Oil Spill [Pictures]

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Feb 7, 2006
they wont let the Louisiana fishermen who are helping in the clean-up wear respirators, and if they do BP threatened to fire them... I'm sick and tired of these faggots -the people are surely in a stupor.

But the need for money trumps all, The president of the Louisiana fishermen assoc. said that the fishermen won't step forward about BP's actions and the effects the chemicals are having on the workers because they need the money.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
off shore drilling should be halted and banned
It should. But what are we doing about Peak Oil then. Not that off shore drilling will help, it only pushes the collapse a few years into the future.

But in general, if you are opposed to off shore drilling, which is good, are you also in support of the drastic downsizing of consumption and population that we have to quickly undertake if we are to get out of this mess in a organized and non-self-destructive way?
Apr 21, 2010
BP's top kill effort fails to plug Gulf oil leak

By BEN NUCKOLS, Associated Press Writer – 16 mins ago

ROBERT, La. – BP admitted defeat Saturday in its attempt to plug the Gulf of Mexico oil leak by pumping mud into a busted well, but said it's readying yet another approach to fight the spill after a series of failures.

BP PLC Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said the company determined the "top kill" had failed after it spent three days pumping heavy drilling mud into the crippled well 5,000 feet underwater. More than 1.2 million gallons of mud was used, but most of it escaped out of the damaged riser.

In the six weeks since the spill began, the company has failed in each attempt to stop the gusher, as estimates of how much is leaking grow more dire. It's the worst spill in U.S. history — exceeding even the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989 off the Alaska coast — dumping between 18 million and 40 million gallons into the Gulf, according to government estimates.

"This scares everybody, the fact that we can't make this well stop flowing, the fact that we haven't succeeded so far," Suttles said. "Many of the things we're trying have been done on the surface before, but have never been tried at 5,000 feet."

The company failed in the days after the spill to use robot submarines to close valves on the massive blowout preventer atop the damaged well, then two weeks later ice-like crystals clogged a 100-ton box the company tried placing over the leak. Earlier this week, engineers removed a mile-long siphon tube after it sucked up a disappointing 900,000 gallons of oil from the gusher.

Suttles said BP is already preparing for the next attempt to stop the leak that began after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded in April, killing 11 people.

The company plans to use robot submarines to cut off the damaged riser from which the oil is leaking, and then try to cap it with a containment valve. The effort is expected to take between four and seven days.

"We're confident the job will work but obviously we can't guarantee success," Suttles said of the new plan, declining to handicap the likelihood it will work.

He said that cutting off the damaged riser isn't expected to cause the flow rate of leaking oil to increase significantly.

The permanent solution to the leak, a relief well currently being drilled, won't be ready until August, BP says.

Experts have said that a bend in the damaged riser likely was restricting the flow of oil somewhat, so slicing it off and installing a new containment valve is risky.

"If they can't get that valve on, things will get much worse," said Philip W. Johnson, an engineering professor at the University of Alabama.

Johnson said he thinks BP can succeed with the valve, but added: "It's a scary proposition."

Word that the top-kill had failed hit hard in the fishing community of Venice, La., near where oil first made landfall in large quanities almost two weeks ago.

"Everybody's starting to realize this summer's lost. And our whole lifestyle might be lost," said Michael Ballay, the 59-year-old manager of the Cypress Cove Marina.
Online: http://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/go/site/2931/
AP Radio correspondent Shelly Adler and Associated Press Writer Matthew Brown contributed to htis report.
Aug 15, 2003
can oil in water damage a ships engine? One of the plagues(in the book of revalations) talks about a third of the ships being destroyed. I was thinking it was that also with the oil looking like blood coming out of the ocean floor. That's pretty deep right there because like with what I said before it could kill everything in the ocean, I mean everything depends on one another in the ocean you take a large part from it, the rest doesn't grim but gone.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
can oil in water damage a ships engine? One of the plagues(in the book of revalations) talks about a third of the ships being destroyed. I was thinking it was that also with the oil looking like blood coming out of the ocean floor. That's pretty deep right there because like with what I said before it could kill everything in the ocean, I mean everything depends on one another in the ocean you take a large part from it, the rest doesn't grim but gone.
Again, grow the fuck up and get this book out of your mind, right now it is the single major impediment to you starting to actually use your brain
Feb 7, 2006
So what should we do? Many beliefs that are non-religious hurt humanity at large and individuals, why don't we crusade against them? I hate when people talk shit about a belief system then act out in the same manner they lambast another ideology for espousing.

I rather people believe Barney the Great Purple Messiah is coming to save us -if they aren't bothering me, then some fag in a lab coat trying to force his Aldous Huxley world view on me.
Aug 15, 2003
The bible is about faith, it is a great book to read and go by. I'm sure this won't change your mind, I'm not trying to be religeous but serious.

the Kingdom of God is sooooo strong, you do know what to go against it. One Love to all those that believe and to those who do not love the Lord let a curse fall on their heads as these plauges ruin the world around them.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
So what should we do? Many beliefs that are non-religious hurt humanity at large and individuals, why don't we crusade against them? I hate when people talk shit about a belief system then act out in the same manner they lambast another ideology for espousing.

I rather people believe Barney the Great Purple Messiah is coming to save us -if they aren't bothering me, then some fag in a lab coat trying to force his Aldous Huxley world view on me.
Nobody is trying to force any worldview on anyone. What we are trying to force on people is the ability to understand reality through rational (i.e. scientific) reasoning because this is the only way we have to do that. And it is not scientific reasoning that is the right one just because it is scientific and most people who think this way happen to be scientists, it is because it is the only one that works.

This is important because if people live in a fantasy world, as it is the case right now, the decisions they take are very often totally inadequate and outright dangerous for our collective survival. Which is why religion hurts us so much. But it is not just religion, it is every irrational belief, from astrology through the various sorts of New Age woo, to anti-vaccinationists, and son on. It is just that religion is the major one.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
The bible is about faith, it is a great book to read and go by. I'm sure this won't change your mind, I'm not trying to be religeous but serious.

the Kingdom of God is sooooo strong, you do know what to go against it. One Love to all those that believe and to those who do not love the Lord let a curse fall on their heads as these plauges ruin the world around them.
Faith is an extremely dangerous thing, as it makes a virtue of denying evidence when it is right in front of you. Like all the evidence that there is no God and instead we made him up in our image. And much more harmful things like the faith in the specialness of the human species and the denial that the laws of nature apply to us too, as they do to every other species...