Boxing schedule for the month of June

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Feb 3, 2006
Froch doesn't have the boxing skills to keep Glen off of him. He's not fighting AA all defense no punching style this time around. Glen is going to throw punches to the head and body at him all night. Froch better bring his lunch box, because he's going to have to go to work to win this one.
Aug 31, 2003
Not a great FNF tonight. Estrada pulled off an upset against Hendrix and Jhonson came out looking extremely unmotivated. I don't know if he just wanted to get his first 10 rounder in the bank against a guy he knew wouldn't do much damage to him but he looked way better in his last fight against a much much better opponent than a 2 year lay off Torres.

.. as for JCC Jr/Zbik it's gonna be interesting. Zbik isn't gonna wow anyone but he's technically sound and could definitely steal enough rounds from Jr to win if he comes in like he has in a good chunk of his fights.
Jul 21, 2002
Vanes. I met him actually. I don't think anyone knew who he was lol It was at the pac/clottey fight.

I want to see him step up in competition. Ouma has had a bunch of loses in the last few years but he's still a tough vet to fight as a prospect for the most part. Either Vanes has hit his ceiling or he's bored with his opposition and isn't training hard enough.
Jan 18, 2006
lol what a joke, Chavez is the bigger money fighter. Should have been a draw if not other dude winning. one judge gave Chavez 8 rounds, not quite
May 13, 2002
I thought it was a good fight. I kept score in my head so I may be wrong but I thought Chavez won by 1 round. Could have gone either way including a draw.

Harold Lederman continues to prove he doesn't know how to score fights.

He said at one point "you gotta ask yourself who hurt who the most and that's who won the round." No you fucking moron that is not how you score rounds. He's been doing this for 20 years or so and he still doesn't know how boxing works? :smdh:

anyways, it was a good fight. zbik was better than I expected, had good hand speed and landed cleanly on chavez. chavez was impressive with his body work and I agree with the ref the low blows were mostly a result of zbik pushing his head down low, so i'm glad no points were taken.

martinez would/will kill either of these guys. and lol @ showing "former MW champion sergio martinez." No, he IS the lineal world champion. Just because the WBC took his title away so chavez could win it doesn't mean he's not the lineal champion, he owns The Ring Belt which shits on any abc fake ass title. Martinez beat Pavlik who beat Taylor who beat Hopkins who beat everyone and their mama. Lineal champion.