My theory is this:
Jesus knew Judas would betray Him. Because Jesus knows the hearts of men. Jesus also knew that Judas was a good man. Judas I believe is in Heaven. When Judas hung himself, it shows that he still had a conscience and he felt guilty. Good was still in him and that's all you need to be forgivin. Suicide is a garunteed way to go to hell. But the only form of suicde in God's eyes is if you go against Him, because your soul is eternal. And only your Creator can change that, and you make that decision for Him.
Jesus said ,"the healthy don't need a doctor". That's why He talked to who He did. The disciples who followed Jesus followed Him because they wanted to. Jesus just knew how to find them. The disciples who continued to spread His message did so because they were able. They knew what Jesus spoke was Truth so there wasn't any way to get His message confused.
As for that slayin of the Cannaanites. It didn't go against God's Law. There's a difference between murder and justice. I don't know where everybody got this misconception that God doesn't know how to defend Himself or that He's hypocritical. He's GOD. No matter what He does it's righteous. When you meet God are you EVER gonna tell him. "Hey God, ummm yeah, I don't think that was a wise decision" lol. When you think of God think of Him as being all-powerfull, all-knowing, perfect in everything and able to do anything you ask of him as long as it's good. Cuz to question your Maker is to question yourself. If God wasn't all of these things then how could He do anything you ask of Him? And if you could teach God something, then you have just lost the ability to learn. Hell. Real death.
God is not incapable of sin He just doesn't do it. Oh ye of little faith. What is beyond God?
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted"-Jesus