Depression....Siccness people, I need your people help...A.S.A.P.

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Mar 20, 2007
Everybody has a different reaction, but one of my friends took some pills for depression and they made him even mainer than ever.....He took em for six years and he said they made him not give a fuck.......

This dude was really doin some mainy ass shit.......I was telling him for the longest to leave em alone.....People didnt feel safe around him........Hes off em now and says it was the best thing he has done.....

Controll yourself mane...Get a grip......Think about what you are doing.......These pills are made to controll humanity.......Its like a form of hypnosis (sp)......DONT FUCK WITH IT.....
i don't know about control of humanity... but you shouldn't be taking anything that will probably force you to feel a different way. It's unnatural, if the feeling of depression comes it has to come out in way or another [Healthy or Unhealthy]. Suppressing it won't help.
Nov 7, 2005
Sertraline = Zoloft. I had to take that shit years ago and it had me zombie'd out, but it did help (but then again I wasn't taking it for depression). Some people, anti-depressants actually make them worse off. You can try out 5-HTP first to increase your seratonin levels and that might help before you jump right into Zoloft.
Props: Teddy X
May 2, 2002
Sertraline = Zoloft. I had to take that shit years ago and it had me zombie'd out, but it did help (but then again I wasn't taking it for depression). Some people, anti-depressants actually make them worse off. You can try out 5-HTP first to increase your seratonin levels and that might help before you jump right into Zoloft.
Yeah, Sertraline is bad news. I was on 30/100 mg pills and the shit made me sluggish and drowzy. Didn't do a whole lot to improve my mood either. That and it fucked with my stomach. I'd started out taking it during the day, but switched and took 'em at night before I went to bed.
Props: Teddy X


Sicc OG
Sep 12, 2002
on sum real shit, any1 talking shit is a bitch made ass muthafucka, cuz every1 goes thru some shit in life, karma is a mutahfucka, i hope any1 talking shit gets murked int he worst way, i look out for my fellow humans, cuz as humans we have ups and downs, if you laugh at another mans downfall, i wish you the worst, but even then, i will still offer words of encouragement and a helping hand back up, step ur life game up bitch made suckas

-big chree the muthafuckin pussu pilot u bitchmade fagggots
you know instead of commas (,) you can use periods (.). so it doesnt make your powerful quote look like a huge runon sentence.


Sicc OG
Sep 12, 2002
read most of the replies. like everybody posted shit happens to everyone. everyone has there ups and downs. and when the downs hit, we tend to dwell on them longer.

funny thing is i was just thinking, before entering this thread, how 2009 was such a horrible year for me. and how i cant wait for 2010! then i took time to think as to why. i was rating the whole year off a broken realtionship with my girl that kept on going on and off and on and off. and that was stupid. when in reality, i got a promotion this year, i got a new benz, i am working towards my downpayment for a new house. im only 23 and looking at my friends i am so above them in life.

so when times get tough, think of the positive and do something about it. set yourself in a position where you are able to. go get a job, stop living off ssid. go met people at work and outside.

when life knocks you down..try falling on your back. if you can look can get up.

good luck
Props: Teddy X
Apr 25, 2002
meds are bad , only thing that got me thru my depression was love....i had good people around even tho they wasn't doin the most postive things they helped me keep going , i also held on to a future so i went to JC , things have been good for me since august i seriously was losing it before then , i also decided to get back into the things that i like reading and studying , i stopped lifting and exercising but i felt at the time my body and mind couldnt take the stress now that i feel the time is right for me to start again , i also taken up good eatin habits i eat nothing but lean beef,chicken,turkey , fish veggies, wheat pasta ,rice whole foods junk for on occasian. just keep pushin don't drink do drugs cause if you're really depressed you might hurt someone who doesnt deserve it , a loved one , or yourself . realize you may not be able to just snap out of it but you're in controle and this is your life and you can get out of it, don't let anyone tell you you are helpless. god bless,take care , and KEEP ON PUSHIN'
May 7, 2002
i don't know about control of humanity... but you shouldn't be taking anything that will probably force you to feel a different way. It's unnatural, if the feeling of depression comes it has to come out in way or another [Healthy or Unhealthy]. Suppressing it won't help.
You shouldn't take anything that will probably force you to feel a different way because it's not natural?

Okay, then while we're at it, let's not take an Advil for migraines, no pain killers if you happen to break a a bone, no beta-blockers if you suffer from high-blood pressure, etc. Catch my drift? Guess what, most medications are designed to "make you feel different" by relieving certain unpleasant, painful, or life-threatening symptoms. Yes, its true, most medications have possible side effects - emphasis on "possible". And not all medications will work for everyone the same. For example, some people swear by Tylenol, others by Advil. So why such a discrimination against antidepressants? It's a drug like any other. It may or may not work for you. It may or may not induce certain side effects. But just like any medication you may take for any other part of your body, I think it is at least worth a try. Just because it did not work for YOU does not mean it will not work for him, or that he will experience the same exact side-effects, etc.

Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance. Your brain is no longer able to produce sufficient levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine; these are the neurotransmitters which help regulate emotions, reactions to stress, and the physical drives of sleep, appetite, and sexuality. Anti-depressants are designed to help your brain produce sufficient levels of these neurotransmitters, which may help if you find yourself unable to focus, sleep, eat, etc. due to the depression.

With that being said, I do agree with your statements about "suppressing it [the problem] won't help." I believe anti-depressants are best in combination with therapy, not taken ALONE. Teddy made plans to talk to a counselor, and I think that's great.

PS: ConstantElevation, my statement was not aimed solely at you. I know a lot of members here share your views, so I was speaking in general terms.
Props: Teddy X
Apr 25, 2002
With that being said, I do agree with your statements about "suppressing it [the problem] won't help." I believe anti-depressants are best in combination with therapy, not taken ALONE. Teddy made plans to talk to a counselor, and I think that's great.
:beard:, i am skeptical about meds but if you're gettin therapy while taken em that's good but i think the ultimate goal is to learn how to deal with life, and other deep seeded issues without habitial drug use.....
May 7, 2002
:beard:, i am skeptical about meds but if you're gettin therapy while taken em that's good but i think the ultimate goal is to learn how to deal with life, and other deep seeded issues without habitial drug use.....
I completely agree, Duke. But therapy is a gradual process, you can't cure depression over night. So in the meantime, I think antidepressants may be a great way to to help "jump start" the process for those who are finding it difficult to function (e.g., can't sleep, can't eat, can't focus, unable to work or go to school, etc). However, the ultimate goal - as you said, should be to "learn how to "deal with life, and other deep seeded issues without habitual drug use ."

PS: Not to say that everyone who is depressed *needs* antidepressants. Therapy alone may be highly beneficial. Unfortunately, most health insurance companies are hesitant to pay for weekly therapy sessions, and would much rather send you home with a 30 day supply of Prozak.
Jan 5, 2006
Tupac said it best on Me Against The World..

"I know it seem hard sometimes but uhh
Remember one thing
Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that
So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out
Keep your head up, and handle it "
Props: Teddy X