Army officer refuses to fight

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Apr 12, 2005
EDJ said:
They from skyline in san diego..those two songs are some older songs that we putting on a comp called eastmean....I fuck with a handful of them ..Bossman hogg and young sau being the main ones and slikk rikk on production a pioneer in dago.Most people I mess with in L.A. are on the blue team...watergate...shotgun...schoolyard...long beach 20s raymonds..either way I only deal with the ones who can set differences aside..yeah that regg nut song was recorded in 94..also those pics are when they had a ru-bowl in compton..westside pirus vs eastside
Apr 12, 2005
KALYN said:
I'm aware of the different aspects of war that we must all take into consideration, several points of view to be argued... but I still feel for the lives lost and understand when looking at the obvious pain those people are enduring that there are reasons.. but.... still and yet.... the photos are horrific.
No doubt...i seen alot why I was there..and Its never a pretty sight..Its hard..One time we were at an iraqis house and i was outside fuckin around with the kids..kickin soccer balls and shit...and this kid brings his mother to me...she shows me a picture of her husband...she said he never returned had been weeks...I felt helpless..It sad cause alot of innocent Iraqis are being scooped up and detained...and some are being kidnapped by insurgents..Its tough cause its not so cut and dry or black and white like the media portrays..its actually a bit more complex...low moral on our troops..fatigue..lack of proper training( the majority of military arent trained to patrol cities..etc..and a small class on urban warfare doesnt properly prepare you.there are so many young marines,soldiers and sailors who are called upon to make quick decisions,and with no real worls applications to there training...mistakes are made...Iraqis might shake your hand in the day and mortar you at night....Its tough..and Im not for us being there..i have alot of compassion for the majority of iraqi people...bush and his war on terrorism brought us into a no win situation.


Apr 25, 2002
50cal said:
unfortunatley most pictures ar open to interpretation.Are innocent iraqis getting killed and injured by american,and coalition forces..of course...but we sometimes forget of how many innocent iraqis have been killed prior to us going over there....public hangings,executions by gunfire/beheadings....I guess if you seen the mass grave sites with kids with there skulls bashed in,well again to many on here it probably wouldnt change there minds.Overall the iraqis are grateful we did what we did...of course the media focus is on the building schools,turning there electricity not a good story I guess.

Again, you don't make any sense, and to be brutally honest man I believe the majority of what you come with on this section of the board is 100%-Four Star-Grade A-Premium-Certified BULLSHIT.The picture of the Iraqi CHILD holding a sign refering to his family member being killed and sister having sex with a US troops is open to interpretation? The pics of Abu Ghraib are open to interpretation? Homie, take a look at those pictures and tell em how many smiling faces you see.

Shit like that is similar to the pics of white men taking pics next to charred remains of lynch victims yet you are SUPPORTING and CONDONING this type of behavior.

Also, you mention "we" sometimes forget the innocents that were killed prior to america going over there, but do you care to discuss american led SANCTIONS that contributed to the deaths of over 500,000 iraqi CHILDREN alone? Sure you do.

Also, the people I know who have been to Iraq and have recently returned have said that the people are NOT happy with america. If the Iraqis were soooooooo happy and everything was peaches and fuckin cream why is the country still in shambles? You my friend are delusional, and to be honest I see no hope in you regaining any amount of sanity. I am OPENLY calling you a LOST black male. You have been hood winked and baptized with lies and you'll never escape this simple truth.

Of course the media focus is negative? The media is NOT reporting the majority of crimes commited by the american troops. How many war crimes are going unpunished and unreported? Countless, yet you will sit here and make it seem as if the media is bashing your fag filled army and painting them out to be the ultimate bad guys. Well I have news for you son, and you can take this to the bank and cash it if you choose. The mainstream media, which is OWNED by members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commision (the same people who payed you 2-4k a month to risk your life) give the thumbs up and thumbs down on what is reported, and when something negative IS reported their is ALWAYS something far worse going on that they are trying to blind us to.

Now, I can GUARANTEE that you'll come back with some foolish retort, but you can save it.
Dec 11, 2002
Are those burned baby feet in the first picture...? right below the dude thats squatted down, his pointer finger... I cant tell..
Apr 12, 2005
HERESY said:
Again, you don't make any sense, and to be brutally honest man I believe the majority of what you come with on this section of the board is 100%-Four Star-Grade A-Premium-Certified BULLSHIT.The picture of the Iraqi CHILD holding a sign refering to his family member being killed and sister having sex with a US troops is open to interpretation? The pics of Abu Ghraib are open to interpretation? Homie, take a look at those pictures and tell em how many smiling faces you see.

Shit like that is similar to the pics of white men taking pics next to charred remains of lynch victims yet you are SUPPORTING and CONDONING this type of behavior.

Also, you mention "we" sometimes forget the innocents that were killed prior to america going over there, but do you care to discuss american led SANCTIONS that contributed to the deaths of over 500,000 iraqi CHILDREN alone? Sure you do.

Also, the people I know who have been to Iraq and have recently returned have said that the people are NOT happy with america. If the Iraqis were soooooooo happy and everything was peaches and fuckin cream why is the country still in shambles? You my friend are delusional, and to be honest I see no hope in you regaining any amount of sanity. I am OPENLY calling you a LOST black male. You have been hood winked and baptized with lies and you'll never escape this simple truth.

Of course the media focus is negative? The media is NOT reporting the majority of crimes commited by the american troops. How many war crimes are going unpunished and unreported? Countless, yet you will sit here and make it seem as if the media is bashing your fag filled army and painting them out to be the ultimate bad guys. Well I have news for you son, and you can take this to the bank and cash it if you choose. The mainstream media, which is OWNED by members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commision (the same people who payed you 2-4k a month to risk your life) give the thumbs up and thumbs down on what is reported, and when something negative IS reported their is ALWAYS something far worse going on that they are trying to blind us to.

Now, I can GUARANTEE that you'll come back with some foolish retort, but you can save it.
O.K. I can feel what ya saying as far as the signs you described..i seen some of that as well...I find it hard to comprehend how you can come out your mouth with saying what Im saying is 100% bullshit....It may not be agreed upon.i may not always be right..but Im coming 100% honest.Maybe This forum is not good for me,I dont find the motivation to analyze someone word for word,or when i do contribute,Im not making myself clear cause I dont post up a highly detailed post,(wich usually gets analyzed word for word wich It blurs the point Im trying to make.Its funny cause I dont highly disagree with what you say on the issues...all Im saying is it isnt all black and white.As far as the people you interogated( JUST PLAYING) the people you talked to who came recently from Iraq...Im not say they are lying.Not everyone has the same experience over there.Ive been all over that country..ive been in cities where families bring you food,invite you for tea...Ive also been where there are signs posted up that are anti-american..and kids throw rocks at you.Ive been attcked with rpgs,mortars and ak-47s,So someones experience could have many factors that sway there opinion..such as locations they visited,rank of member,age,maturity( or ability to interact with people) the jobs they performed...I knew of younger marines who were writing all sorts of crap on iraqi kids..cause they seen our tattoos,and wanted to emulate us..Ive seen marines since day one with this fuck all iraqi attititudes,and wouldnt interact at all...Ive had dinners with sheiks,Ive patrolled small towns,and talked to locals....Of course i know times have changed,and thats life..always changing...Im not as brainwashed as you are to a matter of fact I was threatened many of times of being written up,or it would reflect my evals known for going against the grain....thats why I am no longer in the military..i know longer can deal with incompetence(nOt saying the whole military)..everything Im saying is not bullshit,Its coming from my heart..and free mind.....So sorry If Ive been away from school for a long time,and am not as educated as you,and cant remember how to put proper paragraphs together with commas,periods..or to lazy to put forth the effort,or i can only type with two fingers...Im jsut giving my opinion,based on my experiences...and Ive had alot..good,and bad.
this1guy said:
Dude is a bitch..........he needs to do his job.
You are very misguided. "Just doing your job" is what led us to Nazi Germany and the brutality of the Japanese Empire. Let us give you a short history lesson. During WWII many of the pows and concentration camp prisioners were routinely shot killed, tortured, raped, etc. The soldiers were "just following orders." During the Nuremberg trials just doing my job/following orders was the prime defense. So after the trials new laws were passed in the US and other countries that make it your duty to not follow orders if it breaks any law or Geneva Convention. You may decide to do this under the conscientious objecter statue.

Now what is going on in Iraq is widespread slaughter. Check out these pictures from the US strike in March 2003 in Fallujah. They used white phosphous in that strike which is worse than napalm. They have used other WMDs in Iraq since 1991. Some of they other tactics include going into law abiding citizens homes, tying up all those found, grabbing the man of the house and killing his family if he didn't tell them what they wanted. In Abu Graib and other prisons they have rapped mens children and wives in front of them. They have said it is okay to crush small childrens testicals. None of this is okay. This is evil and not what I want my country to be know to support. The US has essentially turned the middle east into a nuclear wasteland by using extreme amounts of DU (depleted uranium ). Here is a small snippet from Project Censored
Most American weapons (missiles, smart bombs, dumb bombs, bullets, tank shells, cruise missiles, etc.) contain high amounts of radioactive uranium. Depleted or non-depleted, these types of weapons, on detonation, release a radioactive dust which, when inhaled, goes into the body and stays there. It has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. Basically, it’s a permanently available contaminant, distributed in the environment, where dust storms or any water nearby can disperse it. Once ingested, it releases subatomic particles that slice through DNA.

UMRC’s Field Team found several hundred Afghan civilians with acute symptoms of radiation poisoning along with chronic symptoms of internal uranium contamination, including congenital problems in newborns. Local civilians reported large, dense dust clouds and smoke plumes rising from the point of impact, an acrid smell, followed by burning of the nasal passages, throat and upper respiratory tract. Subjects in all locations presented identical symptom profiles and chronologies. The victims reported symptoms including pain in the cervical column, upper shoulders and basal area of the skull, lower back/kidney pain, joint and muscle weakness, sleeping difficulties, headaches, memory problems and disorientation.

At the Uranium Weapons Conference held October 2003 in Hamburg, Germany, independent scientists from around the world testified to a huge increase in birth deformities and cancers wherever NDU and DU had been used. Professor Katsuma Yagasaki, a scientist at the Ryukyus University, Okinawa calculated that the 800 tons of DU used in Afghanistan is the radioactive equivalent of 83,000 Nagasaki bombs. The amount of DU used in Iraq is equivalent to 250,000 Nagasaki bombs.

At the Uranium Weapons Conference, a demonstration by British-trained oncologist Dr. Jawad Al-Ali showed photographs of the kinds of birth deformities and tumors he had observed at the Saddam Teaching Hospital in Basra just before the 2003 war. Cancer rates had increased dramatically over the previous fifteen years. In 1989 there were 11 abnormalities per 100,000 births; in 2001 there were 116 per 100,000—an increase of over a thousand percent. In 1989 34 people died of cancer; in 2001 there were 603 cancer deaths. The 2003 war has increased these figures exponentially.

At a meeting of the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan held December 2003 in Tokyo, the U.S. was indicted for multiple war crimes in Afghanistan, among them the use of DU. Leuren Moret, President of Scientists for Indigenous People and Environmental Commissioner for the City of Berkeley, testified that because radioactive contaminants from uranium weapons travel through air, water, and food sources, the effects of U.S. deployment in Afghanistan will be felt in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China and India. Countries affected by the use of uranium weapons in Iraq include Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, and Iran.
There has already been radioactive dust detected in the UK earlier this year.
Jun 16, 2005
Eternal Designs said:
You are very misguided. "Just doing your job" is what led us to Nazi Germany and the brutality of the Japanese Empire.(I'm not misled, homes, you are.) Let us give you a short history lesson. During WWII many of the pows and concentration camp prisioners were routinely shot killed, tortured, raped, etc(BY who?). The soldiers were "just following orders(What soldiers are you talking about, you're saying that they were ordered to rape women and children, a bit far fetched, hmm?)." During the Nuremberg trials just doing my job/following orders was the prime defense( So that automatically disqualifies any argument against your stances?). So after the trials new laws were passed in the US and other countries that make it your duty to not follow orders if it breaks any law or Geneva Convention. You may decide to do this under the conscientious objecter statue.

Now what is going on in Iraq is widespread slaughter. Check out these pictures from the US strike in March 2003 in Fallujah. They used white phosphous in that strike which is worse than napalm. They have used other WMDs in Iraq since 1991. Some of they other tactics include going into law abiding citizens homes, tying up all those found, grabbing the man of the house and killing his family if he didn't tell them what they wanted. In Abu Graib and other prisons they have rapped mens children and wives in front of them. They have said it is okay to crush small childrens testicals. None of this is okay. This is evil and not what I want my country to be know to support. The US has essentially turned the middle east into a nuclear wasteland by using extreme amounts of DU (depleted uranium ). Here is a small snippet from Project Censored

There has already been radioactive dust detected in the UK earlier this year.
LOL! Has this site went PC, too? I'm dying over here.
this1guy said:
LOL! Has this site went PC, too? I'm dying over here.
Went PC? Are you refering to the link? There are many other sources that quote the same info. That site just happened to be the first one I grabbed.

And I hope you don't find the alarming amount of toxic waste in the atmosphere ok or that just following orders is ok no matter how illegal or evil they are. If you do maybe you should put the brown shirt on. Or perhaps put the shackles on now. Since all the soldiers over there who think nothing to commit these attrocities will be coming home at some point with no mental help and when they totally militarize the police they will be the ones asking YOU for your ID and kicking in YOUR door, raping and killing your family when you don't tell them about the 'terrorists' in your area.

Let me ask you a question. If you signed up to serve in the army/marines and was told you would be fighting to defend America against foreign threats only to find out you were killing innocent people who never did anything to harm you or your country would you just go along with it?

Flip the situation around. What if China decided to invade the US on the pretext that we were harboring terrorists? And all of a sudden left and right your friends and family were being shot, raped, tortured, killed by Chinese soldiers just for living in a 'suspected terorist zone'. Would you think a Chinese soldier was a coward for refusing to obey orders to indiscrimmately kill? Of course that soldier would immediately be shot without trial being that it was China.

Please explain how you could think it ok in any situation to say nothing when presented with the chance to bring atrocities to light.