Call Of Duty: Black Ops **discussion thread**

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Jun 3, 2002
Before this game launched I thought the idea of the currency system sounded great, now threw playing and leveling up ( 27 ) I think the old way was better. You still have to wait to unlock pretty much everything but now you have to pay for it. I have spent alot of money on guns and other shit only to find out that I hate it then I have no money left over and I cant sell the shit back.

I also made the mistake of buying all the LMG's to get the Stoner 63 and was nothing but let down by it, 6000 currency points wasted, I would have been better off buying some more perks.

The flame thrower is pretty fun, but I have been dying badly today ( went on a rampage at first ) there is just so much camping it makes me want to turn the game off and come back in a month when people know the maps more.
Oct 9, 2008
i had one of my best games 27-10 ranked to level 20 then the game lobby closed and i went to join another game and i was back to level 19 thats some horse shit

Yea i got the last kill with the ballistic knife and i wanted to keep it in my theater section but some fag backed out half way through the match and they migrated the host so the only video it saved of that match was up until that point!
Dec 19, 2006
Playin through the campaign and I love the Nam shit.My favorite part is when Woods turns the radio on and they play this.MACHINE GUNNIN AND MISSILE LAUNCHIN
Mar 24, 2006
it suppose to go into a scene after your done with that just beat that level
i finally figured out what was wrong...that weaver dude never followed me and woods into the building and down the tunnel n' shit. his bitch ass was still up in that building by the rockets just standing there stuck as

without him you can't advance to the next mission...and here this whole time i thought it was just me and this woods

started the level over and finally got through it.