Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance. Your brain is no longer able to produce sufficient levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine; these are the neurotransmitters which help regulate emotions, reactions to stress, and the physical drives of sleep, appetite, and sexuality. Anti-depressants are designed to help your brain produce sufficient levels of these neurotransmitters, which may help if you find yourself unable to focus, sleep, eat, etc. due to the depression.
With that being said, I do agree with your statements about "suppressing it [the problem] won't help." I believe anti-depressants are best in combination with therapy, not taken ALONE. Teddy made plans to talk to a counselor, and I think that's great.
PS: ConstantElevation, my statement was not aimed solely at you. I know a lot of members here share your views, so I was speaking in general terms.