Re: Good response
@ n9newunsixx5150
Thanks for your opinion. I gotta say this though, your one of the only people that didn't come at me like I was a totall idiot for my interpretations. I take everything into account and decipher a response according to logic. Just by the way you presented your case, I would more readily take your response into consideration...
It did cross my mind that God is Transcendental and everything in the universe came from him...But I'm just confused to where evil came from if everything comes from him and he's all good.
PS. I don't know how we got to this topic, niccaz always take my shyt to some other place. I just got out the pen so that's why I came back.
To the rest of ya'll
Learn form this homie, then we can have a real conversation
On a relative, material level we have what we understand as good and evil. On this level there is really none to make the standard for what these terms really mean. They are open to people's own perception. In this case, good and evil are subjective to each. I may think "evil" to be a little different than someone else...
But, on an absolute level we understand, as you even say, that The Supreme is ALL GOOD. But He is beyond material goodness. He is Pure Good. This is His transcendental position. The general concept of "evil" that persists is merely a constituent of the Supreme Good. Evil itself is not a substance, per say, it is a lack thereof. Like ignorance is to knowledge. Ignorance is not a substance, it is a LACK of the substance of knowledge.
Thus, when we are ignorant of the Supreme Good, we will perform "evil" acts as a result of this lack of knowledge.