Do you believe in the Power of Prayer?

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Do you believe in the power of prayer and faith?

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Apr 8, 2005
ThaG said:
OK, OK, you're twisting things now - none of the main religions ever bothered to provide explanation of the big bang and the concepts of time and space because at the time these religions were created, there was not a single theoretical physicist to ask these questions

What religions talk about is a personal God who listens to prayers and sends his son to humans to save their souls...

This doesn't make sense at all when you start asking questions about the universe and the Big Bang because of the scale of those problems compared to our own small insignificant existence. It doesn't make sense even when you just look at what the universe actually is and it makes even less sense in the light of discoveries in life sciences and chemistry...

I hope you see my point - it is completely useless to try to defend religion on the basis of our ignorance about certain fundamental questions
well put, my point exactly. what i was saying was basically this, im not trying to prove religion with my statements, i was trying to prove that it is in no way fair to ask "who created god" when i can turn around and ask "what created the thing that caused the big bang". no one has a logical explanation for either question so neither of the theories can be proved from this type of question.

and i have no idea where you got that i was mixing religion with the big bang, unless it was from my speaking of the two theories, and these theories i was referring to, were the big bang, and creation. religion is based off creation
Apr 8, 2005
JLMACN said:
fake and lies...

im glad someone on this board knows everything. honestly, you are the only member i dont even like seeing on here, all you have to say is bullshit. saying you dont believe in something is fine, but saying that it is fake without a shadow of a doubt is pure ignorance, being that you dont know such things
Apr 8, 2005
XxtraMannish said:
Run that by me again? And for the record I voted "Not Sure"
what im basically getting at is the fact that it all has to do with faith. most people on here seem to have tried prayer with no faith in it. its like putting a new cleaning product on your dishes and saying "im not sure of this, but ill try it". now let me ask you this, if anyone that decided to do this type of trial with prayer could in fact get their prayer answered, what would be the point in faith or prayer?

and on another note since ive been reading the old posts in this thread. how does it disprove there being a god when you say that prayers answered are because your own belief?

faith - belief that is not based on proof

does the bible not say that you need faith to do the great things you strive to do?

heres one more thing to think about. prayers being answered, like stockton said, comes along with work from you as well. you wont get a check in the mail with an envelope from heaven receiving a fortune. but if you get a raise at your job after praying for extra money, it could be god, could be also must look at circumstances open minded. if you pray for your grandma to be healed and the doctor heals her when she has all the odds against her, can you realistically say without a doubt that was all the doctor? that there is no possibility that he may of been given extra patients, or extra knowledge in order to know how to save her? this could honestly go either way, im not going to say its without a doubt god, but it could have been.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
thatguy said:
well put, my point exactly. what i was saying was basically this, im not trying to prove religion with my statements, i was trying to prove that it is in no way fair to ask "who created god" when i can turn around and ask "what created the thing that caused the big bang". no one has a logical explanation for either question so neither of the theories can be proved from this type of question.

and i have no idea where you got that i was mixing religion with the big bang, unless it was from my speaking of the two theories, and these theories i was referring to, were the big bang, and creation. religion is based off creation

sorry, I misunderstood, we agree on this one :)
Aug 26, 2002
im glad someone on this board knows everything. honestly, you are the only member i dont even like seeing on here, all you have to say is bullshit. saying you dont believe in something is fine, but saying that it is fake without a shadow of a doubt is pure ignorance, being that you dont know such things
I am not even sure what I replied to, but ignorance is belief in something simply becuase of emotions or "feelings", is not a rational explanation. It also does not prove anything.

Apr 8, 2005
^ whatever the fuck you just said. all im saying, is in a debate, you have no idea how stupid you look automatically calling something fake. saying you believe its fake is alright, saying it is with no proof, makes you look like an ass


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
JLMACN said:
I am not even sure what I replied to, but ignorance is belief in something simply becuase of emotions or "feelings", is not a rational explanation. It also does not prove anything.


i dont know why scientists believe that the only right side of the brain is the logical side, bfeeling must go to hell.

life is an EXPERIENCE, the self FEELS life much more than it "thinks" it
thought and logic are only impressions
Apr 8, 2005
JLMACN said:
^^^^and you look even "stupid-er" saying you believe in it with ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF of "ITS" (whatever it is) existence!

I love it when you people make an arguement with my points!

i never made an argument for what you ruled out as fake. i dont believe in it either, but im not going to be as closed minded as to say there is no chance at all of it existing, and therefor call it fake. be more open minded, people will accept your arguments more, step your verbal game up
Aug 6, 2006
thatguy said:
faith - belief that is not based on proof
People grossly misuse this term, "faith" imo. In the context of God, it is faith in God's will and that it is just. Having "faith" in God when the only way you came about his existence is through transmitted word, then you're putting faith in the word (from the lips and fingers of man), not God. We KNOW from inference that God/a creator exists, there is a difference. Anything to the contrary is simply ludicrous.:cool:

And again, I'm surprised that most people here believe in prayer, it seems that the world isn't in as much decay as I had previously assumed. :)
May 9, 2002
ParkBoyz said:
We KNOW from inference that God/a creator exists, there is a difference.

There is evidence to back up who do you know a god exists? Im just curious. What concrete evidence backs god?

And knowing that this many people believe prayer works is a sign that this world is going to shit faster than I ever expected.

LOL@ people putting their fate into an empty request to something that has no proof of exsistance.

Wah, Waaah....
Aug 6, 2006
I Fucked Your Mom said:

There is evidence to back up who do you know a god exists? Im just curious. What concrete evidence backs god?
This is garbled and incoherent, can you practice on communicating a little before you try and present complex questions or questions that delve into complex issues? I've stated that by inference I know God to exist. Meaning by indirect observation, as in process of elimination. Meaning that if all other pathways are deemed impossible, then a creator is the only solution. In other words, I believe very strongly that existence is impossible without an initiator for the said existence, as self-manifestation of unconscious matter is incomprehensible and belief therein is even more "faith-based" than the concept of the creator in question.

And knowing that this many people believe prayer works is a sign that this world is going to shit faster than I ever expected.
No, it is a sign that these people are more enlightened, open-minded, and connected than you and your gloomy, closed-minded, self-absorbed cretin comrades. Atheism indeed explains your degeneracy and why you present yourself in such an attention-seeking, immature manner with a screen name like "I Fucked Your Mom". You're infantile in development and merely follow what you think is cool. In this case, petty thugs and atheists.

LOL@ people putting their fate into an empty request to something that has no proof of exsistance.
How are you putting your fate into something if it doesn't exist? Maybe your intelligence doesn't exist either, no?

Posting a story of someone else's that is relevant to your weak assertions:

Looking for Native American arrowheads one day, I asked a person if I could look on his land. He told me there wasn't any arrowheads on his land. Now how did he know there wasn't any arrowheads on his land? I had found arrowheads up the river from his land, and down the river from his land. Walking away it had me wondering as to whether or not he had sifted all the soil on his land. Looking at the tall trees that were on his land, I had reasonable doubt that he had ever sifted all the soil on his land. As I walked away I stopped and picked up a small pebble and examined it closely as if I had found something really important and then put it in my pocket as he stared on. Still makes me wonder if all the soil on his land has been sifted.

^In other words, stfu unless you can show me that you've actually sifted the soil..

Wah, Waaah....
You're lame.. :)
May 9, 2002
ParkBoyz said:
This is garbled and incoherent, can you practice on communicating a little before you try and present complex questions or questions that delve into complex issues?
I mispelled one word...and you cant figure that out? Stop nit picking and trying to be a dick to back your shit up, bro...thats muthafuckin lame and you know it.

I've stated that by inference I know God to exist. Meaning by indirect observation, as in process of elimination. Meaning that if all other pathways are deemed impossible, then a creator is the only solution.

No, it is a sign that these people are more enlightened, open-minded, and connected than you and your gloomy, closed-minded, self-absorbed cretin comrades.
LOL! Please tell me youre kidding.

Atheism indeed explains your degeneracy and why you present yourself in such an attention-seeking, immature manner with a screen name like "I Fucked Your Mom".
I chose that screen name becuase its funny. And chances are, I have. I love MILFS...dont get it twisted.

You're infantile in development and merely follow what you think is cool. In this case, petty thugs and atheists.
What the fuck are you talking about? So youre bridging "immaturity" to atheism? Wow...that is the LAMEST observatiuon I have EVER seen. And where do you make the observation that I find "petty thugs" cool? What does this have to do with anything? Talk about some left field shit. Please, explain this jargon to me.

How are you putting your fate into something if it doesn't exist? Maybe your intelligence doesn't exist either, no?
Awwww....trying to take low blows at me. And you call me immature...very cute.

Posting a story of someone else's that is relevant to your weak assertions:

Looking for Native American arrowheads one day, I asked a person if I could look on his land. He told me there wasn't any arrowheads on his land. Now how did he know there wasn't any arrowheads on his land? I had found arrowheads up the river from his land, and down the river from his land. Walking away it had me wondering as to whether or not he had sifted all the soil on his land. Looking at the tall trees that were on his land, I had reasonable doubt that he had ever sifted all the soil on his land. As I walked away I stopped and picked up a small pebble and examined it closely as if I had found something really important and then put it in my pocket as he stared on. Still makes me wonder if all the soil on his land has been sifted.
And what exactly is my weak assertion? That there is no evidence of ANY god at all? Thats WEAK? Tell that to the scientist around the world.

^In other words, stfu unless you can show me that you've actually sifted the soil..
LOL! have no idea what the fuck I have done or gone you can miss me with that bullshit. For all you know, I have done more "sifting" than anyone on this board. So you get the fuck outta here with your faggy arrogance.

You're lame.. :)
Youre lamer..:)
Apr 8, 2005
ParkBoyz said:
People grossly misuse this term, "faith" imo. In the context of God, it is faith in God's will and that it is just. Having "faith" in God when the only way you came about his existence is through transmitted word, then you're putting faith in the word (from the lips and fingers of man), not God. We KNOW from inference that God/a creator exists, there is a difference. Anything to the contrary is simply ludicrous.:cool:

And again, I'm surprised that most people here believe in prayer, it seems that the world isn't in as much decay as I had previously assumed. :)
not sure if you are trying to challenge what my faith is in, but in case, ill share with you that i agree. i dont think anyone is special enough to figure out the creator, i just know there is one. i call this creator i believe in god for lack of a better word. the fact that the christians gave their god the name "god" lol, limits me in this matter.
Apr 8, 2005
I Fucked Your Mom said:
I mispelled one word...and you cant figure that out? Stop nit picking and trying to be a dick to back your shit up, bro...thats muthafuckin lame and you know it.


LOL! Please tell me youre kidding.

I chose that screen name becuase its funny. And chances are, I have. I love MILFS...dont get it twisted.

What the fuck are you talking about? So youre bridging "immaturity" to atheism? Wow...that is the LAMEST observatiuon I have EVER seen. And where do you make the observation that I find "petty thugs" cool? What does this have to do with anything? Talk about some left field shit. Please, explain this jargon to me.

Awwww....trying to take low blows at me. And you call me immature...very cute.

And what exactly is my weak assertion? That there is no evidence of ANY god at all? Thats WEAK? Tell that to the scientist around the world.

LOL! have no idea what the fuck I have done or gone you can miss me with that bullshit. For all you know, I have done more "sifting" than anyone on this board. So you get the fuck outta here with your faggy arrogance.

Youre lamer..:)
i bet 1000 years ago alot of people believed flight was impossible. there was no proof a human could fly in a human made craft (some drawings and shit about aliens, i dont believe in them, but some do) but we did some more "sifting" as people, and today, you may fly wherever on earth youd like. there is NO possibility that you have tryed every test, or discovered every technology required to perform every test or died and come back to once and for all prove there is NO creator, without a shadow of a doubt. no man has. this doesnt mean i will think less of you for not believing there is a god or creator, but completely ruling out the fact that there is one and deeming him/it fake isnt intelligent since you dont know for certain
Aug 6, 2006
I Fucked Your Mom said:
What the fuck are you talking about? So youre bridging "immaturity" to atheism? Wow...that is the LAMEST observatiuon I have EVER seen. And where do you make the observation that I find "petty thugs" cool? What does this have to do with anything? Talk about some left field shit. Please, explain this jargon to me.
No, I've bridged your inherent lack of a broad-mind, equatable to a follower's, to that of your position. Infantile as in you have a rudimentary understanding of what's around you and seem totally oblivious to varied philosophy. The only thing I called out as "immature" was your idiotic user name.:cool:

And what exactly is my weak assertion? That there is no evidence of ANY god at all? Thats WEAK? Tell that to the scientist around the world.
I will post this again to see if you comprehended it.

Looking for Native American arrowheads one day, I asked a person if I could look on his land. He told me there wasn't any arrowheads on his land. Now how did he know there wasn't any arrowheads on his land? I had found arrowheads up the river from his land, and down the river from his land. Walking away it had me wondering as to whether or not he had sifted all the soil on his land. Looking at the tall trees that were on his land, I had reasonable doubt that he had ever sifted all the soil on his land. As I walked away I stopped and picked up a small pebble and examined it closely as if I had found something really important and then put it in my pocket as he stared on. Still makes me wonder if all the soil on his land has been sifted.

Now, how much soil have you sifted so far?

LOL! have no idea what the fuck I have done or gone you can miss me with that bullshit. For all you know, I have done more "sifting" than anyone on this board. So you get the fuck outta here with your faggy arrogance.

^You obviously have lost both yourself and I with this one..

thatguy said:
not sure if you are trying to challenge what my faith is in, but in case, ill share with you that i agree. i dont think anyone is special enough to figure out the creator, i just know there is one. i call this creator i believe in god for lack of a better word. the fact that the christians gave their god the name "god" lol, limits me in this matter.
Not challenging your faith at all, merely pointing out the impossibility of having "faith" in something revealed. You have faith in the actual revelation, but not the object of. We put faith in the said object's (God) character instead, in that it is just and has a will. Putting faith in the revelation is a submission and acceptance, therefore not a faith, but a perceived fact that what is revealed has always existed.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
ParkBoyz said:
I've stated that by inference I know God to exist. Meaning by indirect observation, as in process of elimination.
inference out of thin air is still thin air...

Meaning that if all other pathways are deemed impossible, then a creator is the only solution. In other words, I believe very strongly that existence is impossible without an initiator for the said existence, as self-manifestation of unconscious matter is incomprehensible and belief therein is even more "faith-based" than the concept of the creator in question.
argument of ignorance

I don't know / I am not able to understand (usually more of the second), therefore Goddidit..


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
thatguy said:
there is NO possibility that you have tryed every test, or discovered every technology required to perform every test or died and come back to once and for all prove there is NO creator, without a shadow of a doubt.

you can tell that to your manboy parkboy who stated he knows God exists by excluding all other possibilities.
how does he know all other possibilities have been excluded?
has he come across everything that ppl will come across the next thousand years?
not a chance.