on another note saddamm DID have weapons of mass destruction ( i dont know about know) because we sold them to him 20 some odd years ago. about the war, i only support it because my friends are out there fightin for a reason, they believe they are makin a difference and i support them 100% an i pray 4 they return home safely soon.
bush administration claimed that Saddam was CONSTRUCTING WMDS and that they had hella facilities creating and manufacturing them, an supposedly he was going to get nuclear capabilities soon. They still aint found a single fuckin thing other than the shit they sold him 20 years ago that he admitted to having. What u think they fuckin hid them somehow? They straight fuckin lied to us. Saddam was a piece of shit but that doesnt give u the right to invade a country with lies and deceptions.
BureFedorov said:
when clinton was in office, were all of you supportin him? if you think about it, no matter who is president, there is going to be a lot of unhappy people...
No leader in our history has had so many people hate him worldwide and at home. Bush can't go to any fuckin country without having thousands of people follow him around with posters n shit. N compare how clinton left the gov and how bush has already fucked it up. In 4 years Bush ignored the one person clinton was putting emphasis to capture (osama) which lead to 9/11, he took clinton's fuckin trillion dollar surplus and now we're broke, and he's now occupying two fuckin countries who dont want us there. Even leaving the war and 9/11 out, bush is still doing a horrible fuckin job and running this country into the ground for personal gain and to get the rich richer.
N 2 those who just say everyone else is crooked n Bush is just another politician, ya'll aint seen the movie we're talkin about and u dunno wassup with shit either. I aint sayin kerry is gonna be a great president but at least he can fuckin speak without being told (and without stu-stu-studderin)