From Techs "All 6s & 7s", First Degree The D.E. with "LISTEN UP, YA HONKEY!"

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Minne, after reading my posts, and watchin this vid, do you really think I care, ya random?

Do you really think your $8 is more important than this message? Dont kid yourself. The weak minded white is not that important. God bless the strong minded white!
Enemies across town. HAHAHA!!! Weak minded whites? Do you know the army Ive created of strong minded whites, blacks, asians, and mexicans Ive built? I will send the scariest lookin people your ever seen to your house tonight!

Do you think closed minded, weak honkeys like yourself are to be feared? HAHAHAHA!

The way you speak on lies about me shows you are a weak lonely cracka.

Long live the strong minded white man!
Only a weak minded cracka would resort to lies about messenger of a message like this. Dont be a honkey! I told yall, the crackas would out themselves and discredit the messenger.

At least we now know them as crackas! This movement of peace was too important to let a few predictable honkeys have worth.
Sep 20, 2003
Siccness !!! I agree with what your saying, cant wait to get this in mp3 to show the fam.
respect for this, imma favorite this video also. me and my bro love your style homie/

just now, in another thread this racist fool told me to stay on my reservation...LMAO at the idea that because he's white he automatically thinks to attack my race.

Cuck Fuster


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
Together we can stop racism by recognizing it, discussing it, dealing with it, and moving forward.
Nah I don't think they really needed the message... I mean...

I get what you're saying in the song, I get what you're saying on here, and appreciate the way you're responding to people, but it comes off as pretty passive aggressive where I don't think that was your intent.

I would equate it to a white person writing a song called "Listen up, ya Nigger" and then posting it here with a detailed description about how it's not about this type of black person but that type of black person.

It wouldn't fly with anyone, yeah?
doesn't look like much 'recognising, discussing and dealing with' there when zero brought up a perfectly valid point

i'm just sayin though
Nov 13, 2006
track went hard DE .. I'm waitin on the mp3 tho

Everything in this track needed to be said. White people don't get your lil feelins hurt by this. If it dont apply to you then wtf you teary eyed about the shit for. To whoever said whatever about not thinkin about racism. Think about when the black man walks out of walmart with 2 white people and a mexican comin out the same time and the alarm goes off, whos approached first? Do I have to answer the question? You ever had your car break down in the rain and have to walk to somewhere safe and dry and have someone in a car throw a cup full of soda on you while screamin "NIGGER!"? Have you? You ever spent 4 days speakin to someone about computer repair (cuz thats what I do) and they mention that its a good thing they found me because Best Buy wanted to charge her $200 then when you get to the door and she sees the color of your skin no matter how professional you look says "you know what I think I'll just take it to Best Buy". Have you?

Pretendin racism dont exist is like walkin around with AIDS with no treatment countin the days you have left. You can't ignore whats been around for centuries and still here. Yeah after awhile white people finally started to realize the mentality and talent of a black man/woman but lets be real decades of acceptance dont cure centuries of misery. Props to DE you got my vote.

Read this long ass post or not don't matter. I'm not gon sit in here and argue with the ignorant because their life isn't like alot of the unfortunate that go thru this.. .
Aug 26, 2002
Together we can stop racism by recognizing it, discussing it, dealing with it, and moving forward.
I couldn't agree more...

...but this thread doesn't constitute dialogue. Your song doesn't contribute to dialogue.

You chose to address a number of very important issues. True issues. You did so, however, but choosing to use verbiage that 1) you knew would incite whites who can't see past their privilege that 2) is essentially an ad-hominem attack on such people...and then you 3) double down on the ad-hominem attacks by calling them "weak-minded" when *surprise* they don't want to engage in discussion about your message.

You're not saying anything new. Anti-racists and number of feminists and socialists, etc. have been saying the same things you are for 30 years. What separates them from you...the reasons why so many of them are able to get white people to recognize and think about their privilege or think about race period (which, you've stated elsewhere in this thread is your goal) is that they approach the dialogic process without being alienating or dismissive. They criticize racism and privilege with facts (like you do), with logic (which you might not be able to do in a song, but you're also not doing in the discussion about your song) and without ad-hominem attacks.

Heed your own advice. Try to be a bit introspective and self-critical and ask yourself if YOU are the reason why more people might not be "getting" your message.

And sure, it IS white people's problem if they're going to respond in a defensive manner to your defensiveness. You shouldn't have to sanitize your message so it's comfortable to white people (though you could make the same message without resorting to ad-hominem attacks), but if you choose not to you should also expect that white people will miss the point of your message. Form is as important as content and your approach should reflect your stated goals.
Jan 20, 2007
...and Minne, I dont want any weak minded crackas like you on my team...only the Leader, strong minded whites.

Good riddance. You are nothing.
Your an artist...your suppose to be making fans not calling every white guy on here a cracka...and you say your creating an army...after this and your post on the real tech n9ne your gonna be the only one in that army. you've sure lost alot of respect from people on this site and that site
I respect you R, whats your question?

I hear you Identitiy. Thanks for contributing in a productive manner. I agree that my approach may be strong...but its necessary. Keep contributing. You represent yourself as strong.

Wisdom, DrDOntKno, wisom. Im glad we are from the same planet brother.

Thank you Native. I did it for us. I did it for all. The mp3 comes out shortly. Take this message to your people, its that time. Also, im gettin information out on this evergreen person. He is damned now.

Minnes, you think my job as an artist is to hold my tounge in order to gain "fans" and "money". You think having a bunch of whiney, weakminded whites like yourself is worth sacrificing this message?

You are sadly mistaking and putting too much value on yourself and others like you. THE DAY RAP CATERS TO WHINY WHITES, THE DAY RAP IS DEAD. Its you who are getting the PRIVILAGE of hearing from us what goes on in the street. You are a spectator.

So take your $8, and your red cracka face and spread the message. You and your Art of the Whine is not nearly as important as you think, ya cracka!

...lost respect from whiny whites? Do you think I give a fuck you lonely cracka! Its the weak minded whites that needed the message! Do you think respect from whiny whites is important? It is not. Approval from strong minded whites is important.

God bless the strong minded white!
Jan 11, 2006
DE, I chopped it up with you a long time ago at a Nickatina show in San Rafael, and I thought you were a cool cat then, you signed a couple things for me and shit was cool.

I've never really heard much of your music besides a few songs here or there. What I heard I liked, with a few exceptions.

I do not like this new song and direction I see you going in. I respect your opinions and all, and I would expect you to respect mine as well. I am not a weak minded white, as you say.

Hopefully your project on All 6's and 7's will not be similar in tone. I'm looking forward to that album.