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Nov 21, 2007
Timmy your a fag....go do something else with your summer vacation instead of sharing your daddies ignorant beliefs on a gangster rap board. No wonder your a virgin still
Apr 25, 2002
If you not Indigenous aka Native American/Native Mexican then pack up & leave. Go back to where your ancestors came from then.

im only gonna assume T-Rip is your comment is dumb as fuck........

and why dont you invite all the mexican illegals to kick it on your lawn and back yard, you obviously aint trippin cus its their continent...........
Feb 21, 2003
im only gonna assume T-Rip is your comment is dumb as fuck........

and why dont you invite all the mexican illegals to kick it on your lawn and back yard, you obviously aint trippin cus its their continent...........
My comment not as dumb as some these folks posting. I'm not tripping cause these so called illegals are INDIGENOUS to the land known as ameriKKKA.

Mar 24, 2006
Not that I really care or anything but why do alot of people always talk about the indigenous aspect of this whole situation. You guys do realize that the Spanish dug in in Mexico along time ago right? Meaning, alot of these "indigenous" people from south of the border are actually somewhat European like the rest of us honkies. You gonna tell them to go back to Europe too? didn't thinkso.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
My comment not as dumb as some these folks posting. I'm not tripping cause these so called illegals are INDIGENOUS to the land known as ameriKKKA.

I think this argument goes over the head of a lot of folks who live in a western culture that doesn't give as much respect or acknowledgment of their ancestors and where they came from. For example most my friends who have a European background can only name their ancestors down to their great grandparents, if that. Most Native American's I know can list and tell stories about their ancestors that were here up to 10 generations ago. A lot of people just cannot comprehend how the present and future is connected to the past.
Apr 25, 2002
i think most of us just dont give a fuck cus we live in "today" not back then.........

and chill with the "indigenous", that might be the word of the day for you but all it does is give you a very weak, no where else to go, up against the wall argument........


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
Not that I really care or anything but why do alot of people always talk about the indigenous aspect of this whole situation. You guys do realize that the Spanish dug in in Mexico along time ago right? Meaning, alot of these "indigenous" people from south of the border are actually somewhat European like the rest of us honkies. You gonna tell them to go back to Europe too? didn't thinkso.
Maybe because they are product of rape?


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
I think this argument goes over the head of a lot of folks who live in a western culture that doesn't give as much respect or acknowledgment of their ancestors and where they came from. For example most my friends who have a European background can only name their ancestors down to their great grandparents, if that. Most Native American's I know can list and tell stories about their ancestors that were here up to 10 generations ago. A lot of people just cannot comprehend how the present and future is connected to the past.
I understand it completely how the future is connected with the past

For example, I took a California history class a couple quarters ago... my final was to write a paper on the history of the state... starting from the ice age... all the up into modern day and the future... while making connections and commenting on how certain events affected the economy of the state

had to do all this with no notes... which required me to have a pretty solid understanding of California (which is where most of the focus on this thread really is) and how it's past is connected with present day and future

I don't know stories about my family 10 generations ago, but I've talked to my great grandma (RIP) who was the oldest relative of mine ever alive the same time as me, and discussed where she came from, how she got to this country, what is was like when she came over, etc...

back to the topic... the fact of the matter is... every country is not inhibited by it's native people... this entire world was built on people exploring, settling, and claiming land

it was ugly often times... war and things of that nature are a part of history... yes, but it is what it is...
Apr 25, 2002
and i see and hear all this talk about how america stole from mexico and this was "our" land and blah blah blah....if its that serious then go to fuckin mexican but i aint tryna live in mexico, and i deffinitly aint bitchin about what the "white man stole" cus i most deff would not want to live under the mexican government, and obviously neither do the illegal aliens.........i dont understand how people can bitch so much but stay here in amerikkka........mexico has cheap housing player, its obviously the mother land so go and be happier........

why dont you guys go there and fight for the central americans tryna sneak into mexico? since your so passionate about migration and all..........
Dec 12, 2006
My comment not as dumb as some these folks posting. I'm not tripping cause these so called illegals are INDIGENOUS to the land known as ameriKKKA.

I gotta hate on the sign/picture u got man, the sense of entitlement to be above laws of a civilized country cuz some if not all your blood comes from the land your living in seems really naive and basic to me

I dunno what kind of problems u got with America, but the reason people from all over the globe come here to take advantage of the economic system and higher standard of living is that this is the greatest country of all time
Dec 12, 2006
Like if im Indigenous does that mean I can walk into a 7/11 grab a six pack and walk out, Sir bring that back, nah its cool bro im Indigenous, peace!, Sir bring that back, no you built this store on my land and Im thirsty so Ima take this and u can fuck off, im Indigenous

obviously this is not how the world works so why even support or adopt the mentality that because your blood comes from a certain place you are entitled to something, arent we all from Africa???


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
I have ancestors from Austria... and Ireland... so does that mean I can go to Austria or Ireland and live/work there without becoming a citizen?

makes sense...
Feb 21, 2003
Native American Observation! An old joke but oh so TRUE!

Recently an old Indian chief sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking a Ceremonial pipe and eyeing two U. S. Government officials sent by the President to interview him. "Chief Two Eagles" asked one official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done." The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government officials for over a minute and then calmly replied, "When white man found the land, Indians were running it. No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, women did all work, medicine man free, Indian man spent all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex." Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."
Feb 21, 2003
Like if im Indigenous does that mean I can walk into a 7/11 grab a six pack and walk out, Sir bring that back, nah its cool bro im Indigenous, peace!, Sir bring that back, no you built this store on my land and Im thirsty so Ima take this and u can fuck off, im Indigenous

obviously this is not how the world works so why even support or adopt the mentality that because your blood comes from a certain place you are entitled to something, arent we all from Africa???
Didn't state nutting about stealing.

As far as how the world works is corruption & deceipt.

Live off the land, take care of the land & the land will provide what you need to survive.

Remember we are energy consuming time & space only for so long before the time & space take that energy we consume. Katrina, Haiti, The tsunami in the Indian Ocean a few years back add all the man made disasters of the past century it is only a matter of time before true power awakens the people because only true power can come from all the elements Earth, Air, Water & Fire. We as humans are only but a breif moment on this planet.

I could careless about man made laws to divide & conquer, utilized as a means to have sheople put blame one another. Natural Law will prevail & human existance will change but will life cease to exist. For some yes but for those that Respect the elements such as Earth, Air, Water & Fire are the Indigenous(The ones who are closest to nature on all continents not just ameriKKKA) are the one who will survive. I'm not saying I will because I was urban raised & don't know all my traditions. I do know that we as a people must make certain sacrfices in order for the cycle of life to continue. If I must sacrifice my life at the hands of Natural Law so be it but man made laws I have no respect for as the man made laws were created to take away our freedoms as people.