C-Lim vs Hogg vs Siccness Megathread

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Apr 25, 2002
dfresh. .ya u see me on here tellin two dudes to fight eachother over and over...somethin i wouldnt be down to do? fuck outta here...

evil u know im talkin bout u..im talkin bout freaks and gas one...theres some names
Dec 4, 2006
dfresh. .ya u see me on here tellin two dudes to fight eachother over and over...somethin i wouldnt be down to do? fuck outta here...

evil u know im talkin bout u..im talkin bout freaks and gas one...theres some names
not in this thread..but you've done it in the past..

true story...

everyone throws a little typing here and there in threads like this one..all for comedy purposes...

but it seems that lims, craze and hogg funk is real ..

i wouldn't call it street funk..but more like net-funk that eventually will spill on the streets...

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
evil u know im talkin bout u..im talkin bout freaks and gas one...theres some names
who gives a fuck who you talkin' bout, tho.

one extra nigga typing my name...thats about all it amounts to

and then you gon' come in here callin names when your sig has quotes from another nigga...thats probably the worst indication of cheerleading possible

catch me with another nigga in my sig...then you can call me a cheerleader
until then what you claim is 'cheerleading' is no more than a response on the computer, i sign off, do drugs, forget this exists.
Apr 25, 2002
@gas fuck outta here u internet super character...who i quote in my sig besides myself? some uk cat who i thoiught was hilarious...

u in here with your siccness square bear click tag teamin like "ok its your turn go tell clim how much of a bitch he is for not fightin anoither man"

let me ask u this..are u...or evil gonna meet with c-lim to chunk um?...highly doubtfull...evil goes hard online at clim every chance he gets but he aint tryna meet up with dude to squab..

now take a few minutes and try to conjur up a nice witty reply to have your homies online quoting you

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
@gas fuck outta here u internet super character...who i quote in my sig besides myself? some uk cat who i thoiught was hilarious...

u in here with your siccness square bear click tag teamin like "ok its your turn go tell clim how much of a bitch he is for not fightin anoither man"

let me ask u this..are u...or evil gonna meet with c-lim to chunk um?...highly doubtfull...evil goes hard online at clim every chance he gets but he aint tryna meet up with dude to squab..

now take a few minutes and try to conjur up a nice witty reply to have your homies online quoting you
clim isnt my arch enemy, i dont give a fuck about clim, freaks, kavio, or anyone on the siccness. this is a place i type at while drinking beer and smoking weed.

am i going to fight clim? why would i have to? because i made fun of him online? you really think i care enough about this thread to hop in my car and drive 860 miles to sacramento to FIGHT? i thought we were making fun of someone?

you seem like you have interest in me..youve been watching me like girls watch LL cool J at malls...and obviously something is burning deep inside that made you think of me...and i thank you for being a fan, but homie...its not that serious.

i said "50 bucks says there will be no fight"

do you feel lonely or some shit? just because two people make fun of one person dosent mean theyre in it together.

you "love the siccness" a little too much. i might post here, but youve got it fucked up. when i sign off, my life revolves around smoking kush and doing art. i dont think about this shit.

if it makes you happy ill tell people "YOU CANT POST ONLY I CAN POST OR ITLL LOOK LIKE WERE IN THIS TOGETHER!!" next time one of these diss-fests come around

in the meantime, and i know this phrase is overused, get off my dick junior.
Apr 25, 2002
clim isnt my arch enemy, i dont give a fuck about clim, freaks, kavio, or anyone on the siccness. this is a place i type at while drinking beer and smoking weed.

am i going to fight clim? why would i have to? because i made fun of him online? you really think i care enough about this thread to hop in my car and drive 860 miles to sacramento to FIGHT? i thought we were making fun of someone?

you seem like you have interest in me..youve been watching me like girls watch LL cool J at malls...and obviously something is burning deep inside that made you think of me...and i thank you for being a fan, but homie...its not that serious.

i said "50 bucks says there will be no fight"

do you feel lonely or some shit? just because two people make fun of one person dosent mean theyre in it together.
here let me quote u to so theres no confusion...lol...would u drive umpteen miles to fight dude...i really hope not...that is some offbrand weird shit....i watch u like what? the way u watch ll cool j?..nah bruh u just happen to be in every thread in the open forum tryna drop some kinda extra funny tryin to hard replies to build your siccness rep up or some shit....really my initial post bout cheerleaders was intended for the other 2 cats i was gonna say "lightweight gas one" but i knew regardless u would still try to come with some ima quote u and try to break u down reply so i said fuck it...my point is...take a look at all this shit and check the hipocrisy(sp)...lotta cats sayin do what THEY wouldnt do...its not my job meaning i aint in the business of this back n forth shit anymore once upon time we could sit here talkin shit back n forth like yall do now...but im no longer with it..have fun mayn
May 2, 2002
What the fuck is this douchebag (thread starter) talkin' about? I realize you're new, so I'll cut you some slack. From here on out, the next time you decide to post some bullshit, could you at least attempt to spell the words correctly?

Honestly, I think people that go outta their way just to start shit, should be BANNED, no questions asked.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
here let me quote u to so theres no confusion...lol...would u drive umpteen miles to fight dude...i really hope not...that is some offbrand weird shit....i watch u like what? the way u watch ll cool j?..nah bruh u just happen to be in every thread in the open forum tryna drop some kinda extra funny tryin to hard replies to build your siccness rep up or some shit....really my initial post bout cheerleaders was intended for the other 2 cats i was gonna say "lightweight gas one" but i knew regardless u would still try to come with some ima quote u and try to break u down reply so i said fuck it...my point is...take a look at all this shit and check the hipocrisy(sp)...lotta cats sayin do what THEY wouldnt do...its not my job meaning i aint in the business of this back n forth shit anymore once upon time we could sit here talkin shit back n forth like yall do now...but im no longer with it..have fun mayn

Heres where you fucked up: You think me smoking weed on the siccness cracking jokes is "trying to build my siccness rep" what the FUCK is a siccness rep? what does a reputation on the internet entitle? do i get free bags of oranges? just because some kids on here find me funny dosent mean im trying to build a rep. and look homie i dont give a fuck what you said...or what you were going to say...or what you were trying to say.. the point is you mentioned me so i responded, because what you said about me IMO you got me fucked up. now if you knew i was going to respond and break down your post, why mention me? do you need attention?

your point is retarded. especially when i said "50 bucks says there wont be a fight"..your saying im telling people to do what i wouldnt do....i wouldnt not fight? the two people i told who need to go fight offline have been on here for the past year talking about fighting eachother. and when i said they should just handle it, notice the person whom i was talking to agreed. now if you sit on the net for a year tellin someone "imma beat yo ass!" , yes, you should sign offline and do that. and if i did the same, i should also sign off and fight.
Jul 27, 2007
@gas fuck outta here u internet super character...who i quote in my sig besides myself? some uk cat who i thoiught was hilarious...

u in here with your siccness square bear click tag teamin like "ok its your turn go tell clim how much of a bitch he is for not fightin anoither man"

let me ask u this..are u...or evil gonna meet with c-lim to chunk um?...highly doubtfull...evil goes hard online at clim every chance he gets but he aint tryna meet up with dude to squab..

now take a few minutes and try to conjur up a nice witty reply to have your homies online quoting you
Good comment. Excellent points made.