Oil Spill [Pictures]

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Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
It is hurting other people. It is impediment to advancement and many of our laws remain in force because of religious support.
It is much more than that, it is directly putting all of us as a species on the path to very quick extinction.

However, it takes a little bit of education combined with the ability to see things and think a little bit further than the next 5 minutes to understand it, and most people don't have the mental habits necessary to do that...
Feb 7, 2006
Nobody is trying to force any worldview on anyone. What we are trying to force on people is the ability to understand reality through rational (i.e. scientific) reasoning because this is the only way we have to do that. And it is not scientific reasoning that is the right one just because it is scientific and most people who think this way happen to be scientists, it is because it is the only one that works.

This is important because if people live in a fantasy world, as it is the case right now, the decisions they take are very often totally inadequate and outright dangerous for our collective survival. Which is why religion hurts us so much. But it is not just religion, it is every irrational belief, from astrology through the various sorts of New Age woo, to anti-vaccinationists, and son on. It is just that religion is the major one.
I'll have to respond to this later since I agree with some of what you say, and attribute some of our issues to actions, I find, humans have a choice in making, which you might find embedded in our evolutionary DNA, instinct or whatever science word is correct.
Aug 15, 2003
Faith is an extremely dangerous thing, as it makes a virtue of denying evidence when it is right in front of you. Like all the evidence that there is no God and instead we made him up in our image. And much more harmful things like the faith in the specialness of the human species and the denial that the laws of nature apply to us too, as they do to every other species...
The Bible has many stories about that there is a God, and I do have questions about science. Like how there are shell fossils a few inches under the ground in western south dakota and in schools they teach about no flood but they teach many billions before there we're dinosaurs. I found in readings that the first dinosaur bones we're found around the 1850's why so late? but no flood being taught? I have no belief in that. I do believe the earth use to be one piece and the two witness plague the earth with division around the time of noah for they can plague it when ever they want( could of be oil deposits in the ground.) and it goes with the scripture of the faith the size of a mustard seed, that can move mountains.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
The Bible has many stories about that there is a God, and I do have questions about science. Like how there are shell fossils a few inches under the ground in western south dakota and in schools they teach about no flood but they teach many billions before there we're dinosaurs. I found in readings that the first dinosaur bones we're found around the 1850's why so late? but no flood being taught? I have no belief in that. I do believe the earth use to be one piece and the two witness plague the earth with division around the time of noah for they can plague it when ever they want( could of be oil deposits in the ground.) and it goes with the scripture of the faith the size of a mustard seed, that can move mountains.
Once again, has it ever occurred to you that the Bible maybe just a collection of myths written by ignorant nomads a few thousands years ago, which only by historical accident happened to dominate the thinking of a very large group of people, and as such is no more credible than the myths of the thousands of other primitive tribes that have ever existed?

Once this thought passes though your mind, you will have made the first step towards regenerating your critical thinking ability, that has been ruthlessly amputated the moment you got brainwashed into believing in God


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005

Do not be afraid to post your thoughts. This does not mean that they will not be subjected to ruthless scrutiny, but at least tell what you think...
May 14, 2002
They are now trying to drill sideway's? Shouldn't they have done this to begin with?
Isn't Cuba using this technique already?
Apr 18, 2005
Apparently itll keep spilling until August
It's become ANOTHER storyline we can all discuss and supposedly observe & analyze & discuss amongst eachother, yet we dont realize this isnt something we can sit around & allow to continue if we want our breed to continue on surviving here. yet we do, again & again. and we [as society] fall for the excuses & "reasons" and even names they make as each day passes, thinking, or at least pretending to think they are aiming for something when we truly know they arent. The media doesnt care what they throw out there or what you hear or what you think, as long as the oil keeps pouring out of those tubes. and for what? people say they wouldnt know that reason either but i'm sure they know they know (if you follow), they just dont know if they would want to be exposed to such reality after being away in a bubble for so long.. But hey, as long as the bottom of CNN has a flashing billboard evry 5 mins of OIL SPILL CATASTROPHE we think we got the idea.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
it didn't have proper inspection due to undermined regulations, i agree with 4sideddie
The ironic things is that the same people who usually cry out loud against governmental regulation, bitching about how it is bad for business and how there really shouldn't be any regulation and telling us how is this was the case, then we would live in an Adam Smith fantasy world, are now just as loudly complaining about how lack of governmental oversight caused the blowout.

You can't have it both ways...


Sicc OG
Apr 21, 2010