Krown said:
All the people who diss moore usually fall into 3 categories:
1. Blind followers of bush who are ignorant to the truth
2. People who got mad over a few minor questionable parts in bowling for columbine
3. People who HAVENT EVEN SEEN farenheit 9/11 but choose to hate on moore for whatever corny reason
Moore had main points in this film that all are true. Bush went to war for phony reasons, he has ties with the saudis, many soldiers are unhappy with whats going on (the media doesnt show us this) . For people who hate on this movie, i challenge you to list the reasons why its "fake" ....i highly doubt you can come up with a good list. Dont get some shitty right wing write up off a google search either
That's a cute list, but since you Michael Moore lovers let him brainwash you, you must've not been reading what I've been posting correctly. So I'll repeat it again.
I'm NOT a Bush supporter. FUCK BUSH.
Just because I'm pointing out Moore's misleading bullshit, doesn't mean that I agree with the war or the current president or any fucking republicans.
My point of pulling the rug from under Moore's fat pants is to show all of you people who can't think for themselves and have to watch a movie to bring up politics.
My point is that Michael Moore and George W. Bush are in the same league. They are both manipulators. They are both liars.
How can you all say that the media lies, yet you turn around and believe everything that Michael Moore says, when he, himslef, is part of the media?
Everyone who watches the news and reads newspapers has already known for a LONG time now that the Iraq war is bullshit and that the Bush administration are liars. That movie tells us no new info except the lies that Michael Moore tells. Lies that he has gone on record to correct AFTER someone busts him with the FACTS.
Now enough of that, let me correct your statements.
You say there's "a few minor questionable parts" in Bowling for Columbine?
Well, there's more than a few minor questionable parts.
Let me list a couple:
#1, the opening scene in Bowling for Columbine when he walks out of the bank with a rifle is fake. He staged that whole scene with his smart ass-voice over to try to prove a point. In FACT he did NOT walk out of the bank with a rifle, just like that. He received a certificate. He had to go to the gun shop, pass a background check and wait the normal waiting period that the law requires. THEN he recieved a rifle, FROM the gun shop, NOT the bank. THAT is a FACT. He has since gone on record stating that he staged that scene to get his point across, AFTER he got busted for it.
#2, the company LOCKHEED MARTIN that he shows in his movie claiming that they make nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction is all lies as well. That company USED TO make these weapons years ago, NOT during the Columbine shootings or during the filming of his documentary. In FACT, Lockheed Martin makes space launch rockets to send satellites into space for satellite TV. Again, this is a FACT and Moore has gone on record stating this, once again, AFTER he's gotten busted for lying.
#3, Moore has made the claim that the U.S. gave $245 million to the Taliban, when in FACT it was the U.N. that gave that money to non-govermental agencies in Afghanistan for food aid and other aid to help a famine in Afghanistan. The money was given by and distributed by the United Nations, NOT the U.S. Another FACT, that Moore has gone on record to clean up after getting accused of lying.
#4, He tells the story of a young boy who shot and killed a classmate after his mother was forced to leave him with her brother while she took a job where she was bussed to work every day, a tragedy Moore blamed on the requirements of a Michigan welfare-to-work program. But he doesn't mention that her brother kept drugs and guns in the house and, according to local law enforcement, was a crack house, where guns were often traded for drugs.
#5, The Charleton Heston segement when he showed his speech in front of a crowd was also faked. The speech was actually several minutes long. Moore took a few sentences and edited them how he wanted them to sound and look with some shots of a crowd and added background noise. So basically, he created that speech to make Heston and the NRA look like assholes. Hey, they might be assholes, who knows? But the point is, Moore purposely edited and created that footage to try to get his point across. That's called a LIE. If you want, I can post the entire speech along with the edited one you all saw in the movie.
That's just a few of the lies, half-truths and partial facts that Moore shows in ALL of his films. He has admitted to doing all of this, on record, when he's been confronted with the actual FACTS.
So like I said, he's telling us shit that we all already know and adding his own little spin on everything for his own personal gain. He's kicking back, counting his money and laughing all the way to the bank.
Read my previous posts as to just how "factual" Fahrenheit 9/11 is.
These reasons and many more are why I don't believe this liar just as much as I don't believe Bush. They are both liars who are out for their own personal gain.
Why do you question Bush, but you don't question Moore? Why is that Moore is "exposing" the government when everything that IS factual in his movies, we all already know, or should know. All it takes is the will to find out this information by ourselves. It's not that hard. All of Moore's accuations have BEEN out there. That's my whole point-Question everything. Don't question one source and then automatically believe another. One last thing, like I said before, Moore had footage of the abuse of those Iraqi prisoners before anyone did. Why did he sit on this imortant informaion? Why did we have to find out from other news sources when he had this footage and information all along? I'll tell you why. Because it makes for one hell of a "shocking information" in his movie that would in turn make him more money.
Again, I'm NOT a Bush supporter, I'm a bullshit detector. And Michael Moore is full of it, just like Bush.