Pat Buchanan’s Anti-Hispanic Rhetoric Echoes Earlier Anti-Immigrant Hysteria «

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Jun 15, 2005
I wouldn't imply that the person (in this case, Pat Buchanan) is paranoid, but anti-hispanic, yes. He's been spitting the same shit for years and while to you he may spit "facts", to me it's rhetoric inclined to arouse paranoia/concern towards hispanics. Without the little brown people to throw stones at, he would have faded into political oblivion long ago.

Where the Italians wanted to be part of our family, millions of Mexicans are determined to retain their language and loyalty to Mexico. They prefer to remain outsiders. They do not wish to assimilate and the nation no longer demands that they do so. (The major mexican/chicano/latin movements have openly stated this.)
Past generations of Mexican-Americans assimilated, yet all the while losing their heritage as their were constantly reminded by nativists that their culture was neither wanted nor appreciated. There is no denying this. Roberto called himself Bob, fought in Vietnam, and if he made it back in one piece, his children didn't speak Spanish. Nowadays, thinking people see assimilation as an invasive process that strips you of culture and character. I can't blame them. I do however, feel that anyone who wants to live in this country (let alone become a citizen) should learn English.

Mexican-Americans can now become citizens of Mexico again. The whole idea is to create this giant fifth column in the United States which can leverage the American government in elections and pressure them to do what is in the interest of the nation of Mexico. (The major mexican/chicano/latin movements have openly stated this.)
The "idea", regarless of the rhetoric, is for Latinos/Mexicans to actually become politically active in the first place. Yeah, the numbers are there, but illegal immigrants and their children don't vote or belong to any "special interest" groups. If you say it's a problem that they don't assimilate, then it should also make sense that they aren't contributing to American society, especially voting. The first statement moots the second.

EDIT: And, you can only have dual citizenship if you are the child of someone born in Mexico. Those people don't vote in numbers where anyone needs to be worried. If you are the grandchild of someone born in Mexico, you have to habe lived there for two years before you can get dual citizenship. And, most countries that have immigrants here have dual citizenship privileges, and under less restictive circumstances than Mexico. Ireland, India, South Korea...research it.

:H: There really is no such thing as a "MAJOR" Latino/Chicano/Mexican "movement. You obviously have never worked closely enough with any of the groups if you think they have a large base of support amongst Latinos that vote AND illegal immigrants themselves.

The closest thing to a major movement is MEChA. I worked closely with MEChA in coalitions against 3 CA initiatives: 187, 227, and 209. I have met with their leadership and been to one of their National Conferences.

Their founding documents, which have all the anti-Gringo rhetoric is simply that, rhetoric. It's basically their version of what they thought the Panthers were spitting. Their membership is just as politically diverse as this nation, therefore they could NEVER move as one. While MEChA at Michigan State would be considered "radical", being ideologically communist/nationalist, the one at Michigan Ann Arbor is only concerned with bringing more Latinos to the university. While the org at UTEP is more in tune with their indigenous roots, the one at Texas is only concerned with more Latinos in higher education. My point is that, while they could be considered "major" because they're on many high school and college campuses, they are politically all over the place and could never pull off a unified aganda. And, if you could prove that they openly called for the "abolition" of blacks, I could prove that this is only the idiotic diatribe of someone who's been to some meetings, but could never speak for MEChA as a whole. As for this group "Aztlan"....never heard of them...not even a factor.


Apr 25, 2002
I wouldn't imply that the person (in this case, Pat Buchanan) is paranoid, but anti-hispanic, yes. He's been spitting the same shit for years and while to you he may spit "facts", to me it's rhetoric inclined to arouse paranoia/concern towards hispanics. Without the little brown people to throw stones at, he would have faded into political oblivion long ago.
First you say the man is not paranoid, but now you are saying he is arousing paranoia. What would be the reason for arousing paranoia? Also, what the man stated IS fact, and all one has to do is look at the current movement to see this.

:H: There really is no such thing as a "MAJOR" Latino/Chicano/Mexican "movement.
O.K. so what do YOU call Aztlan, Mecha and MILLIONS of latinos protesting immigration laws in america? You say their is no such thing as a major movement? Well, what do we call it? A micro movement?

You obviously have never worked closely enough with any of the groups if you think they have a large base of support amongst Latinos that vote AND illegal immigrants themselves.
You obviously have not READ what I typed:

Other leaders of the latino communities who do not "openly" support these groups have still voiced the same message, and that message is "latinos are here, we are a large group, we will have an influence on this country and its relations with mexico"
With that being said the ones who do NOT follow the nationalist WILL follow the the ones who do not "openly" support the nationalist agenda. Also, Mecha has an influence/presence in over three hundred campuses nation wide (and the majority appear to be college institutions.)

The closest thing to a major movement is MEChA. I worked closely with MEChA in coalitions against 3 CA initiatives: 187, 227, and 209. I have met with their leadership and been to one of their National Conferences.
The ENTIRE "pro immigration" and "lets protest racist america" ideaology IS a movement. ANYTIME you have MILLIONS of people gathering and protesting for the same cause that is a movement.

Their founding documents, which have all the anti-Gringo rhetoric is simply that, rhetoric. It's basically their version of what they thought the Panthers were spitting.
Listen, if white people were going around saying "we are going to eliminate mexicans" people would have a fit and cry racism. If black people were sayin, "we are going to eliminate all non-blacks" people would cry racism. This is not simply "rhetoric" this is what a lot of people believe in and promote, and if given the chance the majority would actually act on it (if they haven't already.)

Again, if a non-mexican said anything about eliminating mexicans , many people would cry racism, in fact people aren't saying ANYTHING about eliminating mexicans and people are STILL crying racism.

So, for everyone else reading this, when Mecha members say things like, “The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlán. Communism would be closest [to it].” Once Aztlán is established, ethnic cleansing would commence: “Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power.”, you don't need to worry about it because it is only rhetoric (according to soberious.)

My point is that, while they could be considered "major" because they're on many high school and college campuses, they are politically all over the place and could never pull off a unified aganda.
The "unified agenda" is NOT limited to these groups and I have clearly made this plain. Why you can't comprehend this is beyond me, but I'll post it again for you and it is, "latinos are here, we are a large group, we will have an influence on this country and its relations with mexico", and if you want to debate this FACT you WILL loose. Take a look at the so-called rhetoric that has already been posted in this thread for further insight.

And, if you could prove that they openly called for the "abolition" of blacks, I could prove that this is only the idiotic diatribe of someone who's been to some meetings, but could never speak for MEChA as a whole
You couldn't prove that it is only the words of someone who has been to meetings. Are you aware of all the Mecha chapters and what they promote? I would say no.

As for this group "Aztlan"....never heard of them...not even a factor.
So, because SoBerious has never heard of Aztlan they are not a factor?
Nov 1, 2005
heresy,in different thread i stated that black gangmembers have killed latinos simply couse of their race.u asked me to prove it and show and a few other cats said it was true couse we live here in L.A. and see whats going on.not good enough for u,u wanted know that u've been asked as to how u know if this non-english speaking mexicans aren't 1 generation,ur saying the same thing i said..''i live here,i know whats going on''..i see a double standard..wheres ur proof....pesonally,i've never meet a 2nd gen. mexican-american who didn't speak english.met sum that spoke it with an accent,but spoke it regardless.


Apr 25, 2002
surcaliman said:
heresy,in different thread i stated that black gangmembers have killed latinos simply couse of their race.u asked me to prove it and show and a few other cats said it was true couse we live here in L.A. and see whats going on.not good enough for u,u wanted know that u've been asked as to how u know if this non-english speaking mexicans aren't 1 generation,ur saying the same thing i said..''i live here,i know whats going on''..i see a double standard..wheres ur proof....pesonally,i've never meet a 2nd gen. mexican-american who didn't speak english.met sum that spoke it with an accent,but spoke it regardless.
Guy, the difference between yourself and I is no one really finds you credible.
You see a double standard because you do not have the ability to read and think critically. Let us take a look at what I was asked.

How do you know these people aren't first generation immigrants?
I gave my answer, and you seem to think it is a double standard, but let us look at Migs ORIGINAL question:

Do you know of any second generation Mexican immigrants who can't speak English?
(bold emphasis mine)

I was asked a SPECIFIC question that required a PERSONAL answer. He asked if I knew of any second generation Mexican immigrants who couldn't speak English, I told him YES, he asked how I knew, and I told him because I still live here.

What I was asked and the way I was asked is DIFFERENT from what you were asked. Why is this so? Well, for starters I don't recall asking you about your PERSONAL knowledge pertaining to the gang violence in the area you claim to live in. Do you see the difference? If you WERE asked about your personal experiences and how you knew about the violence, your statements WOULD have been considered, but the fact is I don't recall anyone asking you anything like this. In fact, I remember asking you (over four times) to post something from COURT CASES or articles. Again, Mig is asking for my PERSONAL knowledge. Do you see the difference?
May 13, 2002
HERESY- I am not going to deny that my pride gets in the way of my logical thinking, especially with these types of issues. I do realize that something has to be done about the immigration issue because it affects the economy which affects us all. I just think that there are is a right way to do something, and as long as people don't forget that these people are HUMAN BEINGS like anyone else and are here to work and feed their families, then there should be no problem with changes that happen in the current immigration policy.
As long as things don't go too far, like a huge wall that they are putting up for example. Reasons for the wall include the threat of terrorism, but there is a border more than twice as big to the north with WAY less protection. If they are putting up walls, might as well surround the whole fucking country with them and not just Mexico. The hypocrisy I see with this is all the negativity about the Berlin Wall when it was put up and faught for so much to take down. This is essentially the same thing, keeping people from their family and homes. The border may technically end at the line that is drawn on a map, but in reality we know that it goes beyond. What do you personally think of a wall?
May 2, 2002
oakraiders9 said:
What do you personally think of a wall?
you think the wall is gonna make that much of a difference?

and the reason they dont put a wall around other surrounding countries is because there is only on other country attached to the US: canada. and there really isnt an imminent canadian immigration threat
May 13, 2002
^^^ I see it as more as a symbol. And do I think that it's going to make a difference in what? In the number of people continuing to attempt to come here? A little bit, but probably not much. As long as opportunities aren't being created for these people back home, people will find ways to try and get here no matter what. Putting up a wall is not necessary at all, negotiations between both governments and creating opportunities for these people in Mexico, is.


Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
oakraiders9 said:
As long as opportunities aren't being created for these people back home, people will find ways to try and get here no matter what. Putting up a wall is not necessary at all, negotiations between both governments and creating opportunities for these people in Mexico, is.
All of that falls back on Mexico. They're responsible for their own people, thus they should be creating opportunities for them. But that will never happen as long as corruption is rampant.
May 13, 2002
It is Mexico's responsibility, and the first thing they should do is kick out all the foreign investors and make sure that their resources (OIL) are used to directly benefit the masses of the country. Of course, like you said, corruption is rampant. Plenty of it comes from up north though, so the US is part of it whether they like it or not. I would love to see the day where a president, or just anyone with enough power to do so, would kick out all foreign investors. This day wont come as long as investors themselves (V. FOX) are the ones being "elected".


Apr 25, 2002
@oakraiders9 you said:

I am not going to deny that my pride gets in the way of my logical thinking, especially with these types of issues.
I understand this, and to be honest with you, I don't have a problem with people being prideful. However, when pride becomes a vice and one is no longer able to think objectively, it hinders communication and learning.

I do realize that something has to be done about the immigration issue because it affects the economy which affects us all. I just think that there are is a right way to do something, and as long as people don't forget that these people are HUMAN BEINGS like anyone else and are here to work and feed their families, then there should be no problem with changes that happen in the current immigration policy.
I agree with this, but you are missing something. A lot of people who are "pro immigration" are not promoting humanitarian rhetoric. The people I am referring to promote nationalism, and the main message is "We were here first, this land was stolen, now we want it back." When you come from that angle what do you expect for the other side to do? When you have MILLIONS of people protesting and wanting to take over an infrastructure that is already in place what do you expect the other side to do?

As long as things don't go too far, like a huge wall that they are putting up for example.
Why would that be too far?

Reasons for the wall include the threat of terrorism, but there is a border more than twice as big to the north with WAY less protection.
As PHX already stated thereis no imminent canadian immigration threat. Yes, people come in from Canada, but the majority of immigrants (both legal and illegal) come in from the u.s./mexican border.

If they are putting up walls, might as well surround the whole fucking country with them and not just Mexico.
If the purpose of the wall is to limit illegal immigration it wouldn't make sense to put it around the entire country. It would make sense to put it where the problems persist.

The hypocrisy I see with this is all the negativity about the Berlin Wall when it was put up and faught for so much to take down.
I see more hypocrisy in the mexican constitution and how they handle illegal immigration than the Berlin Wall.

This is essentially the same thing, keeping people from their family and homes.
But, you have to understand that the Berlin Wall was designed to keep people INSIDE of the country. The wall at the border is designed to keep people OUT and limit several so-called "problems" (or so they say.)

The border may technically end at the line that is drawn on a map, but in reality we know that it goes beyond.
I'm not following you. Please elaborate.

What do you personally think of a wall?
IMHO, it is like putting a band aid on a person who took seven slugs from a desert eagle. Ok, it is going to stop the bleeding in one area (for 3.2 seconds), but what about the internal bleeding?
May 13, 2002
"I agree with this, but you are missing something. A lot of people who are "pro immigration" are not promoting humanitarian rhetoric. The people I am referring to promote nationalism, and the main message is "We were here first, this land was stolen, now we want it back." When you come from that angle what do you expect for the other side to do? When you have MILLIONS of people protesting and wanting to take over an infrastructure that is already in place what do you expect the other side to do?"

The fact that history happened the way it did causes this. I am not saying that everyone who speaks the way you talk about is correct, but I understand where it comes from. These people promoting nationalism, as you say, would be a lot less in numbers if in fact the real history of California, Texas, Arizona, etc. was taught in school. They are reacting to the current system. What do I expect the other side to do? I expect them to take measures as far as putting up a wall and passing laws such as the ones they've tried to pass making people who help illegals criminals. But, like I've said before, the majority of the illegals who are here are here to work. They are not organized well enough to actually make a real move. The marches that happened were big in numbers, but most of the people dont have the nationalist consciousness that you speak of. I was at these marches, and most of the people just followed without really knowing too much besides the fact that there were laws about to pass which would make many of them criminals. There was no other motive for the majority. Of course there were extremists, but not too many.

"Why would that be too far?"

That is too far because it would seperate millions of people from their families and their homes.

"I see more hypocrisy in the mexican constitution and how they handle illegal immigration than the Berlin Wall."

You are correct here, and I can't argue with the fact that Mexico's government/constitution has failed the people. It's been that way forever though, and changes need to start right there in Mexico.

"But, you have to understand that the Berlin Wall was designed to keep people INSIDE of the country. The wall at the border is designed to keep people OUT and limit several so-called "problems" (or so they say.)"

The purpose of the wall matters much less than the results of it. People are still being seperated from their families and homes, regardless of whether the wall is to keep people in or out. And what problems are they going to keep out with the wall? The illegal immigrants? They are already here, and I'd like to see them try and deport 10 million people by force. Nice way to make some sparks and radicalize more people who then join the Nationalist Extremist groups you say are threats.

"I'm not following you. Please elaborate."

What I'm saying is that there is an imaginary line yet San Diego and LA can very well be confused as a City of Mexico. All I'm saying is, Mexicans are here already. Both legal and Illegal. The illegal ones aren't leaving voluntarily and that's for sure. I already explained what will happen if force is used, and I'm speaking of something far beyond the Border patrol.

"IMHO, it is like putting a band aid on a person who took seven slugs from a desert eagle. Ok, it is going to stop the bleeding in one area (for 3.2 seconds), but what about the internal bleeding?"

I agree. And from that, I take it further because of the negative affects the wall will have on an entire people without many overwhelming positive affects on the purposes of it. The wall wont do much except piss more and more people off, and radicalize more people who will add to the Nationalist groups there already are.


Apr 25, 2002
The fact that history happened the way it did causes this.
A major contributor? Yes. Sole cause? No way.

I am not saying that everyone who speaks the way you talk about is correct, but I understand where it comes from.These people promoting nationalism, as you say, would be a lot less in numbers if in fact the real history of California, Texas, Arizona, etc. was taught in school.
I disagree with this 100%. You can teach the real history in school all you want, but what will that actually accomplish? What will prevent the students from learning the history and forming a counter culture or learning the history and later starting a rebellion?

They are reacting to the current system.
In some cases yes, in some cases no. However, reacting to the current system should not be used to justify what people are doing.

What do I expect the other side to do? I expect them to take measures as far as putting up a wall and passing laws such as the ones they've tried to pass making people who help illegals criminals.
Well, technically they ARE criminals because they are aiding someone who is breaking the law. If your buddy robs a bank and you drive him away guess what? If you're in a car and you drive someoen to the other side of town so they can smother someone guess what? If you aid a fugitive of the law guess what? Again, what do you expect people to do when one side has made it VERY clear about what they intend to do.

But, like I've said before, the majority of the illegals who are here are here to work. They are not organized well enough to actually make a real move.
They don't have to be organized enough to make a real move. The only thing they have to do is come under the influence of those who ARE organized enough to make a real move.

The marches that happened were big in numbers, but most of the people dont have the nationalist consciousness that you speak of.

In each and everyone of those vids you'll find MANY signs OR people stating the "this is our homeland", "we were here first", " Aztlan is ours", "We are not illegal we are indiginous" rhetoric. You'll see many people talking about freedom and equality, and all of this goes back to the core message; we were here first, this land was stolen, and now we want it back. So yes, the majority DO hold the nationalist mentality I have spoken about.

I was at these marches, and most of the people just followed without really knowing too much besides the fact that there were laws about to pass which would make many of them criminals.
Fact: You were not at every march.

Fact: I have constantly stated that the many of the people DON'T know why they are really protesting, and you stating that they don't know is PROVING my point. That point is THEY ARE EASILY INFLUENCED BY THOSE WHO ARE PROMOTING THE "THIS LAND IS OUR LAND" AGENDA.

There was no other motive for the majority. Of course there were extremists, but not too many.
No motive? How can you say there was no other motive?

That is too far because it would seperate millions of people from their families and their homes.
Why can't they go through the legal process of becoming citizens? If they did so would they face seperation?

You are correct here, and I can't argue with the fact that Mexico's government/constitution has failed the people. It's been that way forever though, and changes need to start right there in Mexico.
So how come millions of people are not protesting in mexico? I don't want to read or hear the "easier said than done" excuse, because thats all it is. Again, black people were slaves for CENTURIES, and the civil rights movement isn't something that started or ended in the 60's. Black people had to DIE so people could enjoy freedom. Black people had to stand up in the country they lived in order to make a statement and change. So, I will ask you again, and hopefully you won't continue to dance around the questions (like you previously have.) How come millions of people are not protesting in mexico?

The purpose of the wall matters much less than the results of it.
No, YOU mentioned the wall and you were implying that its purpose was to keep people out. I am telling you that the wall was built to keep people IN and that the two are DIFFERENT. Yes, the result is to contain or limit the movement of people, but you comparing the Berlin Wall to the wall being built at the borders is like comparing apples to oranges. Yes, both are fruit, but they are different fruit.

People are still being seperated from their families and homes, regardless of whether the wall is to keep people in or out.
Why can't they go through the process?

And what problems are they going to keep out with the wall? The illegal immigrants? They are already here
Yes, some illegal immigrants are already here, but the problem is an ON GOING PROBLEM. Are you trying to imply that the problem has been solved and no more illegal immigrants are coming to america? The problem is not only the illegals that are currently here. The problem is also the influx of illegal immigrants. A wall would limit or stop the current immigration problem to some extent.

They are already here, and I'd like to see them try and deport 10 million people by force.
You are starting to use many fallicies to support your position. If 1 illegal immigrant or 10 million are deported that does not solve the problem. The MAJORITY of the problem comes from the CONSTANT illegal immigration that is happening this very minute. This country can sustain the 10 million that are already here, but this country CANNOT sustain 2 million entering each year AND the rise of birth that will result from it.

As far as deportation that is not the only option. Death and concentration camps would not be out of the norm if things get out of hand.

Nice way to make some sparks and radicalize more people who then join the Nationalist Extremist groups you say are threats
The sparks have already been made, and the nationalists will have members regardless. Also, the groups themselves state they are threats, so you should probably stop making it seem as if I am painting a picture of them.

What I'm saying is that there is an imaginary line yet San Diego and LA can very well be confused as a City of Mexico.
I've lived in San Diego for some time and I've been to LA several times. I've never confused either with a city of mexico. In fact, I don't know of anyone who has confused it with a city of mexico. What cities in mexico are as diverse as la or san diego? Yes, these cities have large groups of hispanics, but they also have a lot of other racial groups (blacks, whites,asians,jews) that you won't see walking around in the average mexican city. Also, the cities you listed have more modernization/industrilization, so where would the confusion come in?

All I'm saying is, Mexicans are here already. Both legal and Illegal. The illegal ones aren't leaving voluntarily and that's for sure. I already explained what will happen if force is used, and I'm speaking of something far beyond the Border patrol.
Everything you just said is what I've been saying for the past two pages.

I agree. And from that, I take it further because of the negative affects the wall will have on an entire people without many overwhelming positive affects on the purposes of it.The wall wont do much except piss more and more people off, and radicalize more people who will add to the Nationalist groups there already are.
Which will have a more negative effect, a wall being made to curtail out of control immigration or the entrance of 2 million people (below the poverty level) for the next 20 years? Please, answer this question. Yes, the walls are going to piss people off, but what you fail to realize is people are going to be pissed off regardless.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
hey heresy, what do you think of pat buchanan saying its ok for those in white countries to come here but others its all bad.. and that he wants for us to return to the days where it was 90% white and 10% other... and.. what do u think about the north american free trade union in contrast to our economic problems?

before u respond just kno im not really for or against immigration because im split.. i feel that there ARE racist folk pushing for this but at the same time i agree that mexico needs to have its people stand up to its government...


Apr 25, 2002
hey heresy, what do you think of pat buchanan saying its ok for those in white countries to come here but others its all bad..
I've never heard him say that, but if he did say that he is an idiot. It is not ok for ANYONE to come in the country ILLEGALLY, but it is ok for someone to go through the process legally. My argument has always been the numbers argument. Regardless if you have 2 million mexicans or 2 million europeans (of the same poverty level, etc), the numbers are going to climb when they come here. Like I said, I don't follow Pat Buchanan and don't pay attention to much of his rhetoric, but if the man said that he is obviously promoting a white power agenda.

and that he wants for us to return to the days where it was 90% white and 10% other
Is he a "conservative"? Thats what they want.

what do u think about the north american free trade union in contrast to our economic problems?
It could be considered a major contributor to the economic problems this country is currently facing. You've had a loss of a lot of high paying jobs due to NAFTA, and these jobs were in fields such as manufacturing and developing. In addition, take a look at the trade deficit and job loss as reported by the Buerau of Labor Statistics, and you'll find more madness as a result of thsi wacky deal. Also, the working man (middle class) doesn't really benefit from NAFTA and neither do mexican farmers who have to sell their land to avoid further debt. The people who benefit are the big businesses and their investors, and I believe the white house puppets knew exactly what they were doing before they signed this agreement. Hasn't the gap between rich and poor grown since this deal was signed? Yes, but didn't the rhetoric include pipe dreams such as "The middle class will grow", "This will stimulate all three economies", and "This will create better jobs and better wages"?
May 13, 2002
Heresy, Sorry for taking so long, finally had some free time.

"I disagree with this 100%. You can teach the real history in school all you want, but what will that actually accomplish? What will prevent the students from learning the history and forming a counter culture or learning the history and later starting a rebellion?"

The fact that the real history isn't taught only adds to the fact that what these people are reacting to is the oppression they have been facing for generations and continue to do so.

"In some cases yes, in some cases no. However, reacting to the current system should not be used to justify what people are doing."

Why not? If the system needs change, then the people should do what needs to be done in order to make that change. Whether it is protesting, marching, etc. You seem to be really impressed with the civil rights movement, your same argument could be said (and was) about that movement. If the system is failing people, it requires change.

"Well, technically they ARE criminals because they are aiding someone who is breaking the law. If your buddy robs a bank and you drive him away guess what? If you're in a car and you drive someoen to the other side of town so they can smother someone guess what? If you aid a fugitive of the law guess what? Again, what do you expect people to do when one side has made it VERY clear about what they intend to do."

Yes, under the current law they are criminals. But, from my perspective as well as many others, the law is a bunch of bull shit. And since I believe this, the fact that I'm breaking the law by aiding an illegal immigrant means absolutely nothing to me because I know that what I am doing is the correct thing to do. Fuck the Law.

"In each and everyone of those vids you'll find MANY signs OR people stating the "this is our homeland", "we were here first", " Aztlan is ours", "We are not illegal we are indiginous" rhetoric. You'll see many people talking about freedom and equality, and all of this goes back to the core message; we were here first, this land was stolen, and now we want it back. So yes, the majority DO hold the nationalist mentality I have spoken about."

WE WERE HERE FIRST! That cannot be disputed. The land wasn't technically "stolen", but please read about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the circumstances surrounding it and you'll understand why. The thing that you are missing is that Mexicans are a mixture of both European and Indian blood. Native Americans have their own land here in the United States, they recieve aide from the government because of what happened in the past. The Natives of the Americas have many things in common and are very similar in culture, yet because we have Spanish in us as well, we don't get our indigenous past recognized. In fact, too many Mexicans disregard their true indigenous past which adds more to the ignorance involved while making these border laws. Mexicans should be treated in a similar fashion to Native Americans because we are partly the same. Now, I am not talking about reperations or anything like that, but I would like to see more schools dedicated to teaching our indigenous past and I also would like for these people trying to pass these border laws to understand that we were here first, half of us has been here thousands of years.

"Fact: You were not at every march.

Fact: I have constantly stated that the many of the people DON'T know why they are really protesting, and you stating that they don't know is PROVING my point. That point is THEY ARE EASILY INFLUENCED BY THOSE WHO ARE PROMOTING THE "THIS LAND IS OUR LAND" AGENDA."

What is the difference between these people being easily influenced this way, and others being easily influenced to be against immigration.

Fact: The majority of people these days, especially in this country, are morons and are very easily influenced.

Don't act like the people in these marches are the only ones.

"No motive? How can you say there was no other motive?"

There is no other motive because like I have said many times, the main purpose of these marches was to show people the numbers of people who are here working and trying to make a living. These marches were made to show people that they are NOT criminals, but everyday working people like everyone else here. The difference is that they are considered illegal. But in no way shape or form are they like other criminals, they may be considered it because of the law, but that is it.

"Why can't they go through the legal process of becoming citizens? If they did so would they face seperation?"

The legal process of becoming citizens is so backtracked that it takes years upon years upon years to become a citizen here or to get here legally. Also, when the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, it stated that Mexicans were to be treated differently than immigrants from other countries because of the Mexican/US relationship. Mexicans were supposed to have a special privilage when it came to the border and immigration.

"So how come millions of people are not protesting in mexico? I don't want to read or hear the "easier said than done" excuse, because thats all it is. Again, black people were slaves for CENTURIES, and the civil rights movement isn't something that started or ended in the 60's. Black people had to DIE so people could enjoy freedom. Black people had to stand up in the country they lived in order to make a statement and change. So, I will ask you again, and hopefully you won't continue to dance around the questions (like you previously have.) How come millions of people are not protesting in mexico?"

I can see that you are obviously very impressed with what blacks did in this country, and it is easly understandable. The civil rights movement did very many good things. They had to sacrifice a lot and many people died fighting. The Chicano movement can be tied in with the civil rights movement as well, so it wasn't only blacks. But, what exactly did they gain? Black people are still the poorest, black people still get harrassed by police, black people still don't have that much representation in the government. What exactly is so great about today? I am not taking anything away from the great things that came from the movements in the 60's, but you are acting like black people MADE it. If Congalangus Rice and Colon Powell equal black people making it to you, than I honestly don't know what to say to you. Blacks and other minorities are FAR from being equal. Let's just say that everyone in this country now has equal civil rights regardless of race, gender, etc, which is not true by the way. But, what good is having equal rights when economically there is no way in hell that there will ever be an equality. Whites have so much money and power in this country that equal civil rights don't mean shit when it comes to economics. If you have the time, please read this very good essay by Karl Marx explaining what I am talking about here.

The point of all this is that blacks and all other minorities are part of a bigger picture in this country, they are just part of the poor and exploited lower class. They have a lot to go in order to be equal. Now, I'm sure you'll say that what do illegal Mexicans have to do with this movement, but like Mr. Trotsky, I believe that the movement has to be worldwide and not just in one country. There is a minority of people which have too much power, the NWO or whatever. It doesn't matter to me, the fact is that people are running this show with the masses not aware of it and more importantly not doing anything about it. A movement in just one country is easily stopped or controlled (Cuba, Venezuela). But, a worldwide movement is a completely different story. And I believe that the fight these illegals are fighting is a fight not only against the racist lawmakers of this country, but more importantly the fight between us (the masses) and them (those in power).

And I won't dance around your question, look at what is going on in Mexico right now. THERE ARE protests happening there and things are starting to unfold. More people are becoming radicalized and it's only a matter of time before something major goes down.

"No, YOU mentioned the wall and you were implying that its purpose was to keep people out. I am telling you that the wall was built to keep people IN and that the two are DIFFERENT. Yes, the result is to contain or limit the movement of people, but you comparing the Berlin Wall to the wall being built at the borders is like comparing apples to oranges. Yes, both are fruit, but they are different fruit."

What was so wrong about the Berlin wall? To me, it was the fact that it seperated families and a people as a whole. The same can be said for this wall, period. The purposes are different, but the results are the same and this is why I am against the wall at the border. IMO the negatives of the wall outweigh the positives by a lot.

"Yes, some illegal immigrants are already here, but the problem is an ON GOING PROBLEM. Are you trying to imply that the problem has been solved and no more illegal immigrants are coming to america? The problem is not only the illegals that are currently here. The problem is also the influx of illegal immigrants. A wall would limit or stop the current immigration problem to some extent. "

I am implying that a wall will not stop people from coming here. But, it will seperate families and make it a lot harder for people to go back and forth. A wall would make the numbers less, but it definetely will not stop the whole movement. So like I said above, negatives outweigh the positives.

"You are starting to use many fallicies to support your position. If 1 illegal immigrant or 10 million are deported that does not solve the problem. The MAJORITY of the problem comes from the CONSTANT illegal immigration that is happening this very minute. This country can sustain the 10 million that are already here, but this country CANNOT sustain 2 million entering each year AND the rise of birth that will result from it.

As far as deportation that is not the only option. Death and concentration camps would not be out of the norm if things get out of hand."

The problem of overpopulation is not just a US problem, but a worldwide problem. And the US should not ignore their responsibility as citizens of this earth by thinking that they are special and deserve more than others outside of the country. This is where the resources are, so this is where the people will come. What is this country doing to solve the problem of overpopulation and pollution and everything connected? I don't know the exact number, but this country uses a HUGE amount of the world's resources and I personally don't think people here are more special than people elsewhere. So the fact that people coming here illegaly have such a negative impact on the economy of this country and may result in it falling apart means nothing to me because I look at this problem as a worldwide issue, and not just from this countries perspective.

As for your comment on the bottom, you should be slapped across the face. If you are being sarcastic, I apoligize because it was not clear to me.

"I've lived in San Diego for some time and I've been to LA several times. I've never confused either with a city of mexico. In fact, I don't know of anyone who has confused it with a city of mexico. What cities in mexico are as diverse as la or san diego? Yes, these cities have large groups of hispanics, but they also have a lot of other racial groups (blacks, whites,asians,jews) that you won't see walking around in the average mexican city. Also, the cities you listed have more modernization/industrilization, so where would the confusion come in?"

Confused was the wrong word, I simply want to make fact that there are cities in the United States that have billboards in spanish, store signs in spanish, and look very similar to a city like Guadalajara or Mexico city.

"Which will have a more negative effect, a wall being made to curtail out of control immigration or the entrance of 2 million people (below the poverty level) for the next 20 years? Please, answer this question. Yes, the walls are going to piss people off, but what you fail to realize is people are going to be pissed off regardless."

The world is being overpopulated, therefore the resources are being consumed quicker and are more in demand now than ever. The United States is where a lot of resources are, so people will come here. If you are saying that the US should continue the way it is with consuming such a large amount of the world's resources while millions starve to death everyday, then this is something we disagree with.

"The video pro immigration people have yet to refute. I've posted it before and people failed to address it. If I were a betting man, I'd say the same thing is going to happen in this thread."

The numbers and facts cannot be refuted, you are correct. But, like I said before, I don't give a shit about the economy here because the current situation is something that needs change IMO. Therefore, if the economy fails because of this immigration, it actually helps with what I believe should happen anyways. People need to step up and take control, and if this helps, then I am not going to stop it.
Mar 1, 2006
I agree with Heresyies views for the most part, hes not putting down Mexicans as most pro immgration guys put it, but actually being a realist. I lived in mexico for 3 years and then moved back to cali when I was younger, My views of being there in Mexico was it was a corrupt ass place to be. In School they throw the mexican flag in your face and do a whole "desfile" like a march with the whole mexican anthem. This is done at a early age so you know Mexican pride is pushed like a mofo. Shit is so corrupt, In First Grade the teachers subsititute was her son (or at least thats what she told us) and he made us kids fight each other to see who was the toughest everytime he took over. Now I threw out this example because I believe 80% of people there are corrupt minded the rest are just gullible and go with the flow because of Mexican Pride pushed. When we moved back to Cali shit it was like takin a fresh breath being taken back to the 90s instead of stuck in the 70s in Mexico cuz thats how it felt.

Miggs if you came threw Fresno, Kings, Tulare Counties here in the valley youd be in shock of how many 2nd generation Mexican-Americans cant speak English well and or read at that. A lot of drop out rates because of perents visiting Mexico and not coming back till mid year or not even that, All in which hindering the whole childs education in the U.S. Some Mexican perents even discourage going to school, and would rather their kids work even at a young age in the fields.