Convince an Atheist!

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May 13, 2002
It’s about that time for another Theist vs. Atheist thread, so I am personally challenging all Theists to post your arguments for a higher power.

I will wait, and I suggest all Atheists do this too, until there are several replies before joining the fun.

My suggestion to all Theists is to DEFINE your god first before starting with your arguments.

Of course, if you think this thread is stupid or a waste of time, don’t reply!!!
Jul 24, 2002
Damn 2-0, here we go again LOL!

I think before tryin to define God, we should talk about why we believe in a higher power to begin with.
That's the first step.
Sooner of later people hummble down and realize that there is a higher power. Then the next step is to identify which version of God is the real deal.

You know my story so I'll sit back for a bit and see what people have to say. My debates are like my boxing ability, I'm a counter puncher....

PS.... Unless you're tryin to find out which version of God most people feel is the real deal.
Then I will bomb first....
May 13, 2002
Ok, I agree.

A brief description of why you believe in a higher power and then define your god(s).

I know there have been countless amounts of debates about god, but I hope that by laying down some ground rules, meaning first defining god and why you believe first, that this thread might succeed further then previous, chaotic threads.
Jul 7, 2002
miggidy said:
Damn 2-0, here we go again LOL!
I think before tryin to define God, we should talk about why we believe in a higher power to begin with.
becuase i really dont believe life was an acciendent, i believe we were created.
Jun 2, 2002
So 2-0-sixx do you beleive that you just rot in the dirt after you die, or do you hope there is a life after death, but oppose organized religion?
May 13, 2002
nefar559 said:

if (he worships satan)

then "how do you know Satan exists?"

"you are a hypocrite"

LOL. J/K comrade
Yeah, thats right, you better be joking.

But seriously,

odogfelon if you have ever read any of my posts before, you would know that I am Atheist. But like I said, I want to get this thread going with replies from Theists before I jump in.
Jun 2, 2002
Just to let it be known that i'm agnostic, and my view on religion is that it was founded on the fact people have a little thing called the conscious that cannot deal with the fact that when you die, your just dead and nothing more. so the founders of religion used this weakness mankind has to make money and help ease our conscious and fears, in a life after death.
Jan 31, 2003
Here's an interesting example of what God does for people.

Inmate requests 2 extra days in prison
Christian gets OK to stay behind bars for Promise Keepers event

Posted: August 3, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003

A Christian prisoner in Marion, Ohio, requested and received permission to stay locked up for two days beyond his release date so he could attend the first-ever Promise Keepers conference to be held behind bars.

Willie Chapman, center, prays for Promise Keepers event. (Photo: Marion Star)

According to a report in the Marion Star, Willie Chapman could walk out of Marion Correctional Institute a free man on Aug. 11, but he didn't want to miss the event hosted by the Christian men's ministry.
The organization expects 800 inmates to take part in the conference.
"To stay two more days is nothing," Chapman told the paper. "This has helped shape me and mold me and made me who I am today. To have an opportunity after 15 years to give God two days is a blessing."
Chapman was incarcerated at the age of 21 for voluntary manslaughter, the paper reported.
According to Marion Correctional Warden Christine Money, Chapman's was the first request in state history to prolong a prison stay.
"I think that demonstrates the power of what's happening, that someone will ask to stay incarcerated," Money told the Star. "That's a power of the testimony of that event."
Chapman first took part in a Promise Keepers conference in 2001 when an event was webcast in the prison's chapel.
"It's kind of like electricity that's going through my entire body," he said of the experience. "That's something I want to be part of – giving back to the community."
The inmate hopes to become a minister someday.
I'm not mad at anybody," he told the Marion paper. "I thank God for doing 15 years because I've come to realize it's God correcting me."
Chapman says some fellow prisoners were shocked he would request to stay in prison longer. The report says he has been involved in organizing and praying for the Promise Keepers conference.
Founded in 1990, Promise Keepers holds large weekend gatherings for men across the U.S. Millions have participated in the conferences over the years, according to the group's website.
Dec 18, 2002
as an atheist...i see the idea to this theist vs. atheist RIDICULOUS...the whole idea of someone being religious is that they are blindly faithful to something they have no proof of, so whats an argument going to do? make you atheists feel better about "being right"? youll never "be right", if scientist had CONCRETE evidence that religion wasnt real, THEY WOULD STILL TURN TO THEIR FAITH. do you not understand that they rely on FAITH? a semi-intelligent atheist can easily out-argue a religious person, they dont think beneath issues, it takes a certain type of mind to not be religious and it has alot to do with society today, the stressing of individualism and such. JUST GIVE IT UP!
Dec 18, 2002
there is no God when there is nothing but God...however you want to take that you can

and they say God is love...therefore, Love is God...and love exists in all aspects everywhere in the everything is therefore God...
Jun 2, 2002
Has anybody here read: The Devil's Apocrypha: There Are Two Sides to Every Story by John A. De Vito...

...Using their combined mental energy they open a portal into this universe and their entry ignited the big bang. Planets and stars, light and dark came into being. Eventually a special planet formed and those sentient creatures created a creature who worship them for their prayers are fuel that is needed to keep them alive. When Lucifer objected to using man as sheep, they entombed him and his followers to stop them from revealing to man that they can transcend the material realm if allowed free will. Millennium later a priest was directed by Lucifer to find the tablets of the three mad prophets if he wanted to learn the true purpose of man ant to warn the world what they face.
May 17, 2002
is a being not an object?
does supremecy make a being not an object?
does god need a constituency to exist?
if god is good then you are a dualist for what is all else?
your first post has nothing to do with the question in this thread
the biblical definition of faith is absolutely the opposite of science
Jul 4, 2003
I have alwayz been a person who beleives in science. its hard for me to accept that there is a god when science shows that we were not born as humans but evolved from apes (or sum shit like that). at times i want to believe in a higher power because i dont want to beleive that this is it, but i am also scared that there may be a a higher power because what if god isnt forgiving i have already fucked my life up and if there is a higher power i pray that he is a mercifull god. i have gone to church with my parents almost every sunday my whole life, i have been baptized as a cathilc and i cant even say if i believe or not...