Yo! This shit is stupid. And this is why:
#1. Dak Iller- Bottom line is that you are reading too far into 1 bar of a song. The whole song is not about racism. In fact, it's not about racism at all. He was just trying to be creative.
And DJ Kaliph is right to a certain degree. Elton John performed with Eminem and all EM does is Gay Bash.
#2. Who cares if he's racist? If he was or wasn't racist, it's not gonna effect your life. So stop making a big deal of it. Many of the rappers you love have said cracker, pale face, or white devil and it was still tight to you in their songs.
#3. Even if he was racist, how can you be so quick to judge him and you haven't spent an hour being black?
Imagine what it is like when something comes up missing in a room full of white folks and one black man. That's right, the black dude is gonna get blamed. White folks don't get racially profiled. And Blacks get more servere sentences in the courts of law.
Cops don't kill white people for pulling their wallets out of there back pockets or for trying to run. Black folks didn't have slaves in America.
And this is most important, if a white person has a large gathering at their house, it's okay BUT if a black person has a large group of people at their house why do several WHITE neighbors call the police and say their is a gang outside?
Dude let's not start no dumb shit here. AMERICA WAS BUILT ON RACISM! You can't avoid that. Ignorance is bliss. So forgive but don't forget because history has a way of repeating itself.