this guy literally has wrong written all oven him in every since of the word. there really isn't a specific place for me to start at since its so much .....
Its quite pitiful how many peoples head this flew over.. .
If this song and message hit you personally then maybe you should step back and think about who you really are because your perception of life might be all wrong. ..
Edit: To Masked Lemon - The opinion of your own is more important than anybodys .. . If you disagree I'm glad our communication ends when I close internet explorer.. .
Cant say I even listened to that hot mess called music. A black man calling me an others like me crackas an honkeys ain't the way to get me to listen to anything. Oh but its not racist
LOL you dont matter you worthless honkey. Go tell your few worthless cracka friends. The redder you get, the more your spread the message, the more weak minds like you will be improved.
Hate is hate regardless who its directed to. That's a fuckin racist ass comment in itself, I like some whites, bit most of em are crackas. That's like me saying I like some blacks, just not the ones living on ghettos an collecting public assisstance. Its wrong. U might not like a few people but to judge a race on a few????
your message:
that your a weak minded insensitive worthless stereotypical racists hypocritical attention seeking piece of this thats opinion don't amount to my green burrito diarrhea?
nothing like trash like yourself acting the way u are and then saying
Its judgment day. You are judged by others love for you. Money means nothing now. "
as if your bullshit actions are justified because you think your deeper than others.
ps aint a single person fat, skinny, smaller, bigger, whiter or w/e than you SCARED of you
Your welcome. And thank you, i look forward to a long life.
Just a suggestion, start learning how to actually make good music then progress to trying to send messages to your listeners. Its too hard to focus on your 'message' when all i want to do is find the nearest pencil to ram into my eardrums.
And you can call me a honkey cracka until your blue (or should i say black?) in the face. Those words do not offend me.