Is E Dawg Racist

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Apr 25, 2002
Dak: read more carefully...When you talked about E-Dawg saying racist things, it was mostly **WHITE PEOPLE** telling you not to worry about it.

And the opposite of that would be you reporting a white guy rapping, sayin the N-word, and black people telling you "dont worry about it"....feel me? :classic:
Apr 25, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
Black people cannot be racist.

Racism = hate + power

Black people do not have the political or financial POWER to execute the institutionalized racism that white people have integrated into every function of our governmental, social and political structures.
Racism is not "hate + power". Anybody who is a living human being can be racist. I think you better go learn what these words mean before you speak on them because in all honesty, you sound really ignorant. Theres nothing worse than someone trying to speak on topics like this and can't even understand the basics.
Apr 25, 2002
Hopefully this dose of reality doesnt get me goes!!

Sick Wid It said:
Racism is not "hate + power".
And...? Where is your definition? Do you have one? And if you dont, how do you know this one isnt correct? Let me help you out on this one: you DONT know.

Sick Wid It said:
Anybody who is a living human being can be racist.
...and in the department of redundancy department...

Sick Wid It said:
I think you better go learn what these words mean before you speak on them because in all honesty, you sound really ignorant.
She uses words like "integrate", "execute", and "institutionalized" (in their correct forms/grammar, even)...while you yourself talk in circles and, essentially, do nothing but rehash old arguements and while bringing up NOTHING new or original...and SHE's the "ignorant" one? Gimme a break...

Sick Wid It said:
Theres nothing worse than someone trying to speak on topics like this and can't even understand the basics.
Try looking in the mirror once in a while. You might be suprised...

(sorry for being a dick in this thread, i been watching Fox News Channel WAAAAY too much!!!! :classic: )
May 18, 2002
Im wit Mo-X on this that it was a tight lyric and I take it like he dint mean to offend people. I mean, who cares if hes racist anyways, if his music is bangin, Ill cop it no matter what. But why bring slavery and that whole topic in on this........America is full of hate and racism from many people of every race, but its also tha most diverse country in tha world.......slaverys over, none of us had anything to do wit it, so its irrelevant to us in my opinion. Im jus sayin that this whole "controversy" about what E-Dawg said in that song is stupid and pointless.
Apr 26, 2002
No prejudice is when you stereotype someone based on their race,religion,etc...for instance if I thought that all blacks were criminals then that would be prejudice not racism..because i'm making an assumption based on race. prejudice=pre-judge
May 5, 2002
you can hate based on those prejudices. but unless you have power (like white people), you cannot be a racist. you are just prejudiced against that group. you have a disdain for them because of their skin or religion. if you are not white, you do not have the power that whites have in order to institutionalize a racist structure, therefore you cannot be racist. i've studied this topic diligently. blacks and hispanics, for example, do not have political and financial resources in the same capacity as whites, nor do they have representation in government or in policing. therefore, they lack power and the ability to enforce their prejudices in any way that would threaten white people's standing in america.
May 5, 2002
Naw, that's you being in the wrong neighborhood at the wrong time. They are prejudiced against you. They resent you because you are white and because you represent the cops that shot their brother in the back or the lady who called them a nigger at the grocery store. They prejudge you as being like those individuals. All they can do is whoop your ass or kill you. That is one isolated incident. Whereas Black people are victims of ass beatings and murders systematically on an everyday basis in their neighborhoods or outside their neighborhoods as a result of a society that hates them and sets them up for ultimate failure.
Apr 25, 2002
so no other race except whites can be racist cuz the other races dont have enough money to be racist??? that is bullshit!!!! u guys got me rollin over here!!!! if u hate a group of people because they are of a different skin color/culture/up-bringing, then U ARE RACIST. period. if u hate on a group of people because u think theyll all crackheads, thieves, drug dealers, gang members, rich, picket fence owners, silver spoons, powerfull businessmen, etc....then u are pre judging that race....prejudice.....simple enough kiddies.....what came first, racism, or the federal reserve note???
May 18, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
i think there are a lot of defensive white people on here.
You might be right, but I think tha whole racist thing goes both ways nowdays. There are a lot of people in EVERY race that are racist or prejudice against another race......not jus white on blacks. True, white people arent hated on as much.........but tha days are different, and EVEN WHITE PEOPLE CAN GET HATED ON because of their race. I may seem defensive, but Im jus statin my opinion. I always stand up for my race....not white, not black, not asian, not hispanic.....AMERICAN.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
I think some of you have your heads up your asses… “I think there are a lot of defensive white people in here” – that’s obvious since you’re in hear spreading lies. If a white person is walking down the road and in an area that’s pre-dominantly occupied by black people, for whatever reason… maybe he got a flat, maybe he’s out for a walk, regardless… if he catches a beat down or gets shot and killed that is a clear cut case of racism. I don’t care what you say, IT IS. Another lie you’re spreading is that black people can’t be racist because there are no black people in power. Again, that’s HORSESHIT. Contrary to your conspiracy theories, the government doesn’t get together in rooms and figure out how to bring the black man down. I’m not saying that didn’t happen back in the day when it was OBVIOUS. Times have changed, everyone gets educated if they want it. Education & talent are what allow a person to excel in this world… unless of course you’re a candidate for affirmative action, in which case you get the job because of the color of your skin… when it should be best man for the job. Black people are just as racist as the next man. There are quite a few racist black people out there, as well as white people and everybody else in the middle.
Apr 26, 2002
Alright hustle here's a situation for you.... Inbred Bob and Meth-Head Joe catch a black guy in their white trash town and beat him up because he's black, now these two trailor trash motherfuckers have NO POWER or NO are they prejudice or racist, if you say racist then it contradicts what you were just saying.
Apr 25, 2002
#1...i am a skin color is white....but i dont EVER remember that stoppin the PD's from holding guns to MY head....or motherfuckers turnin down 95% of my job applications... OTHER ancestors (native americans) were murdered, raped, pillaged, and damn near EXTERMINATED off thier own land to make way for white settlers....and to this day the vast majority reside in designated land that the "white government" has cut out for them....some of my ancestors were the ORIGIONAL "niggers".... did u know irish people were put in to slavery also??? real chop.... i think what happened to black folks is horrible. but it gives no justification to hate modern white people becaus e of the color of thier skin.

i grew up with nearly all of my friends being either black, hispanic, or asian. im no stranger to other culture. but to deny facts is ignorant....i respect u Hustle, ive read previous posts of yours and i believe your an intelligent lady (not to mention beautiful), so i know u can grasp what im tryin to say. im just tired of the white race (as a WHOLE) being bashed. i also agree this political and governmental system is jacked tha FUCK UP. but theres not a race to blame, just individual slime buckets. its like sayin u hate all middle eastern decended people cuz u think they are terrorists (actually a prejudice, but u feel me)....ill get back to this later....
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