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Mar 11, 2011
lol have you met most of your fellow 49ers fans? Most Raiders fans realize that no 49er rivalry even exists, most Raider fans NEVER even speak about the 49ers. 49er fans on the other hand act like the Raiders are old school division rivals and shit. An example is this here website, go into ANY Raider thread made in the sports forum and 49er fans will lead the way in number of posts. Go to a 49er thread and it's rare to catch a Raider fan in it. I swear most 49er fans were bullied by Raider fans when they were kids or something.
I actually think this website does not represent the way fans actually act at all.
I've lived in Benicia, Napa (raiders OTA site) and Fairfield and frequent many parts of the peninsula and eastbay. Raiders fans talk hella shit about the niners all the fuckin time. Friendly shit...real shit...every once in a while shit that leads to problems. Niners fans completely ignore the raiders as a franchise unless we gotta two step on that ass for 60 minutes. Beeeeelieeeeve me when I tell you that 98% of niners fans are hella unconcerned w/ the Raiders and 98% of raider fans will elaborate on their hatred for the niners while your waiting for you gas to finish pumping at Chevron lol


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
Im a niner fan but truth of the matter i root for the raiders. I would love to see a niner vs raider super bowl in my life time. I just like to talk shit and russel some jimmiies
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
Yeah I guess I should say the reason they work for me. When I can't sleep 99% of the time it's because my mind won't stop thinking about stupid shit. It's like a radio tuned to the talk show of my mind. I'll be trying to fall asleep and my brain is like "oh yeah I like chicken.. tiddies rule... i really liked that new promise ring album... i wonder what mila kunis is doing right now" and I'm like "shut up and go to bed" so the xanax just more or less quites that and I can fall asleep.
this about sums up what happens to me. the other day i layed in bed for like 3 hours with no sleep and thought fuck this i heard counting helps so i started counting. got to about 600 and decided it wasnt working then my brain decided it wanted me to think about more shit for another 3 hours
Mar 11, 2011
Im a niner fan but truth of the matter i root for the raiders. I would love to see a niner vs raider super bowl in my life time. I just like to talk shit and russel some jimmiies
Couldn't agree with you more. When the Raiders first moved back I Lol'd for a while then I serious'd. Now I root for their Raiders most the time. Sometimes I like a good ass beating at the hands of the Pats but all in all I don't mind the team. Jerome Boyd playin a little linebacker/ Strong Safety and special teams is all love. McFadden is hella raw, WR's are cool and I like their D too.

Russell Jimmons
Mar 11, 2011
It's fuckin hilarious how everything is "Fuck this team yo", "hey mothafuck this player yo" "blah blah blah (followed by intensely hating on the next man or team).

Enjoy your teams and sports in general is the only meaning of my last couple rants.
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
bs there are no mexicans in australia
actually this is a lie. i went to a party for one of my girls friends one time and we were at a club and these mexican dudes bought her a drink and she immediately walked over to me with it and i drank the whole thing in one go then smiled at them. i dont think they were too pleased with that.
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
bs there are no mexicans in australia
actually this is a lie. i went to a party for one of my girls friends one time and we were at a club and these mexican dudes bought her a drink and she immediately walked over to me with it and i drank the whole thing in one go then smiled at them. i dont think they were too pleased with that.