alright dont know you dont care to know you, but if your mom and your auntie both beefin with you maybe you should look in the mirror!!!! 2 females in your life who love unconditionally and they beefin with you??? it's something in the way you act, present yourself, etc...
are y oulazy? not helping around the house? why not get a small part time job instead of relying on ssi? etc...
noone knows the situation more then you so maybe you need to step back and reassess where you are at yourself in life.
Like said before me, this sounds like a whiny little bitch post. get up and do something with your life. get a hobby, do something...and only you can motiviate yourself to do that.
sorry if i sound harsh but yo usound like my 24 year old nephew in this post and everything is 100% his fault he just doesnt like to hear it, gets ssi because he's a lazy fuck and has convinced dr's to sign off he cant do shit, when in fact when he wants to buy something he can get a job to get just that much then quits, etc...