I *HATE* small dogs.

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Nov 14, 2002
Why do people let themselves get punked by little ass dogs? It seems like a lot of people are saying that they get bitten by their friends'/family members' little dogs or their little dogs bite a friend or family member and people just sit there and take it. We've turned into a bunch of pussies and we're so afraid to hurt other peoples' feelings. If a little dog bites me, best believe I'm smacking the shit out of it. I don't give a fuck what you say, I'm not going to let some little dog bite me and then say "You're dog just bit me", because you'll probably do nothing which is why the dog is biting in the first place. Go ahead and throw me out of your house, fuck you and your little dog. You don't want me to smack your dog, then do your job as an owner and train it or just don't have me over anymore, I don't give a fuck.
the thing is i wont just throw you out my house Fresh Prince style.ill beat yo ass and then make you apologize to my dog first.i think anybody in they right mind knows not to slap somebody else dog in the dogs own house.


Oct 25, 2011
Your rant is contradictory for the reason bolded. Why are you gonna smack the dog when it doesn't know better/has behavioral problems, that the owner is supposed to correct? Dogs have the mind of a 3 year old. Thats as "advanced" as it gets. Do you smack little kids that arent yours that run up and kick your shin? No, you tell the parents to check their kid. Its THEIR job to "train" them not to do that.

Just to be clear, if you ever laid a hand on my dog, i would curb stomp the fuck outta you. No if's, and's, or but's about it. You must be out of your goddamned mind if you think anyone is just going to sit back and let you slap their dog around. Are you fucking retarded? The fuck outta here with that bullshit.
hahaha! ...fuckin Jesse. This shit had me crackin the fuck up.
Props: DuceTheTruth


Feb 16, 2006
oh & my sis got a lil ass datsun like Gemini @Gemini has & that little fucker tries to bite me damn near every time I go to her house.

I field goal kicked the fuck out of that fucker after he put holes in my leg last summer.

fuck small dogs.
I've lived with 3 Datsuns and they were all aggressive to strangers and trained well. They've drawn blood on multiple house guests just anyone they didnt know really. But they were loving and trustworthy to me and the owners and people they knew. Mean little fuckers! they were used to hunt badgers in the old days. Weener dogs are the shit.

American bulldogs are my favorite breed super loyal and friendly. Cats are wack as fuck compared to any dog except a chihuahua.

My old room mates had a dope ass sweet American bulldog that would head butt the shit out of their little western terrier shit was hella funny. She drops her head and charges into him, I think that behavior is genetic in bulldogs.
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Aug 17, 2011
You like giving people ammo to clown on you huh.

its true tho, a cat will fuck up a chihuahua or any small dog for that matter...cats are g. theyre like vicious lil killin' machines...they got the exact same mindset as lions witout bein as big... if a cat was the same size as a dog, the dog would get shitted on. n thats why i say pound-for-pound cats > dogs


Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
my roomate has this thing with one of the dogs where she says the dog 'rapes' people. and she thinks that shit is cute. like if you allow if, its your fault basically. so eople who are too respectful get literally raped as they laugh. basically it wants to jump on you and lick you and CRIES if it cant. so heres my thing about people physically pushing or removing your dogs from them: if YOU, the owner, do not check your dogs on their fucked up shit, and you know someones uncomfrotable with that shit, i dont think youre in any right to say something about a person pushing your dogs away.

when i go piss in the morning, the dogs try to jump me. today i realized when i position myself a certain way, they cower behind me, as if to get some sort of hidden vantage on me that i cant push them away. if i turn towards them, the do this sauntering rat-like move again and go behind me. so basically this morning i jockeyed for position to the point where they couldnt jump me. thing is, im not gonna do that every morning. i have a annoyance level, and if you dont do something i will. and you can catch a fade over your dog mid morning if you want to, cuz im not getting jumped all over.

the only thing i appreciate about these little rat dogs is that they have 'rooms' and you can yell "GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!" and theyll go cower away in the little dog carrier things. its just kinda crazy to be yelling at dogs like little children.

you know the more i think about it, it is mostly a issue with not teaching them correctly. but some of these personalities they gain on their own when not taught is just ridiculous to me. like no one should be forced to get bothered by your dogs, you feel me?

i think maybe the owners of some of these small dogs dont realize how irritating the shit is. maybe they like what certain people consider irritating. but yeah, its your job to check your dogs. and peopel who havent trained their dogs or dont care to train them, seem to be really lax on the whole checking the dogs.

just bought new furniture and these dogs are all on it licking their assholes and putting wet stains on it. running around rubbing their asses on the carpet. that shit is fuckin gross bro.
muthafuckas aint just gonna allow that shit. you are out your fucking head if you think i wont push your dog the fuck off me for jumping on me repeatedly.

when people come over my pad in SD, i will either put my dogs out, or check them and make them lay on their beds when someone comes over. the boxer wil be defiant as hes a man-dog, but after he gets his smell in i put them where they gotta chill. i would never allow my dogs to do some of that shit to people that ive seen small dogs be allowed to do.
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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i remember my girls auntie's dog, buttercup.....this motherfucker would starve itself if A) you didnt put DELI MEAT in its food, and B: you didnt FIGHT the dog for the food. you literally had to be like "im gonna take your food" and reach for it, then get barked or nipped at, then it would eat it because it felt you were going to. if you went outside without it, it went ballistic. like jumpe don its hind legs and slapped the glass doors like it was running on it, and yaps over and over. the only problem with this, is itll want to go back inside randomly, only to turn around in 5 seconds and yap and smack the glass as soon as you let it in. this shit is all some sort of fucking game. when her auntie died, the dog died because no one was gonna play those stupid ass games. seriously starved itself.

its shit like that i never seen happen with bigger dogs.

@ matt, honestly i hate poodles. my grandma had 8 poodles. i cant even go into how annoying those things were. i actually almost merked one of them dogs. there was one that refused to piss or shit outside and would go in the weirdest, smallest crevices and corners of the house and piss and take dumps. well my grandma loved the dog and was like 90, refused to get rid of it no matter what. so if you took a newspaper and tried to 'bad dog' it, it would show the teeth and literally square off with you. like the more you attempted to give it a little smack on the butt, the more furious the dog would get and actually attempt to attack you. im not into hitting dogs , but this is how my dad and grandpa would teach the dog, obviously it wouldnt work. we waited till my grandma died and had that shit put to sleep that week. i dont know what it was about that specific dog, but it was a rebel. the other dogs had some sort of gang psychology.

long stories short...fuck little dogs.

i like your ridgeback tho, hes cool even though he seems to hate me because im black. :[

never ever would have a small dog that wasnt a puppy. that shit might be a deal breaker with a girl.
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Oct 25, 2011
my roomate has this thing with one of the dogs where she says the dog 'rapes' people. and she thinks that shit is cute. like if you allow if, its your fault basically. so eople who are too respectful get literally raped as they laugh. basically it wants to jump on you and lick you and CRIES if it cant. so heres my thing about people physically pushing or removing your dogs from them: if YOU, the owner, do not check your dogs on their fucked up shit, and you know someones uncomfrotable with that shit, i dont think youre in any right to say something about a person pushing your dogs away.

when i go piss in the morning, the dogs try to jump me. today i realized when i position myself a certain way, they cower behind me, as if to get some sort of hidden vantage on me that i cant push them away. if i turn towards them, the do this sauntering rat-like move again and go behind me. so basically this morning i jockeyed for position to the point where they couldnt jump me. thing is, im not gonna do that every morning. i have a annoyance level, and if you dont do something i will. and you can catch a fade over your dog mid morning if you want to, cuz im not getting jumped all over.

the only thing i appreciate about these little rat dogs is that they have 'rooms' and you can yell "GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!" and theyll go cower away in the little dog carrier things. its just kinda crazy to be yelling at dogs like little children.

you know the more i think about it, it is mostly a issue with not teaching them correctly. but some of these personalities they gain on their own when not taught is just ridiculous to me. like no one should be forced to get bothered by your dogs, you feel me?

i think maybe the owners of some of these small dogs dont realize how irritating the shit is. maybe they like what certain people consider irritating. but yeah, its your job to check your dogs. and peopel who havent trained their dogs or dont care to train them, seem to be really lax on the whole checking the dogs.

just bought new furniture and these dogs are all on it licking their assholes and putting wet stains on it. running around rubbing their asses on the carpet. that shit is fuckin gross bro.
muthafuckas aint just gonna allow that shit. you are out your fucking head if you think i wont push your dog the fuck off me for jumping on me repeatedly.

when people come over my pad in SD, i will either put my dogs out, or check them and make them lay on their beds when someone comes over. the boxer wil be defiant as hes a man-dog, but after he gets his smell in i put them where they gotta chill. i would never allow my dogs to do some of that shit to people that ive seen small dogs be allowed to do.
all the dogs i have had in my life, they aint allowed in my house, period.

trained or not i dont want dog asshole on my carpet or furniture.

fuck that shit.

thats what garages & dog houses are for.

in fact, back in the day, I had a 2 bedroom guest house in my back yard & I hooked it the fuck up for my pitbulls. brother & sister, born as the twin towers were getting hit.

its still a house, it just aint in MY house.

muh fuckers even had a floor heater til they ate the damn power wire.
Dec 4, 2006
all the dogs i have had in my life, they aint allowed in my house, period.

trained or not i dont want dog asshole on my carpet or furniture.

fuck that shit.

thats what garages & dog houses are for.

in fact, back in the day, I had a 2 bedroom guest house in my back yard & I hooked it the fuck up for my pitbulls. brother & sister, born as the twin towers were getting hit.

its still a house, it just aint in MY house.

muh fuckers even had a floor heater til they ate the damn power wire.

breh... I don't even let my dog inside the house for more than 30 minutes..

maybe after a good bath she can come in..but I keep her in a corner..then once the time is up...she's back to the backyard..where she belongs!

but in the winter..when it gets cold..I do let her sleep inside for the night..

Hood Rat Matt

aka Goodfella (since '02)
Oct 19, 2009
East Oakland (Hills)
i remember my girls auntie's dog, buttercup.....this motherfucker would starve itself if A) you didnt put DELI MEAT in its food, and B: you didnt FIGHT the dog for the food. you literally had to be like "im gonna take your food" and reach for it, then get barked or nipped at, then it would eat it because it felt you were going to. if you went outside without it, it went ballistic. like jumpe don its hind legs and slapped the glass doors like it was running on it, and yaps over and over. the only problem with this, is itll want to go back inside randomly, only to turn around in 5 seconds and yap and smack the glass as soon as you let it in. this shit is all some sort of fucking game. when her auntie died, the dog died because no one was gonna play those stupid ass games. seriously starved itself.

its shit like that i never seen happen with bigger dogs.

@ matt, honestly i hate poodles. my grandma had 8 poodles. i cant even go into how annoying those things were. i actually almost merked one of them dogs. there was one that refused to piss or shit outside and would go in the weirdest, smallest crevices and corners of the house and piss and take dumps. well my grandma loved the dog and was like 90, refused to get rid of it no matter what. so if you took a newspaper and tried to 'bad dog' it, it would show the teeth and literally square off with you. like the more you attempted to give it a little smack on the butt, the more furious the dog would get and actually attempt to attack you. im not into hitting dogs , but this is how my dad and grandpa would teach the dog, obviously it wouldnt work. we waited till my grandma died and had that shit put to sleep that week. i dont know what it was about that specific dog, but it was a rebel. the other dogs had some sort of gang psychology.

long stories short...fuck little dogs.

i like your ridgeback tho, hes cool even though he seems to hate me because im black. :[

never ever would have a small dog that wasnt a puppy. that shit might be a deal breaker with a girl.
Lmfao dude Bailey took to you better than most strangers of any color. ...and he liked my other black drug dealer that I had over hahahaha

I got bit by a standard poodle that was loose when I was about 7...he was able to put his feet on my shoulders and bite my shoulder. Then I got pinned down/nearly raped when I was tying my shoe at 13 by my buddy's 120lb+ ridgeback/lab mix, so when I first met bailey I was terrified. When he first came back around (from my girls ex girl), he was injured and had major surgery. So I was taking care of him and he bit me drawing blood twice during recover. When he got better and got fresh with me I socked him in his jaw a couple times and respected me.

But yeah I don't need no macho dog. I would love a Doberman, but I also would like a pug or French bulldog

I have 3 cats, a parrot and a dog...none of which would be my choice, but I love them.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
My dogs are allowed inside. I've always liked house dogs. But certain shit is not cool to me. They have to respect the house like a mother fucker, which they do. And I clean dog hair up real often. One of them sheds so you gotta be on that. Right now they're my moms dogs tho. I raised both since they were puppies so I spoil them.