If Floyd is on "vacation", who should Pacquiao fight next?

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Apr 20, 2005
hey bigfart. just say Manny is a beast. Nobody's fuckin with him. I think Floyds a beast too......In his own pussy ass way. Flocka!
Feb 3, 2006
I'm sorry if I was disrepected you 2-0-Sixx, at least you back up your logic. I don't take the internet seriously. But how many times do I have to explain that just because you lose a fight does not make you shot. You can win a fight and still end up damaged J-Taylor vs B-Hop or Holyfiled vs Bowe. Both Bowe and Taylor won the fight but both left something in the ring too. But if take a good ass whipping like Vargas vs Tito, B-Hop vs Pavlik, and Tyson vs Bruno, those are ass whipping that take your soul and lifeforce away. I guess you don't understand that you can be shot both mentally and physically. Taking clean hard punches to the head has and effect on your body.
Apr 25, 2002
No, I know what a shot fighter is. It's you dumb ass Pac-Man fans that don't understand. How many time do I have to explain it to you dumb fucks. Cotto got hit with 237 power shots from Margarito, his eye, nose, and lip cut and bleeding. In his very next fight he was hit with 222 power shots by Cottley and again his eye, nose, and lip cutu and bleeding everywhere. Cotto was damaged goods going into the Manny fight. Now agan tell me that Cotto wasn't damaged and war tore. Why don't you post the picture of Cotto face in those two fights, I bet his face looks like it did after the Pac-Man fight.
damn bruh u throwin another net tantrum lol. it hurts that bad to know ur hero is a hoecake?
Feb 3, 2006
8Five8 Manny has some of the best combination punching I have ever seen. Manny's not the problem at all it's his fan that make me sick. I have not problem giving Manny his just do. But don't discredit Mayweather to hype him up. Manny and Mayweather are both by far the best two fighters in boxing.
Feb 3, 2006
JReeZelle, it's called stating facts something your dick riding ass know nothing about fuck-boy.. Have you answered one question yet? Or do you just try to be funny with your post?
Apr 25, 2002
im just wonderin why u throwin tantrums when u say its just the internet. miss erybody wit the simp shit its obvious u try to downplay erything pacquiao is doin or has done. just cuz u say he got good combos doesnt mean that u givin him props. i aint dick ridin shit i just recognize whats in front of my face. it aint my fault you gullable to pbf's fuckery and blind to the fact that he's shook. hes actin like a bitch and ur a fan of his i could only imagine how that makes u feel lol.
Feb 3, 2006
You still haven't backed up anything you're talked about dumb ass. So miss me with that fuck-boy shit you talking about. Either post some facts or sit your dumb ass down.
Feb 3, 2006
JReezelle, since you're a little slow I'm going to ask you two easy questions. Who fought the winner of the Mosley vs Margarito fight? Who fought the loser of the Mosley vs Margarito fight? Now think about those long and hard and you will get the point I'm trying to make. Left-overs anyone.. This is really too easy. LOL..
Apr 25, 2002
ur comedy bruh...what's it been 1 1/2-2 years of u hollerin nuttin but buuushit? u think its a coincidence nobody take heed to what u say except tony lol. ur pure entertainment, and its funny how tryin to protect hoeweather makes u act.
Apr 20, 2005
so does Pacman have to fight Mosely first to get a match with Mayweather?

Mayweather fought the loser of the Pacquiao vs. Marquez fight.
Dec 9, 2005
Morebass, I just don't understand the logic you are applying. If Mosley is so-called washed up but yet he KO'ed Maragarito in 10 rounds with no problem. Why should I be hyped for a prime Manny beating him up for a 12rd UD? Another question for MoreBass. Are you saying that the 179 power shot that Cotto landed, and the 178 power shots that Mosley landed in back to back fights had not effect on Maragarito?

Honestly, I don't much into the Mosley-Margarito fight. Look at Margarito's eyes even before the first bell rang. He knew he was in deep shit, and his mind was everywhere but the fight.

You need anymore proof about Mosley's state as a fighter, watch the Mora fight.

Sure, fights take their toll on fighters. Pacquiao took a beating in his first fight with Morales...then went on a 12 fight, 5 year tear, and looks almost unstoppable.

I'm just saying, you're so quick to write fighters off as "shot" when really, you're just trying to take air out of people's victories.
Feb 3, 2006
MoreBass, You're starting to get my point now. I'm using the same logic as the Pac-Man fans. I'm discrediting his big wins just like they do to every one of Mayweather's wins. Pac-Man beat the brakes off Margarito and looked very good doing it. Mayweather looked very good beating up Mosley. Now they just need to fight each other. 8five8, Marquez lose that fight by 1 point. Hatton vs Mayweather, Margarito vs Cotto, and Mosley vs Maragarito. Manny fought the loser of all those fights, and every last one of those guys where brutally beaten and knocked out in those loses. Is this a pattern for his match making that's all I'm asking? I'm just waiting for one person to explain this pattern to me. 8five8, KAH707KALI, and even my new best friend JReezelle-I want you three to answer the above question about Manny's match making pattern. Then after you guys answer that I will school you on Mayweather and the records of his opponents leading up to there fight with him. I didn't disrespect anyone in this post too so no hurt e-feelings this time around. LOL.
Dec 9, 2005
MoreBass, You're starting to get my point now. I'm using the same logic as the Pac-Man fans. I'm discrediting his big wins just like they do to every one of Mayweather's wins.
Don't really discredit any of Floyd's wins. But his best wins, IMO were against Genaro Hernandez, Jose Luis Castillo (2nd fight) and Diego Corrales. The Mosley fight was very impressive as well.

Now they just need to fight each other. 8five8, Marquez lose that fight by 1 point. Hatton vs Mayweather, Margarito vs Cotto, and Mosley vs Maragarito. Manny fought the loser of all those fights, and every last one of those guys where brutally beaten and knocked out in those loses.

They actually are all fighting each other. Minus Floyd. Pacquiao has faced everyone you listed. Pacquiao, Margarito, Mosley, and Cotto have faced everyone but Hatton.

Is this a pattern for his match making that's all I'm asking? I'm just waiting for one person to explain this pattern to me. 8five8, KAH707KALI, and even my new best friend JReezelle-I want you three to answer the above question about Manny's match making pattern. Then after you guys answer that I will school you on Mayweather and the records of his opponents leading up to there fight with him. I didn't disrespect anyone in this post too so no hurt e-feelings this time around. LOL.

The point is, these guys who are considered pretty much the top of the welterweight division of the past few years, are all in there fighting each other. (Hatton is not, and was never a welterweight elite, so he's out of this part of my point)

Of course when these guys are all fighting each other, someone has to lose. The sad part is that Floyd's name is only mentioned against one opponent out of the 4 fighters mentioned.

So in reality, who's clever matchmaking is at work?

Floyd fought the loser of Pacquiao-Marquez in a welterweight fight. Impressive? NO.

Floyd fought Ricky Hatton at welterweight, and not at 140 where Ricky was undefeated and the linear champ. Impressive? Somewhat, but not as impressive as fighting him at his absolute best.

Floyd has had an impressive career, but clearly his best work was in the lighter divisions nearly 10 years ago.
Feb 3, 2006
MoreBass, That still doesn't answer the Pac-Man match making pattern question? You guys are giving Manny praise for beating up the losers of all the fights I listed. He has not fought anyone of those guys after they won. He waits until they get beat up and then he fights them. He fought all those guys after they got there ass kicked in there previous fight. Mayweather beats the brakes off of Mosley the real 147lb champion after his biggest win since DLH and he gets no credit for it. But you want to hype up Manny for fighting a guy that was KO'ed by Mosley in 10 rounds. I just don't get the logic behind that..
Dec 9, 2005
That's where your point is flawed. He fought ALL OF THEM, with the exception of Mosley, who really in my opinion is so far past his best days, the fight wouldn't make sense. And Mayweather, who is ducking and dodging Manny so bad that he'd rather go to jail instead.

What are you talking about waiting until they get beat up?

If the guys are fighting each other, of course there are going to be losers. You're totally forgetting to mention the fact that Manny is doing this, while moving up in weight. The guy has never weighed more than 148lbs on fight night and he's completely destroying guys who are much bigger and stronger.

If Floyd is so great, why is it that he has yet to get in there with these guys and mix it up? You can say he'd beat so and so, but that means nothing. What matters are real results, and the fact that you're even questioning what Manny has been doing shows how biased you are.

Nearly every boxing expert, journalist, and fighter alive is amazed at this run that Manny's been on. Why are you, a normal fan, so hard to impress?
May 13, 2002
exactly morebass, that's why I brought up who of the top guys fought who, while floyd only fought shane, everyone else fought everyone else.

I mean look at the fab four from the 80's

Duran fought Leonard, Hagler, Hearns
Leonard fought Duran, Hagler, Hearns
Hearns fought Duran, Leonard, Hagler
Hagler fought Duran, Leonard, Hearns

Point is all the top guys fought all the top guys, they all took challenges. They all won some, they all lost some.

Cotto fought Margarito, Pacquiao, Mosley, Clottey.
Margarito fought Cotto, Mosley, Pacquiao, Clottey (and Williams)
Pacquiao fought Cotto, Clottey, Margarito
Floyd fought Mosley.

Who is all alone in that picture? lol

And the argument isn't even if floyd could beat so and so, the point is he isn't even willing to fight anyone. He fights once a year at best and that's it. It's embarrassing for him and the sport. As brilliant as he is in the ring, he sure is a fucktard outside of it. He could probably have one of the greatest legacies of all time but because he lacks hunger, or balls or desire or whatever, he wont challenge himself, he wont take risks.
May 13, 2002
Floyd Mayweather JR. Reported to be Finally in Talks to Face Manny Pacquiao in 2011.
By “Bad” Brad Berkwitt

RSR was just contacted by a very close inside source to “Team Mayweather” who stated, “We are in talks with Manny Pacquiao’s people and if we can work out minor issues, we can finally make this fight a reality in May or June of 2011.” This comes on the heels of Bob Arum’s recent talks that he is also trying to secure Floyd Mayweather, JR. as Manny’s next opponent and seems to back up RSR’s inside source.

With Arum recently being able to magically make a Boxing License appear for a known and convicted cheater in Antonio “Hands of Plaster” Margarito to fight earlier this month against Manny Pacquiao, he may be able to finally make this fight a reality, and if I had to wager, it will be a venue in Las Vegas.



Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Lol, yeah Floyd is so scared... perfect time to put an ass whippin' on Pacquiao, since he's boxings so called best. This will shut all the critics up... So what y'all gone say after he whoops Pacquiao? He still gotta fight Margarito? Like Floyd said, better get on the bandwagon now,lol
Apr 25, 2002
lets the circus begin...i got a rack on manny if this ever goes down. i wonder if pbf would be willin to fight in a bigger venue like dallas? is xylocaine only legal in nevada?