2-0-NINE said:
@ThaG that is a very typical cop out for many atheists to use against God. Would God allow evil, of course he created it. For those that believe in omnipotent authority, here's something rhetorical. Could the creator of all things not allow certain things to happen if it is his will? Things like these are the natural process of life as you would put it ThaG. Just like how I get sick and people die, it's a natural process right? So since August of Last year until June, I had an illness that could have killed me. Did I buckle at the knees, did I whine, did I blame God? No, I was the one to blame for my illness and the natural process of Life.
Like I've said time and time and again, it's a give and take. People will find "their way" while others will probably never find theirs. As ironic as that sounds I don't see how you can blame God.
Like I've said time and time and again, it's a give and take. People will find "their way" while others will probably never find theirs. As ironic as that sounds I don't see how you can blame God.