Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Mar 11, 2011
Yo Park, a couple of folks hit that niner-card game down there last year. They took a tour of the stadium and said that shit was the business and I guesss theres a big ass grassy area to drink brews and bbq and shit.

confirm or deny the dopeness of University of Phoenix stadium


Oct 25, 2011
Yeah I guess I should say the reason they work for me. When I can't sleep 99% of the time it's because my mind won't stop thinking about stupid shit. It's like a radio tuned to the talk show of my mind. I'll be trying to fall asleep and my brain is like "oh yeah I like chicken.. tiddies rule... i really liked that new promise ring album... i wonder what mila kunis is doing right now" and I'm like "shut up and go to bed" so the xanax just more or less quites that and I can fall asleep.

Maaaaaaaaan, I am with you 100% on this whole post!!!

I have the same thing happen to me, at least 3 times a week & I lose hella sleep over it. I have to get up @ 5am, to be in SF by 8, & it'll be 2am & I am looking @ the clock thinking "Why cant I fucking sleep!?"

My mind is doing the same thing, just random shit, not a method to the madness at all.

But they put me on Xanax & Ativan a few years back, I was taking it 3 times a day, 1.5 mg each dose.

I got addicted as FUCK!

I knew I was getting hooked, I even told my woman that I was.

& tho my doctor said we would have to ween me off of them, I quit cold turkey.

BIG mistake.

I went though withdrawals for almost 8 months straight, every night.

I will never take benzos ever again.

Mr. Arson warned me about em when I was just playing with them, but my Dr. said as long as I kept the doses up I'd be fine.

I should have listened to Arson n the first place.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Maaaaaaaaan, I am with you 100% on this whole post!!!

I have the same thing happen to me, at least 3 times a week & I lose hella sleep over it. I have to get up @ 5am, to be in SF by 8, & it'll be 2am & I am looking @ the clock thinking "Why cant I fucking sleep!?"

My mind is doing the same thing, just random shit, not a method to the madness at all.

But they put me on Xanax & Ativan a few years back, I was taking it 3 times a day, 1.5 mg each dose.

I got addicted as FUCK!

I knew I was getting hooked, I even told my woman that I was.

& tho my doctor said we would have to ween me off of them, I quit cold turkey.

BIG mistake.

I went though withdrawals for almost 8 months straight, every night.

I will never take benzos ever again.

Mr. Arson warned me about em when I was just playing with them, but my Dr. said as long as I kept the doses up I'd be fine.

I should have listened to Arson n the first place.
I've taken xanax for over 10 years for my anxiety disorder and occasional panic attacks. In that time I think I've done them "recreationally" maybe a dozen times. While I do like how they make you feel just popping them for fun I always knew if I started doing them for the fuck of it they won't work when I really needed them so I never abused them like that. I take a pretty low dose though anyways. I get the .5mgs and more times then not when I have one of the days I have that anxious feeling for no reason and I can't kick it I take a half and that usually does the job.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Also that said my use of them really fluctuates too. Sometimes I'm good to go and don't need to take any for weeks at all and then I'll have a bad streak of anxiety and half to take a couple halfs a day for a week or so. Shit is weird.