Damn some of yall have serious hatred for Kanye, I like the fact his shit doesn't sound like every other hip hop rap album I have and talks about real shit and topics that normal people can relate to. I thought it was pretty good, I can listen to it from time to time.
The first reviewer hates Kanyes guts but at least he wrote an educated review and actually knew what he was talking about. I disagree with the review but at least he had a different but smart opinion.
when someone comes in like I don't think this fits the criteria for what hip hop is supposed to be and Kanye can't rap yada yada it shows you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
I gues i'll give a brief overview of my 2 cents on this album eventhough its hella old.The production was fresh and different, I liked his older shit when dude was still hungry though like shit he did for "The Dynasty" Still nice though. Most the songs i was really into were the radio songs though, seemed like there was alot of filler in this but hey wern't technically bad songs, "Crack Music" would have been a better song if they didn't put the game on it cuz it was a smartly written song, maybe the subject matter is over some peoples heads when people get political in their rhymes and are not just talking about driving bentleys and platinum chains. "Touch the Sky" was was a nice upbeat song thats a curtis Mayfeild sample isn't it? I like it when producers bring back the classics. "gOld Digger" was a very catchy song as we all know, smartly written. My favorite song on there Was "Diamonds from Seirra Leone" Great beat and touched on a real topic that people should be listining to Jay Z kills the second verse too, can't say he doesn't. Out of the non radio songs I think my favorite was "On My way Home" Not really for the raps but I loved the beat, cool and blusey, when I play this I just sing along with the hook, Where is that sampled from, might as well buy the real record LOL. My biggest beef with the album though is alot of the non radio songs that i did like were hella short, I think Kanye knows people got short ass attention spans and did that shit on purpose lol