If Floyd is on "vacation", who should Pacquiao fight next?

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Feb 3, 2006
ArGentin3- If you don't mind me asking what am I delusional about?

Because you just making a dumb ass comment without explaining yourself makes you look like a Manny cock sucker..
Mar 22, 2007
did bob arum really say he wouldnt allow manny to fight jmm below 147 because he didnt want to starve and dehydrate his fighter?!?!?!?!?


thats kind of what manny's camp has been doin to other fighters lately right?
May 6, 2002
You guys do understand that there is a very strong chance that Floyd may not even ever fight again....right?

He has a million problems.
Any fight other than Manny will be criticized beyond belief.
He doesn't want to fight Manny.

He's done...

Go be a fan of someone who is actually active.

Not hating, just how I see it.
Manny should retire too...he's done more than enough. There is no one else...
May 6, 2002
Hey, hey, slow down there.
He has bigger things to do as a politician, plus that's what he cares about most right now. Once a fighter loses 100% interest its just down hill (RJJ, Juan Diaz, etc). Manny is only still fighting because his fans want him to. Not like I know the guy but he's exceeded every expectation I could have asked a fighter to do. He deserves to go out on top...

There are no challenges left for him.

To vent about the Floyd situation (not directed to you, just putting it in the same post)...

It's pretty blatant that Floyd doesn't want to fight. Anymore pressure on Manny's side is pretty much bullying at this point. I've been watching boxing since I was a kid and this is the biggest duck job I have seen in the history of my life. It's like someone at school that keeps trying to pick a fight with someone else, and that person doesn't want to fight.

The guy doesnt even pick up the phone. I don't care who was after me. I would at least pick up the phone or return the call...

It's just a sad situation.
May 13, 2002
pac said recently he wants to fight until he's 35 so for whatever reason it seems like he still has that passion and desire to keep going and I think it shows in the ring with his intensity, etc.

As much as I don't want to admit it Rumpelstiltskin could be right. We'll have to see how floyd's court goes in April or whenever it is but he also has like three pending assault charges on top of that.

At the very least, floyd isn't fighting until the every end of 2011. So that would be another year and half off. This only hurts his legacy. Not too mention he's not going to stay young forever, although his style should allow him to do good well into his 30's but you never know.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
lol at Floyd ducking Pacquiao, when Floyd came out of retirement to fight Pacquiao. Marquez was a tune up fight for Floyd and then he wanted Pacquiao next. Arum wasn't trippin' because he had a stable of fighters lined up for Pacquiao and as you see he fought them all (Cotto, Clottey, Margarito).
May 13, 2002
^^Floyd came out of retirement to fight pacquiao and yet he fought marquez and mosley?

Floyd came out of retirement and yet instead of waiting for pacquiao's fight with ricky hatton he announced his fight with marquez on the same day?

lol sorry tony. if he came for pacquiao he would have fought him by now, not pussy footing around the issue for 2 years.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Marquez was a tune up fight.... then Pacquiao was next but he came up with every excuse in the book about how he didn't want his blood tested. Floyd comprised by coming down to 14 days but it wasn't good enough. All Pacquiao had to do was agree and he didn't.

So now all of a sudden, Pacquiao doesn't get weakened by blood test anymore?


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002

Floyd Mayweather, who listened to several comments made by Manny
Pacquiao’s promoter and trainer about a possible match-up between the
two fighters, still has yet to hear Manny Pacquiao himself say he
wants to fight him.

“Manny Pacquiao is the fighter and every time someone asks him if he
wants to fight me, he says it is up to his promoter, he’s going to
take a vacation, whatever the answer is. I have yet to hear him
actually say, ‘yes I want to fight Mayweather.’ We are the fighters
and if one fighter is talking about fighting another fighter, then
they should just come out and say it. Manny Pacquiao doesn’t say
anything directly about fighting me because he might just know it’s
not a fight he can win.

“He said during an interview he did leading up to his fight that he
didn’t think I wanted to fight him and that boxing for me was just a
business and I wasn’t interested in a good fight. But again, he never
said during that interview that he would fight me. Why is he talking
about what I won’t do instead of what he wants to do? Plain and
simple, it’s because he knows he can’t beat me under any

“Less than an hour after his fight Saturday night the talk turns back
to me. Their whole promotion was just a Mayweather sweepstakes.
They know it and anyone could figure that out. Why, because my name
kept coming up and I didn’t even say anything. Even when he was
interviewed on ESPN by Brian Kenny, he was asked about fighting me and
what did he say? Not ‘yes I want to fight Mayweather or bring it on.’
But no! He said ‘hum, ahh, well talk to my promoter.’

“The world is much more intrigued by the thought of someone fighting
me who can beat me. That is what everyone wants to see and the boxing
world is trying to find that guy. Manny Pacquaio’s people have done a
good job of creating an image of him to be this unbelievable fighter
and now the so-called guy to beat me. But like all the rest, he’s not
the one.

“There is boxing and then there is me. The rest are just falling in
line behind me or are trying to get in line to fight me. And that
includes Manny Pacquiao too.

“Tell Manny Pacquiao to be his own man and stop letting everyone,
including his loudmouth trainer, talk for him. I am my own boss,
speak for myself and tell it like it is. If Manny Pacquiao wants to
fight me, all he has to do is step up to the plate and say it


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
A day after Manny Pacquiao's promoter, Bob Arum, blamed Floyd Mayweather for scuttling the mediation and negotiations for their proposed March 13 megafight, declaring that "Floyd Mayweather walked away. the fight is off," Mayweather lashed out at Pacquiao and his promoter.

In a statement released Thursday, Mayweather said, "Throughout this whole process I have remained patient but at this point I am thoroughly disgusted that Pacquiao and his representatives are trying to blame me for the fight not happening when clearly the blame is on them," he said.

"First and foremost, not only do I want to fight Manny Pacquiao, I want to whip his punk a—."

Arum, reached by phone Thursday, responded by saying, "Now that the fight's off, he wants to whip his punk a—. That's a real manly statement."

Mayweather explained in his statement that before the mediation, his team proposed a 14-day, no blood testing window leading up to the fight. "But it was rejected," he said.

"I am still proposing the 14-day window but (Pacquiao) is still unwilling to agree to it, even though this is obviously a fair compromise on my part as I wanted the testing to be up until the fight and he wanted a 30-day cut-off. The truth is he just doesn't want to take the tests."

Arum said, "Floyd Mayweather can say whatever he now wants to say, but his actions over the last several weeks demonstrate that he didn't want to get in the ring against Pacquiao. He made excuse after excuse, and when put to the test, he chose to flee rather than fight."

"I've been in this business for almost 50 years. I've handled some of the greatest Hall of Fame fighters — Ali, Foreman, Hagler, Hearns, Duran, Leonard — they argue about this, they argue about that, but every fighter agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations of the athletic commission in which the fight is to take place. That's been the historic basis for this sport, and I made a terrible, terrible mistake at trying to appease this egomaniac kid."

"When he started with the special blood-testing, we should've told him 'goodbye, forget about it, if you want to fight, the fight's in Nevada, the commission will regulate it.' You don't appease. I made a fundamental mistake. In order to get this fight the public wanted, I appeased an egomaniac by talking to him about blood testing. And that was stupid on my part."

Arum had said Wednesday night he couldn't discuss the sticking point in the mediation with retired federal judge Daniel Weinstein in Los Angeles. But going in, Arum had said the biggest issue was the drug testing, as well as a demand by Pacquiao for an apology from Mayweather's side for saying that Pacquiao had taken performance-enhancing drugs. He said Thursday that Pacquiao agreed to urine tests any time leading up to the fight and afterwards, and orginally agreed to blood tests no closer than 30 days from the fight, then moved it to 24 days out.

Weinstein issued a statement Thursday that said, among other things, that "Both parties participated in the mediation in good faith. Both parties participated in many hours of negotiation, with a number of proposals issued by each side and carefully considered by the parties and their representatives."

Weinstein said he himself "did not formulate, recommend or issue a Mediator's Proposal. The Mediator did not make an evaluation or finding that any one of the many proposals considered by the parties was the correct protocol."

He went on to say that "Any attempt to characterize the mediation process as an acceptance or rejection by any of the parties of a mediator's or an arbiter's proposal or of any specific proposal is false. In the end, the parties could not agree on a testing protocol acceptable to all."

Arum refused to accept any blame for the failure of mediation. "The fight's off not because of us, not even because of (Mayweather's) people —he was represented by Golden Boy Promotions — it's because of (Floyd) personally."

"It's not surprising. I always felt that he wasn't going to do the fight. He knows Manny will beat him. Mayweather's never stepped into the ring with a guy he had any question but that he was going to beat."

"That's why there's never been a (Shane) Mosley, there's never been a (Antonio) Margarito, there never was a (Miguel) Cotto, and there's no Pacquiao."

"Floyd Mayweather is a coward. He will never fight anyone that will remotely give him a tough fight."

Mayweather, not surprisingly, saw it a completely different way.

"In my opinion it is Manny Pacquiao and his team who are denying the people a chance to see the biggest fight ever," Mayweather said. "I know the people will see through their smokescreens and lies. I am ready to fight and sign the contract. Manny needs to stop making his excuses, step up and fight."

Both Mayweather and Pacquiao figured to make $25 million to $40 million for the fight, which was supposed to take place at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

Arum said Pacquiao will now look at fighting undefeated Israeli WBA super welterweight champion Yuri Foreman either March 13 or March 20 in Las Vegas. "We're going to check out all the sites tomorrow," Arum said.

Mayweather has talked about fighting WBO light welterweight champion Paulie Malignaggi in Las Vegas on March 13.

Arum had said Wednesday night that the fight will never happen. Thursday, he softened that stance a bit. "Maybe we'll revisit it in the fall," he said. "At that time, I won't make the same stupid mistake I made before. I'll tell him, 'you want to fight Pacquiao, it's under the rules and regulations of the Nevada Commission.' Period. End of story."

What happened there 206? Floyd was ready....


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
To make a long story short....

Mayweather explained in his statement that before the mediation, his team proposed a 14-day, no blood testing window leading up to the fight. "But it was rejected," he said.

"I am still proposing the 14-day window but (Pacquiao) is still unwilling to agree to it, even though this is obviously a fair compromise on my part as I wanted the testing to be up until the fight and he wanted a 30-day cut-off. The truth is he just doesn't want to take the tests."

End of story....

And we still haven't heard out of Pacquiao's own mouth what his stance is on the drug testing issue. That "talk to my promoter" crap won't work..... that's an easy way of ducking and dodging questions just like you do. Why can't he give a clear cut answer?


Sicc OG
Feb 8, 2006
lol at Floyd ducking Pacquiao, when Floyd came out of retirement to fight Pacquiao. Marquez was a tune up fight for Floyd and then he wanted Pacquiao next. Arum wasn't trippin' because he had a stable of fighters lined up for Pacquiao and as you see he fought them all (Cotto, Clottey, Margarito).
Lol Bob "the pimp" arum go get that money manny, I have some tricks lined up for you


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
pacquiao accepts 7 day cutoff and floyd goes into hiding. That should be all the proof one needs to conclude Fruad Mayweather never wanted the fight.
Can you provide any quotes from Manny himself saying he accepting a 7 day cut off? And how did he accept a 7 day cut off when a 7 day cut off was never offered? Poochiao needs to man up and speak for himself in regards to the drug testing issue. All we heard from Pacquiao was excuses about how weak he felt after getting his blood tested before the Morales fight.

Manny needs to speak for his self for once... his english is good enough.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Lol Bob "the pimp" arum go get that money manny, I have some tricks lined up for you
Arum is gettin' breaded..... especially if he keeps the fights in house.... that's why he had Manny fight his stable of fighters (Cotto, Clottey, Margarito) first before fighting Floyd.