My thing is when prostitution becomes an issue in a certain area they set up stings to punish the johns. Why not do the same for immigration. Why not park or have a decoy out in front of home depot n fine the people who hire "illegal" immagrants for cheap labor. Isn't it illegal to pay someone for work "under the table"? I think it's a federal offense. I'll tell you why. Cuz when gov. Wilson came out with all these strong immagration laws he had an illegal maid that worked for him. Its a fact. Look it up. I'm tired of people saying there taking are jobs. Who should u be mad at the worker or the employer who is lookin for cheap labor?
if people are willing to hire, and they can get away with it, why shouldn't they?
again, I have no problem with people coming here to make a better life for themselves... and I feel if necessary the government should make it easier for these people to become citizens
in the end it would make life better for those people and all people in this country