Old$chool said:
I've seen his movie and I've been in combat, so I know more than most people on here that are quoting Michael Moore's movie. Like I said, FUCK BUSH, FUCK MICHAEL MOORE. They are both LIARS.
...He also hired the former chief of fact checking at the New Yorker magazine to comb the film for inaccuracies. "There's lots of disagreement with my analysis of these facts or my opinion based on the facts. But," he insists, "there is not a single factual error in the movie. I'm thinking of offering a $ 10,000 reward for anyone that can find a single fact that's wrong."
-Time Magazine / Richard Corliss, Reported by Desa Philadephia and Jeffrey Ressner/Los Angeles, Jackson Baker/Memphis, Betsy Rubiner/Des Moines and John F. Dickerson and Adam Zagorin/Washington, with other bureaus
July 12, 2004