Pat Buchanan’s Anti-Hispanic Rhetoric Echoes Earlier Anti-Immigrant Hysteria «

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May 2, 2002
miggidy said:
Italians and the Irish are as loyal to their roots as Mexicans are.
The only difference here is time, and skin color.
For instance many of these Mexican immigrants are first generation immigrants. Most of them are uneducated which makes learning a new language for them very difficult.
Of course, this issue is corrected with their offspring.
Do you know of any second generation Mexican immigrants who can't speak English? And have problems assimilating with American culture?
Yeah, about 70% of my neighborhood actually

miggidy said:
And it's a racial issue because everyone who fears Mexican immigrants hasn't taken into account previous immigrant assimilation history. And when they do, they pick and choose much like Buchanan here has.
Well, enlighten us then. What previous immigrant have done what the mexicans are doing? I'd really like to know..

miggidy said:
As Mexican I'm not aware of any significant numbers of succeeding Mexican immigrant generations who only see themselves as Mexican and or Chicano.
These are in the minorities. I just don't see them even as threatening as the Italian gangs that arose in the US after the Italians rolled in.
But of course, this is different in the eyes of the blind.
Perhaps it's ok because Italians are white....
You dont see that???? Man, thats all I see. They are NOT in the minorities. And Mexicans dont have gangs all of a sudden? lol...

miggidy said:
Mr. Buchanan here is showing that he's really going out of his way stretching history to prove a very fringe point.
For what reason?
Who cares, the fact that he's trying so hard to bend one's perception of reality renders his argument, insignificant....
I dont agree with a lot of what Buchanan says or the way he goes about it. But the facts outlined previously are just that: facts. Whether you like it or not, it's true.

As far as the white population dwindling... I could really care less. I think interracial people are the future, so...
Feb 9, 2003
miggidy said:
Do you know of any second generation Mexican immigrants who can't speak English? And have problems assimilating with American culture?
Coming from the perspective of an actual Mexican, especially one who grew up in possibly the LARGEST predominantly Mexican neighborhood in all the South Bay I have NEVER met any one who was born in this country and lived here for a majority of their lives (meaning they weren't taken back to Mexico and came back when they were 14) who did not speak English. I don't believe any one saying otherwise.
May 13, 2002
To Heresy-
There are White nationalist groups, black nationalist groups, probably Asian ones (Ive never heard of one), what's so threatening about MECHA? Or better put, what is more threatening about a Mexican "nationalist" group than one of any other race? Why don't you complain just as much about the other races and their nationalist groups. They exist in any race, dont judge the entire Mexican people on just a few. Same with gangs. You speak like every single Mexican in this country is part of the Surenos or Nortenos. Although there are plenty, the majority of the Mexicans here, especially the illegal ones, are WORKING!

It seems like people on your side of the "the immigration debate" are against the younger generation of Mexicans who are more likely the sons or daughters of immigrants. They grow up here though, and they only react to their environment. Gangs aren't started to take over the world, they are started for protection locally or whatever. Not on a large scale though. And like I said, gangs are started by every race, so Mexicans are no different than anyone else.


Apr 25, 2002
Coming from the perspective of an actual Mexican, especially one who grew up in possibly the LARGEST predominantly Mexican neighborhood in all the South Bay I have NEVER met any one who was born in this country and lived here for a majority of their lives (meaning they weren't taken back to Mexico and came back when they were 14) who did not speak English. I don't believe any one saying otherwise.
Come to my neighborhood.


Apr 25, 2002
There are White nationalist groups, black nationalist groups, probably Asian ones (Ive never heard of one), what's so threatening about MECHA?
To be honest ALL national groups are "dangerous", but what is threatening about Mecha is the willingness of many mexicans to accept it, AND the fact that NONE of the racial groups you listed have a large immigration population. NONE of the groups you listed are deeply involved with the immigration issue to the extent as mexican nationals.

? Or better put, what is more threatening about a Mexican "nationalist" group than one of any other race?
See above.

Why don't you complain just as much about the other races and their nationalist groups.
First off, I am not complaining, so why would I NEED to complain about other groups? You will not see me mentioning other nationalist groups because these people are not spearheading a MAJOR movement like the mexican nationals.

They exist in any race, dont judge the entire Mexican people on just a few.
I have not judged the entire mexican people on just a few. Where is the instance of me doing so? In the future I suggest you READ what has been written instead of reading too deep into things.

You speak like every single Mexican in this country is part of the Surenos or Nortenos.
No I don't. I know for a fact that every single mexican is NOT a part of the gang culture, but if you read what Buchanan said, and you read my response in proper context, you would comprehend what I set before you. The number (and types of crimes) WILL rise as more immigrants come here, this is a FACT.

Although there are plenty, the majority of the Mexicans here, especially the illegal ones, are WORKING!

It seems like people on your side of the "the immigration debate" are against the younger generation of Mexicans who are more likely the sons or daughters of immigrants.
What do you mean by "your side of the debate"? Hell, I am all for immigration, but I am for CONTROLLED immigration. I am not against the younger generation, because teh children are our future, but if the younger generation is being brain washed by a certain type of people (no matter what color they are) people like you should be HAPPY that people like me are voicing opinions.

They grow up here though, and they only react to their environment
Just curious, have you taken any criminal justice or sociology courses?

Gangs aren't started to take over the world, they are started for protection locally or whatever.
Gangs are not started to take over the world and they are started for protection? Again, have you taken any criminal justice or sociology courses?

Not on a large scale though. And like I said, gangs are started by every race, so Mexicans are no different than anyone else.
You are obviously missing the point. This is not about other races starting gangs. This is about immigration and crime going up as a result of it. Please READ what has been posted before you respond emotionally. :classic:
May 13, 2002
I have not taken any sociology or criminal justice courses yet. The point I am trying to make to you is that crime goes up when immigrants come here because of their economic status, not because of their race. It's the poorer people who make up most of the crime rate, regardless of what race. So the negative things you say of the Illegal immigrants from Mexico can be said for most of the people in poverty in this country. I respect your views and opinions because you're obviously very well-educated. I just don't see how you can support some of the things Buchanon talks about and not realize the Xenophobic message behind it. These people are just afraid of things changing and not having 100% control of it.


Apr 25, 2002
I have not taken any sociology or criminal justice courses yet.
Ok, fair enough, so how do you explain your statement of, "and they only react to their environment"? In criminal justice/criminology MANY theories exist as to why people do crime, and some of them have nothing to do with reacting to the environment. Also, you made the statement of, "Gangs aren't started to take over the world, they are started for protection locally or whatever.", but who are they trying to protect themselves from? Other gangs? I don't see many gangs springing up for protection. I see gangs springing up because of criminality, lack of education, lack of resources and conflict theory, but these are only a FEW reasons why I see them popping up, but protection is NOT one of them.

The point I am trying to make to you is that crime goes up when immigrants come here because of their economic status, not because of their race.
No one has implied that the crime will go up because of their race. Why are you trying to prove this point to me?

It's the poorer people who make up most of the crime rate, regardless of what race.
And since the majority of immigrants (both legal and illegal) are already BELOW the poverty level what do you think is going to happen? Please answer this question.

So the negative things you say of the Illegal immigrants from Mexico can be said for most of the people in poverty in this country.
I haven't said anything negative about them. Can you show me an instance of me doing so? I have shown FACT, and regardless if you are mexican or not, I am going to continue to show FACTS. Now, you may disagree with the FACTS all you want, but that is not my problem. Also, most things CANNOT be said for the other people in this country, and your argument can be refuted on numbers alone.

I respect your views and opinions because you're obviously very well-educated.
Thank you for the compliment, but understand my purpose in engaging in this type of dialog is NOT to offend anyone. I am simply sharing my views in hopes of spreading information and learning more about the situation. As I've said before, EVERY PERSON on this planet has a right to exist, eat, sleep, provide for families etc. However, you have to make sure your house is clean before you clean someone elses, and these movements have NOT been faithful to this.

I just don't see how you can support some of the things Buchanon talks about and not realize the Xenophobic message behind it.
I am not supporting the man. I simply said what the man said is true, and the reason why I said it is true is due to rhetoric promoted by the current mexican/latino/hispanic/chicano movements as a whole.

These people are just afraid of things changing and not having 100% control of it.
For some people it IS fear, but for others like myself it is simple common sense and a look at the numbers and what will happen. If 49% of the current population is at or below the poverty level, and 2 million more people below this level are allowed in the country EACH YEAR over a span of 40 years where will the countries economy be by 2046? Please answer this question.
May 13, 2002
"Ok, fair enough, so how do you explain your statement of, "and they only react to their environment"? In criminal justice/criminology MANY theories exist as to why people do crime, and some of them have nothing to do with reacting to the environment. Also, you made the statement of, "Gangs aren't started to take over the world, they are started for protection locally or whatever.", but who are they trying to protect themselves from? Other gangs? I don't see many gangs springing up for protection. I see gangs springing up because of criminality, lack of education, lack of resources and conflict theory, but these are only a FEW reasons why I see them popping up, but protection is NOT one of them."

Well, the gangs I speak of are prison gangs and they originated in the prison system for protection from the organized blacks and whites. This is what I was refering to, not street gangs.

"No one has implied that the crime will go up because of their race. Why are you trying to prove this point to me?"

I am not saying you implied that, I am saying that crime is going to happen regardless because the capitalist system creates a system in which there has to be people at the bottom getting exploited. I am saying that crime is not going to disappear with Illegal citizens gone. There is always someone at the bottom who lacks money, education, resources, etc. And this is where crime mostly comes from.

"And since the majority of immigrants (both legal and illegal) are already BELOW the poverty level what do you think is going to happen?"

I see what you're saying, but I dont think the solution is closing off the border and kicking 10 million people out. Why not take some money out of defense spending and make programs to educate the immigrants, provide better and safer jobs, pay them better?

"As I've said before, EVERY PERSON on this planet has a right to exist, eat, sleep, provide for families etc. However, you have to make sure your house is clean before you clean someone elses, and these movements have NOT been faithful to this.

What do you mean here? There may be movements like MECHA out there, yet the majority of the immigrants are not part of any movement but their own movement for a chance at a better life, that is all. Organization is barely starting to take place though, which is what scares people.

"I am not supporting the man. I simply said what the man said is true, and the reason why I said it is true is due to rhetoric promoted by the current mexican/latino/hispanic/chicano movements as a whole."

What do you think should be our movement then? I've seen you say that we need to go back to Mexico and protest the government there, but if you know a little bit about the history of the government you'll understand that it's a lot easier said than done. And from the looks of what's going on right now with the election over there, it's not getting any easier. But I do agree with you that something has to be done in Mexico and they are headed towards the beginning of another revolution IMO.

"For some people it IS fear, but for others like myself it is simple common sense and a look at the numbers and what will happen. If 49% of the current population is at or below the poverty level, and 2 million more people below this level are allowed in the country EACH YEAR over a span of 40 years where will the countries economy be by 2046? Please answer this question."

The question you should be asking isn't what 2 million more people will do to the economy, you should be asking what the fuck the government is doing to fix it. The economy is fucked, no matter if more immigrants come or not. Yes, it may get fucked sooner, but the bottom line is that this government is running this place down the shitter. The big picture of the economy in the long run concerns me FAR less than the poverty I see everyday here and also the poverty all over Latin America. I am going to assume that you know at least some history of how the US intervened all over Latin America by supporting coup's, funding dictatorships, forcing treaties such as NAFTA, and much much more basically leading to the situations in those countries today.

Therefore, the economy of this country doesn't mean shit to me because it was built on the lives of exploited people here in this very country, as well as in foreign countries. Don't get me wrong, I understand all the facts that you show me and that Buchanon brings up too. But I appreciate my parents and grandparents coming here because I got the opportunity to get an education and not just live in poverty over in Mexico. And anyone trying to deny that opportunity to others in order to protect the economy of this country can go fuck themselves. We aren't going anywhere my friend, and we're going to keep coming and gaining power in this society no matter what. This is what has all these rich Pilgrims trying to figure out a way to stop us.


Apr 25, 2002
Well, the gangs I speak of are prison gangs and they originated in the prison system for protection from the organized blacks and whites. This is what I was refering to, not street gangs.
The same applies. Do you honestly believe drugs do not find their way into prisons and that mexican gangs in prison don't have any say so over the matter?

I am not saying you implied that, I am saying that crime is going to happen regardless because the capitalist system creates a system in which there has to be people at the bottom getting exploited.
But people find a way to work within the system and overcome it. Yes, there has to be people at the bottom to be exploited, so why do you want YOUR people at the bottom and comprising the majority of people facing exploitation?

I am saying that crime is not going to disappear with Illegal citizens gone.
No, but the numbers will drop and resources will no longer be allocated to them.

There is always someone at the bottom who lacks money, education, resources, etc. And this is where crime mostly comes from.
This is one of many theories as to the origin of crime. I can list 20-30 that have NOTHING to do with what you just mentioned.

I see what you're saying, but I dont think the solution is closing off the border and kicking 10 million people out.
No one is saying to deport 10 million people, but open borders is NOT the way to go. Limited entrance and a new policy with the mexican government IS the way to go.

Why not take some money out of defense spending and make programs to educate the immigrants, provide better and safer jobs, pay them better?
Why should this be done? What type of incentive would this bring the government and the rest of the american citizens? If the person is an immigrant they already have the chance to get education, better jobs, more pay etc, but why should tax dollars and resources go to non-citizens when you have american citizens who are already in need?

BTW, you didn't answer my question. Since the majority of immigrants (both legal and illegal) are already BELOW the poverty level what do you think is going to happen?

What do you mean here? There may be movements like MECHA out there, yet the majority of the immigrants are not part of any movement but their own movement for a chance at a better life, that is all. Organization is barely starting to take place though, which is what scares people.
Organization is just starting to take place? LMAO! Organization has been taking place for almost 30-50 years now, but now that the numbers have grown ripe the gree light has been given. What do I mean by my statement? I mean the mexican government does NOT have a good policy towards immigrants or illegals who enter mexico, and the mexican people need to protest the government of mexico and demand a change in mexico before they hold protests here in america.

What do you think should be our movement then? I've seen you say that we need to go back to Mexico and protest the government there, but if you know a little bit about the history of the government you'll understand that it's a lot easier said than done.
Black people had to do it here and STILL do it. Blacks had to endure Jim Crow and other forms of segregation. Black people fought for what they believed in (equality) and it came at a price. People were beaten, killed, raped, tortured, humilated, robbed, attacked by the american government etc. If conflict does NOT happen change will NOT come.

And from the looks of what's going on right now with the election over there, it's not getting any easier. But I do agree with you that something has to be done in Mexico and they are headed towards the beginning of another revolution IMO
For all the wrong reasons, but I respect the fact that they are protesting for what they believe in.

The question you should be asking isn't what 2 million more people will do to the economy, you should be asking what the fuck the government is doing to fix it.
No, that is not the question I should be asking, and if you can't answer questions posed to you, I suggest you stop talking to me. What should teh government do to control it? Stop the flow of immigration altogether, because it has been PROVEN (based on scientific and historical evidence) that legal immigration contributes to the rise of illegal immigration. Also, why should THIS government fix it?

The economy is fucked, no matter if more immigrants come or not. Yes, it may get fucked sooner, but the bottom line is that this government is running this place down the shitter.
Actually, I am starting to blame the people moreso than the government now. The people partake in these charades and believe what the government tells them without question. So, the government couldn't run anything into the ground if the people would wise up and pay attention. So, if the economy is fucked and the government is running this place down the shitter, why do you want people to come here? I do not find anything remotely logical in such thinking.

The big picture of the economy in the long run concerns me FAR less than the poverty I see everyday here and also the poverty all over Latin America.
Please elaborate.

I am going to assume that you know at least some history of how the US intervened all over Latin America by supporting coup's, funding dictatorships, forcing treaties such as NAFTA, and much much more basically leading to the situations in those countries today.
Yeah, so? The CFR and TLC are the other contributers to such madness, but what is your point?

Therefore, the economy of this country doesn't mean shit to me because it was built on the lives of exploited people here in this very country, as well as in foreign countries.
When gas hits $10.00 a gallon, you start paying $6.99 for a loaf of regular white bread, milk becomes $16.45 a gallon and the price of services soar through the roof you'll sing a different tune. The economy of this country SHOULD mean something to you because you SUPPORT immigration, you want your people to come here and they will have to live in a place that has a fucked up economy. WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN YOUR POST????? Please explain it to me, because I am having a HARD time following you.

But I appreciate my parents and grandparents coming here because I got the opportunity to get an education and not just live in poverty over in Mexico.
And what do you think will happen here if the situation is not stopped?

And anyone trying to deny that opportunity to others in order to protect the economy of this country can go fuck themselves.
You don't want the economy protected, but you want people to come , prosper and live in a place that you yourself said has a fucked up economy.No economy? No services and goods. No services and goods? No money. No money? No DEFENSE or Millitary. No defense or millitary? NO COUNTRY. :dead:

Question: How can people thrive if the economy is dead?

Question: If 49% of the current population is at or below the poverty level, and 2 million more people below this level are allowed in the country EACH YEAR over a span of 40 years where will the countries economy be by 2046?

We aren't going anywhere my friend, and we're going to keep coming and gaining power in this society no matter what.
This country will be a shell of its former self by the time latinos are in power. You mentioned NAFTA, but America, Canada and Mexico already have the Security and Prosperity Partnership which is WORSE than NAFTA, and what mexicans are too blind to see is that when/if the white man does give this country up it will do so with NUKES (if it isn't nuked beforehand.) What mexicans fail to see is the world is being sectioned off (in to 6 to 10 regions) and the hand of globalism has already been established. So basically, coming to this country is setting mexicans up for a MAJOR fall and will eventually set the people BACK to the DARK AGES, when the american and mexican currency folds. So, while you sit back and make prideful and emotional posts, I am thinking in the long run and looking at all of this from an objective standpoint and pondering what has already been mandated.

This is what has all these rich Pilgrims trying to figure out a way to stop us.
The thing is they actually DON'T want to stop you.
Jul 24, 2002
HERESY said:
Two houses up, the house directly across the street from them, AND the house directly across the street from that house (three houses total.)
How do you know these people aren't first generation immigrants?

HERESY said:
Fear and concern are two different things. I am concerned about the situation, I don't fear the situation OR the people. I can't speak for anyone else in regards to this subject, but when you do consider the previous immigrant assimilation history you have two things that you have to consider. The first is the numbers game. At no time in american history has half or more than half the immigrants been comprised of ONE race/nationality (unless you consider the europeans.) The second is the culture game. Immigrants do not simply come here and forget their roots. The immigrants come here and establish communities within communities (think chinatown) and a lot of these places do not like outsiders (think the Italian neighborhoods on the east where blacks still get beat up if they venture into them.)

I don't see mexican illegal immigrants as threatening as the italian gangs YET, but let them assimilate, become involved with the gang wars (sur VS nor), and they WILL become dangerous. Let them concentrate on the drug game and step it up a notch when it comes to transporting and you'll see a spike.
Ok I'll give you that much.
It's true that most illegal immigrants consist of Latino people.
(To my eyes at least)
And yes immigrants establish their own communities.
As far as some of these groups not liking other ethnicities, that might be the case with "some" Italian communities.
And I am aware of different ethnic communities in Southern California that are like that, but they are just territorial like that down there.
You don't see turf wars like that up here.

There will ALWAYS be a criminal element within every ethnicity.
I just don't see any proof that Latinos will have a higher ratio of criminals per capita than whites or blacks.

Now, you asked, "Where's the truth in it????", but you have to admit that what I posted IS the truth.

HERESY said:
1. This country does not demand that mexican immigrants (legal or illegal assimilate.) The english language is NOT mando, illegals can still get benefits, and groups like Aztlan and Mecha are CONSTANTLY promoting the "preservation of the latino heritage", and that is *MY* politically correct version. You will often see these people saying they don't want to be with the Gringo and that they will take over this country.

2. Mexican nationals have often spoke about painting the white house brown (a reference to having latinos/mexicans/chicanos in the white house), and once again groups such as Aztlan and Mecha have not hidden these intentions. Other leaders of the latino communities who do not "openly" support these groups have still voiced the same message, and that message is "latinos are here, we are a large group, we will have an influence on this country and its relations with mexico", and proof of this can be seen in the many protests carried out by latinos.

3. This is a scientific fact, and it will happen if the numbers are not curbed and the birth rate continues to go. I already posted a link in the previous immigration thread where the scientist gave a speech and presentation about the growing numbers of illegal immigrants and how this country will be changed by them.

So yes, I would say that Pat is right in some instances, but not right in all, and I am saying this because of the rhetoric that comes from the mexican movement itself.
1) What's the point of demanding someone to assimilate if they're going to assimilate anyways? But hey, if it helps people sleep better at night, I have no quarrels for such a demand as I believe in unity anyways.
Also I have no problem with illegals receiving benefits.
(Many will disagree but this is my personal choice, I take it as a charity)
And last there is nothing wrong with preserving one's culture.
But preserving one's culture is very different than calling for the abolishment of another race. Like many other "American" crack pot racist militant groups, such Latino groups aren't exempt.
Again, I don't see how Latinos are more prone to join racist radical organizations any more than other ethnicities (per capita)....

2) It's pretty much covered in number one.
As Latinos, we are here, and soon if not already, we're the largest minority.
And we will get politically active (at least try).
If others don't like our policies then get involved, this is a democracy after all.

3) Yeah we spoke about this one before.
What's the fear of assimilation with Latinos?
It's only a matter of time. Technology, mostly transportation technology is changing the face of the human race.
Pretty soon, race will no longer matter.
Why fight the inevitable?
Ok I'm going to miss Asian chicks, I'll give you that much.
Maybe we can preserve a few in some kind of race farm, but maybe no one will care. Honestly, I won't care. I'll be dead by then :)
Jul 24, 2002
Psycho Logic said:
Yeah, about 70% of my neighborhood actually
I'll ask the same question I asked Heresy,
how do you know these people aren't first generation Mexican immigrants?

Psycho Logic said:
Well, enlighten us then. What previous immigrant have done what the mexicans are doing? I'd really like to know..
Heresy and I have already covered this, so you can scan through our posts.
If you want more, I would suggest visiting your local library.

Psycho Logic said:
You dont see that???? Man, thats all I see. They are NOT in the minorities. And Mexicans dont have gangs all of a sudden? lol...
Dogg, you ain't following.
Slow down when reading.
Proof read if you have to.
I never said Mexican immigrants are crime free.
Let me ask you, how are Mexican immigrants any more prone to crime than any other immigrant groups? Or none immigrant groups for that matter.
Give me a criminal to non-criminal ratio of every race showing that Mexican immigrants have a higher criminal ratio per capita over every other ethnicity.

Psycho Logic said:
I dont agree with a lot of what Buchanan says or the way he goes about it. But the facts outlined previously are just that: facts. Whether you like it or not, it's true.
He manipulated the facts.

Psycho Logic said:
As far as the white population dwindling... I could really care less. I think interracial people are the future, so...
Then you shouldn't share the fears that Buchanan has.
He is being lead by fear....
May 2, 2002
miggidy said:
I'll ask the same question I asked Heresy,
how do you know these people aren't first generation Mexican immigrants?
Because I've lived here almost my whole life and am well aware of who's moving into the neighborhood and who's being born there.

miggidy said:
Heresy and I have already covered this, so you can scan through our posts.
If you want more, I would suggest visiting your local library.
No. HERSEY covered it. You, on the other hand, haven't EXPLAINED anything. You're saying a lot of stuff.. but backing up your statements with no facts. Hersey is backing his statements up with facts.

miggidy said:
Dogg, you ain't following.
Slow down when reading.
Proof read if you have to.
I never said Mexican immigrants are crime free.
I don't need to slow down. I'm reading and understanding every word you're saying. I NEVER said that you said mexicans were crime free. YOU said that you don't see too many mexicans starting gang violence. Which is a ridiculous statement. No one is saying every mexican is in a gang. Stop assuming. Maybe YOU need to re-read what I said and proofread your post.

miggidy said:
Let me ask you, how are Mexican immigrants any more prone to crime than any other immigrant groups? Or none immigrant groups for that matter.
Well, I can't give you solid statistics because hispanics are technically "caucasions" and that's what they get filed under. But check out Arizona's offender list. Check out Arizona's criminal mugshots. You think its a coicidence that 80% of the people you're gonna see are Mexican? I don't live in Cali, so I don't know how it is there. But I'd assume its pretty similar to Phoenix. Mexicans cause the majority of the crimes here. That is a fact. Does that mean all mexicans are criminals? Certainly not. Phoenix is something like 34% hispanic. So there are a lot. And not all of them are commiting crimes. But the people who do commit crimes are usually mexican.

miggidy said:
Give me a criminal to non-criminal ratio of every race showing that Mexican immigrants have a higher criminal ratio per capita over every other ethnicity.
Like I said.. Mexicans are considered as white people.

miggidy said:
Then you shouldn't share the fears that Buchanan has.
He is being lead by fear....
I have no fear whatsoever. I was raised surrounded by mexicans. a lot of my friends are hispanic or half hispanic. I've never gotten jumped or beat up or stole on by a mexican. So PERSONALLY, I have no problem, no fear. But that doesn't mean there is no problem. Because there is. And that's all Im saying.


Apr 25, 2002
How do you know these people aren't first generation immigrants?
For the EXACT same reason Psycho Logic stated. I've lived in this hood for the majority of my life, and the only significant time I was away was when I stayed in San Diego and in Jersey.

Ok I'll give you that much.
It's true that most illegal immigrants consist of Latino people.
(To my eyes at least)
And yes immigrants establish their own communities.
As far as some of these groups not liking other ethnicities, that might be the case with "some" Italian communities.
And I am aware of different ethnic communities in Southern California that are like that, but they are just territorial like that down there.
You don't see turf wars like that up here.
We don't see turf wars like what up here? Where a person of another color can't go in the others hood because of race? Go to the Russian or Hmong communities in Sac. Will you make it out alive? For the most part yes, will you be scrutinized? Yes. So, with that being said where is the assimilation if people are still territorial? Also, there are places in the bay where people of other races probably shouldn't go into (if you are white stay your ass out of certain part sof richmond or west oakland), but there are certain places in northern cali where it's just not ok to venture into.

1) What's the point of demanding someone to assimilate if they're going to assimilate anyways? But hey, if it helps people sleep better at night, I have no quarrels for such a demand as I believe in unity anyways.
Thats the problem. They are NOT assimiliating as a whole, and when they DO assimilate it is very limited/restricted. For the most part, the truth is they have no plans to assimilate, and those who do assimilate are ussually ostracized by the ones who don't.

Also I have no problem with illegals receiving benefits.
(Many will disagree but this is my personal choice, I take it as a charity)
That is your choice, but I think charity should be of free will and not forced. You are forced to pay taxes, you are not forced to give to anyone on the street.

And last there is nothing wrong with preserving one's culture.
But preserving one's culture is very different than calling for the abolishment of another race. Like many other "American" crack pot racist militant groups, such Latino groups aren't exempt. Again, I don't see how Latinos are more prone to join racist radical organizations any more than other ethnicities (per capita)....
Aztlan and Mecha have openly called for the abolishment of the white race, and I've even saw some anti-black and anti-asian rhetoric coming from the two groups. These groups do not endorse anything "Gringo" and we both know this. Yes, preserving ones culture is different, and people should preserve it, but you have to realize that the preservation of the culture is also creating a problem when it becomes too prideful, and that probably is the unwillingness (or inability) to assimilate.

You don't see how Latinos are more prone to join a racist radical organization more than other races? I do, and it is easy to explain when you look at the "movement" as a whole, the history behind it and its current stance. Do you presently have a white movement where for the most part the entire white race is unified? No. Do you presently have a black movement like this? No. With latinos you DO have a movement where for the most part the people are unified, and they have the numbers and finances to promote this agenda to the point where they can be discrete or open about it. Am I saying the majority of latinos are going to join racist organizations? No. Am I saying the organizations have enough power to influence a lot of people? Yes.

2) It's pretty much covered in number one.
As Latinos, we are here, and soon if not already, we're the largest minority.
And we will get politically active (at least try).
If others don't like our policies then get involved, this is a democracy after all.
This actually proves what Buchanan stated.

3) Yeah we spoke about this one before.
What's the fear of assimilation with Latinos?
It's only a matter of time. Technology, mostly transportation technology is changing the face of the human race.
Pretty soon, race will no longer matter.
Why fight the inevitable?
Ok I'm going to miss Asian chicks, I'll give you that much.
Maybe we can preserve a few in some kind of race farm, but maybe no one will care. Honestly, I won't care. I'll be dead by then
Why do people fear assimilation with latinos? It could be a pride thing, it could be fear of the white race no longer existing etc. Racial pride is a VERY strong "value", but this value has often led to misfortunes of others when it is misguided or used as a tool of manipulation. What we have to do as a "people" is identify and discuss the reasons for racial pride and understand why people believe the way they do. As I've said before, one of the best ways you can show respect to someone is to LEARN about that persons culture. Latinios have contributed to american society, and many latinos have been wronged, but white america (THOSE IN CHARGE NOT THE CITIZENS) is simply not going to hand this land over to you unless they have an agenda, and that agenda involves exploiting you further and bleeding you dry. Remember, for the most part, america is still THE super power, it is ranked first in regards to world economies, and it is also home to the worlds fifth largest economy (California.) Again, do you honestly believe Big Business is going to simply hand this land over without a fight or agenda?

Also, what Logic said is correct. Latinos identify as WHITE, and according to the US Census Bureau , 2003 81.9 % of the population identifies as such. Also, the percentage of total population exceeds the actual number but this is because some people (of mixed heritage for example) identify as more than one racial group.