Damn, everyone's got shit twisted. Look, Bush is a piece of shit, but so is every fucking president, congressman, senator, mayor, governor and a politician in the world. Michael Moore is just as much a phony and a hypocrite and a liar as he's calling the U.S. government. Too many of ya'll are taking his movie as 100% pure facts-which it's NOT. Michael Moore shows you what he wants to show you. Yes, he does use facts, but he only shows you the facts that he wants to show you. It's called misdirection. He's no different from a magician. Here's his story:
He claims that during the attacks, we the government flew out a bunch of Saudis that were related to Bin Laden out of the country.
Here's the REAL facts: YES, the U.S. flew some Saudis out of the country, but it wasn't on Bush's orders. The man who ordered those flights was Richard Clarke-a Clinton administration holdover. He alone ordered those flights. He admitted to acting alone to the 9-11 commission. It's been documented. He's also come out againts Bush. He has NO connections to Bush. Not Bush or anyone in the Bush administration had ANYTHING to do with it.
Second, the Bin Laden ties to these Saudis is NOT proven. In fact, there is NO documentation whatsoever to support this claim.
Michael Moore tells of some pipeline we're supposedly building in Afghanistan, yet there is NO pipeline being built and there are NO plans to build one. There is NO documented proof to say otherwise. It's just another Michael Moore "fact" to help make his movie seem controversial so he can make more and more millions.
I'm not making any of this up. This has all been very well documented on CNN and every other news channel.
Look how Michael Moore only tells people what he wants to tell them. Look how he leaves out important details. Why did he do this? Because it adds drama to his movie. How coincidental that Michael Moore just happens to go after the Government at the very moment that the President's approval rating is at it's all-time low. Why didn't he go after Clinton, or Bush Sr.? Because when they were in office, this type of documentary wouldn't have made all this money. That's why. How else is he gonna keep living in his 3 million dollar penthouse suite in New York? The guy is a fuckin fraud. He's just as phony as Bush. This muthafucka is smart, though. But he's using his smarts and his editing to brainwash people into believing his bullshit in order to make more money. He makes himself seem like he's fighting for the "common man" yet he's one of the richest fools around. ALL his documentaries are full of shit. On his first two documentaries, ROGER AND ME and THE BIG ONE, he goes after General Motors and Nike and tries to bully them into building factories in his hometown of Flint, Michigan. Well, HE'S a fuckin millionaire himself. If he cares so much about the minorities and poor in Flint, Michigan, why doesn't he build a company there himself and employ all those people himself? Why doesn't he live in Michigan? Instead, he ignores all those people, kicks back in his 3 million dollar penthouse suite in Manhattan, counting the money he makes off of the same people he exploits to make his movies.
He charged admission to the familes of the victims of Columbine to a screening of his BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE movie when it hit theaters last year. Not only that but he didn't even pay those kids he used in his movie when he went to KMART. They've spoke against him now and say that he didn't even kick them down a dvd of the movie. They're pissed that he exploited them to make money.
He also claims he's an "independent" but he's a registered deomcrat in Michigan and in New York. Also, he hasn't voted in years.
The point I'm trying to make is, don't believe everything this guy tells you. EVERY politician is corrupt. And Michael Moore is just as much a fuckin liar as he's calling Bush.