Oil Spill [Pictures]

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Sicc OG
Apr 21, 2010
Dead zones have absolutely nothing to do with toxic chemicals and antibiotics. It is the nitrogen and phosphates in the agricultural run-off that cause the phenomenon - a lot of nitrogen and phosphates mean algal blooms; in the same time there aren't enough animals to eat them all so they end up dying of old age (unheard of for plankton in ecosystems in balance) and falling to the sea floor. There they are decomposed by bacteria, which eat away all the oxygen in the process and this creates the hypoxic conditions that characterize dead zones.

Oil will have the same effect as dead algae.

NEW ORLEANS — Scientists say this year that the "dead zone" area that forms every summer in the Gulf of Mexico is one of the largest ever measured.

The large area of low oxygen that chokes marine life comes in addition to the massive BP oil spill.

Microbes that eat the oil can deplete oxygen in the water. But the researchers who measure the dead zone couldn't say there is a connection between the spill and the dead zone's size.

They say the dead zone is roughly the size of Massachusetts, or at least 7,722 square miles. The largest ever measured was just over 8,000 square miles in 2001.

The dead zone forms every year when bacteria feeds on algae blooms and uses up oxygen. The blooms are caused by the nutrient-rich waters from rivers that carry farm and urban runoff into the Gulf.

So farm and urban runoff carry no toxic chemicals or antibiotics from excrement? Just because those don't directly cause a Dead Zone, doesn't mean that they don't help aid in the killing off of native marine plants and animals.
Apr 25, 2002
Who needs government when private corporations make decisions that benefit humanity and not themselves?

and Obama is helping humanity with his proposed moratorium on drilling? he obviously aint trippin off peoples jobs in this economy.........how many rigs are out there for how many years with how many accidents? he aint good at math.......

but yeah, BP is being cunts...i wasnt diggin that "little people" comment.....

i also dont dig dumb fucks boycotting BP when all their doing is fucking up their local economy..........