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Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
The Napping Habits of 8 Famous Men

8. Salvador Dali

Eccentric artist Salvador Dali believed that one of the secrets to becoming a great painter was what he called “slumber with a key.” “Slumber with a key” was an afternoon siesta designed to last no longer than a second. To accomplish this micro nap, Dali recommended sitting in a chair with a heavy metal key pressed between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. A plate would be placed upside down on the floor underneath the hand with the key. The moment Dali fell asleep, the key would slip from his finger, clang the plate, and awaken him. Dali believed this tiny nap “revivified” an artist’s whole “physical and physic being.”

Dali said that he had learned the “slumber with a key” trick from the Capuchin monks and that other artists he knew also used it. Albert Einstein “napped” this way as well, as have other inventors and thinkers who believed this nap inspired their ideas and creativity. These men were unknowingly taking advantage of what scientists today call the “hypnogogic” nap, when the mind, before it reaches Stage 2 sleep, unlocks free flowing creative thoughts.

That sounds absolutely horrible.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Everything is a bullshit tax, its robbery.

You can't drive that car you bought, on those roads you pay taxes for unless you pay a registration fee every year, or those nice police whose salary you pay will right you a ticket, that you then get to pay.

The whole system is whack.

Live that dream of one day owning a home, and land, and then you better pay that property tax or we'll take it away.

America...what a joke.
Props: BUTCHER 206