not now, in a year or two. I would always favor gamboa over anyone, you know that, but garcia IS very good and his potential is great.
Yeah I know I was just fucking around with that. Garcia could probably compete with Gamboa even now. He's not very flashy but he's all around solid and can punch.
And yes, those are the rounds zbik won. There were other rounds when his punches weren't doing shit or were too far and in between and chavez's pure effective aggressiveness was winning him rounds.
zbik fucked up by fighting chavez toe to toe in the later rounds and fighting julio's fight. if he kept doing what he was doing he would have pulled it off.
I really don't know why I'm even arguing I don't even like chavez and I think he's going to lose to Cotto (which is almost a done deal for October) or anyone else that is decent but I'm stating how I saw the fight. Close fight could have gone either way.