect the thief and consider what he stole somehow ''rightfully'' belonging to him.


Apr 25, 2002
This fact alone makes american talk of ''citizenship'' and whats ''legal'' or ''illegal'' null and void in my eyes,the eyes of alot of other blacks,and alot of other people of color.
If that fact alone makes talks of citizenship and legality null and void I have a question. Why are you still here? Are you trying to change the system? Are you trying to work within the system? Just because it is null and void in the eyes of people such as yourself does not mean it is null and void for all minorities or even the majority of them, for if it were you would see a large portion of people LEAVING america instead of coming to america.

The USA has no right to exist and surely nobody has any moral responsability to respect ANY of its laws.
On what grounds do you say that the united states has no right to exist? If no one has moral responsibilities to respect ANY of its laws why aren't you out robbing banks or raping old women? The law of this land states that you should not sell drugs and that you may go to prison for doing so. Are you telling me that as a black man you are NOT morally obligated to respect this law? Forget about doing it because they said so, but what about doing it because drugs are harming black people, destroying communites and causing the black family structure to erode?

Theres no way in hell you can get me to see why whites can come here by the millions,going from zero to 70% of its population through murder,unprovoked warfare,and outright thievery, and now all of a sudden someone else is wrong for coming here.
I've never tried to get you to see anything, and the problem is not one of "no one else can come here." The problem is very simple. We have a large percentage of poor people already here. If we take in more poor people the people here will become poorer and the gap between rich and poor will grow wider and the middle class will be a thing of the past. This country CANNOT sustain the current population and 2 million people each year for the next 20 to 30 years.

Please people stick to what is posted and lay of the emotionally charged posts. It looks rather tacky.


Apr 25, 2002
Loyalty, if you are going to respond to my statements please do so in ONE post. We don't need to see multiple posts responding to one post (unless you have to do so for length puposes) and it is hard to respond to the posts when you do so.

The United States is an entity upon the continent of north america.

I believe homie was speaking of America as a continent,not the country.
I'll wait for his clarification, thankyou.

Brown skinned mexicans ancestors roamed north america long before europeons arrived and the USA was created.
In a previous thread I posted info as to how this theory is debated and how evidence suggests whites were actually here first. I am not taking any side but simply presenting info. Also, not all of the "brown skinned mexicans" ancestors had people who roamed the usa. You have people from mexico who NEVER stepped foot in america and had ANCESTORS that never stepped foot in america. I see no logical reason as to how these people are entitled to anything.

Once again,theres NO WAY IN HELL you can say anthing that will make me or any other sane person believe that whites (who created and run the USA) have any claim to this land but somehow mexicans dont.
Loyalty, I respect you as a black male and thats about it. I couldn't care less at trying to convince you of anything, because no sane person would DENY the numbers and want in INCREASE in immigration when this country is already at its boiling point.
Feb 10, 2006
Useless info at this point.

No,thats not useless info you nutcase.These so called ''illegals'' have ancestry that predates the USA by thousands of years.Just because some racist murderers got together and decided to put some shit down on paper,create a flag and a constitution,that doesnt somehow make what they created ''right''.And what they created was the USA.Fuck you and fuck the USA.
Feb 10, 2006
Loyalty, I respect you as a black male and thats about it. I couldn't care less at trying to convince you of anything, because no sane person would DENY the numbers and want in INCREASE in immigration when this country is already at its boiling point
Fuck this country.IT HAS NO RIGHT TO EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE.Want to send some immigrants back,start with the 200 million or so europeons that are here.Until then shut the fuck up.Youre not black and youre not fooling anyone.
Feb 10, 2006
In a previous thread I posted info as to how this theory is debated and how evidence suggests whites were actually here first. I am not taking any side but simply presenting info. Also, not all of the "brown skinned mexicans" ancestors had people who roamed the usa. You have people from mexico who NEVER stepped foot in america and had ANCESTORS that never stepped foot in america. I see no logical reason as to how these people are entitled to anything.
Mexico is on north america.If your ancestors are from mexico then they are from america.There was no magic wall that seperated what we now call mexico from what we now call the USA.The borders didnt come until whites came,murdered and fucked over the natives,and created the borders.Therefore,fuck the borders.

I see no logical reason as to how the USA,a white supremicist entity,is entitled to anything.Whites are NOT indigenous to North America.


Apr 25, 2002
Can someone show this cat how to respond in ONE post?

Yet, why is it that you are still here, have YET to make plans to leave and have YET to do ANYTHING that will CHANGE the way this country operates? I DON'T care for this country, and people on this board who have watched me post over the years have saw me make this VERY CLEAR, however I plan to LEAVE this country. YOU plan to STAY in this country. Do you see teh difference, chap?

No,thats not useless info you nutcase.
LMAO! How original! It is useless because we have gone over it in THIS thread AND in several other threads.

These so called ''illegals'' have ancestry that predates the USA by thousands of years.Just because some racist murderers got together and decided to put some shit down on paper,create a flag and a constitution,that doesnt somehow make what they created ''right''.And what they created was the USA.
The problem is not all illegals have ancestry that inhabited the regions that were purchased from Mexico. Not all illegals have ancestry that places them in what is now known as the united states. This is a FACT.

Fuck you and fuck the USA.
ROFL! You get an F- for originality, boy.
Feb 10, 2006
Yet, why is it that you are still here, have YET to make plans to leave and have YET to do ANYTHING that will CHANGE the way this country operates? I DON'T care for this country, and people on this board who have watched me post over the years have saw me make this VERY CLEAR, however I plan to LEAVE this country. YOU plan to STAY in this country. Do you see teh difference, chap?
Why am I here?Because Im an earthling,and this is earth.I dont have a problem with the land mass of north america.
Feb 10, 2006
The problem is not all illegals have ancestry that inhabited the regions that were purchased from Mexico. Not all illegals have ancestry that places them in what is now known as the united states. This is a FACT.
What is an ''illegal''?Arent mexicans earthlings?This is earth right?If 200 million europeons can stay here,anyone else can.Point blank.And stop claiming my race you white bitch.