heres the thing, i believe in it highly. most people a see that do not believe in it are ones who dont understand it. you cant stop ones death with prayer, cause it might be his/her time to go. you cant pray without faith and expect shit to happen. you cant have greedy intentions when praying. when you pray for money, i assume you want it in large amounts. when you pray for money, and you have a friend that lends you 20$ to get out of a bad situation caused by a front or whatever, then i think that is somewhat religious intervention, because it gets you out of trouble ect..... another thing, you cant expect a prayer to be answered a certain way. i once heard a story where a man prayed to be saved due to the fact he was drowning in the ocean. when a response team of boats came to save his ass, he said "no, god will save me" when a helicopter came, he said the same thing, the man drowned obviously, because he expected shining angels to come and pull him out and fly him to safety. this story is not true, but is an example, it serves a very legit point as well. lastly, you cant just run to god when things go bad. what happens when you have that one friend that you know doesnt give a shit about you, but will always call when hes in a bad situation? you dont take him seriously, and as a resault of that, you dont answer his request. this same common sense logic works when thinking of reasons why god never seems to "work" for you. this in no way means you must be christian or whatever, because god doesnt care about what you name your faith, just have faith and actually give a shit about him even when your not in a situation you need to be bailed out of