Army officer refuses to fight

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May 13, 2002
D-Locc60 said:


Contribute to the thread or shut the fuck up
Nov 1, 2004
mac_luv said:
Ok so he is an officer but was I lying about following the orders of the president? Nothing will probably happen to him since he is an officer and they don't have contracts like enlisted. They are voluntary.

ok, i AM in the military.. so listen up
Officers DO have contracts, i dont know where u got this info (im guessing you made it up)
anyways, ALL military service IS voluntary, i wasnt forced to sign up (well kinda was, but it was my own fault) and neither are officers.. they have it made in the military, they get paid a fuckin lot, they usually dont work near as hard as enlisted personel
this guy is just being a fucking retard, he signed up, he needs to do what hes fuckin told.
and the president is the Commander-In-Chief, that is the boss, regaurdless if you agree, thats not your choice anymore, once you sign that line, your life is theres basically.. now there is a thing as unlawful order, but going to Iraq is not one of them.. that would be like "i order you to walk around naked".. thats something you dont have to listen too.
im sure this guy will end up in the Brig for a while.
Apr 26, 2002
Bacc In Texas
Can you TWO not see my contribution???

2-0-Sixx & HERESY-
What insight can you provide me about serving in the US Military?
(Not a tricc question, no Google'ing required...just some men sittin face to face talkin)

Don't go Google "research" crazy on me and post a billion pages and links....

From your own words plz...


Apr 25, 2002
^^ I really DON'T see your contribution. I mean if you call a post with no substance and sarcasm a contribution I can see your point. However, it seems to me (and others) that you're implying that people who are not in the military (or who have not served) should not speak on the subject and that the subject should be limited to those who have. Now, if we utilize your logic we are stuck with people like mac luv talking about the subject. No disrespect to mac luv, but he claims to have been in the millitary yet a CIVILIAN basically sonned him and proved that mac luv didn't know what the hell he was talking about. Also, 5-Dime just got finished ripping him, so with that being said why limit the scope to those who have served?

My insight comes from my father, who served in the army and has more bodies under his belt than your entire company. I have four brothers who have served in the armed forces and two of them served during war periods. Two of my brother in laws were in the millitary (one is now a retired SGT), and I have two nephews who are currently serving (one is an MP in Iraq) and a neice who was recently demobbed and ended her stint in Afghanistan. So, as you can see I have a strong millitary influence in my family. My "insight" comes from seeing how the millitary AND war CHANGED my family members.

My nephew who is currently in Iraq is a changed soul, and that change is not for the good. The look in his eye is different, his mannerisms are different, and he is now a killing machine. When he told us about the mishaps and crazy shit going on in Iraq he was getting off on it. He wasn't hyped about it, but you can tell he was on some other shit.

Also, when one of my brothers (who happens to be my business partner) ended his thing in Germany he came home a changed man. He was a marksman with EXTREMELY high scores, but guess what they did? They asked him a couple of questions, they didn't like his answers, they took his rifle and sent him packing. He had a THOUGH time re-adjusting to life here when he first came back, but now he is his old self and we are making $$$ and doing what we do.

So, with that being said I am outspoken against the military because I have a lot of family members that served (I didn't even mention the long list of uncles), and I lived with the majority of them when they came home. I am the youngest of my fathers children, and when I would say "i wanna join teh marines" he would say "bullshit." He gave me TWO reasons why I wasn't going to join. The first reason was he didn't want to loose me and he meant physically AND mentally. The second reason left me stirred. He said I would make a good soldier, but told me to my face that I would be killed or locked up for questioning authority and NOT taking orders. After that he told me some things I will NEVER repeat, but I will say one thing. When americans are killed in war it's just not always in combat or friendly fire and a lot of times that friendly fire is really on purpose. Don't even ask me to go into it because I'm not. Pops also told me about the racial shit going on the military, how he got bumped a stripe, how the men who saluted him in the army told him "nigger get off the streets" when he returned to Arkansas, and how the FOOD made them do weird things and act funny. When my pops is no longer here they will give my mom a flag because he is a vet, but my pops exact words to me are "burn that sonofabitch", and I gave my OATH that I would carry out his last wishes. When my father dies and my mother is given a flag that flag will go up in flames and smoke.

Now, what are my personal experiences with the military? The only experiences I have personally is when the recruiters came by trying to influence me with guns and shit. They were showing me pictures of all types of guns and weapons and trying to get me to join that way. For one, just because I'm in the hood and from the streets you don't have to come at me like I am a savage beast in need of weapons or mesmerized by them. These fools weren't trying to get at me to see if I were computer literate, half-way english savy or if I had other skills that could be utilized. They came at me as someone who is expendable, and after I had the convo with my pops, and saw how my brother was acting when he got home I was like HELL FUCK NO!!!!!!!!!

Now, unlike others I'm not going to be a hoe for cheap. If I'm gonna be a hoe and let someone pimp me I'm gonna make sure I'm getting some MAJOR scratch. Heresy is just to smart to dumb himself down and become a zombie for 2 grand a month. Why should I do that when I can go to school, flip these books, get my degrees and make twice as much? Why should I risk my life for 2-4 grand a month when I get paid a grip to sit on my ass and fix the technical mistakes in music? I'll pass on allowing the oil cartels to use my corpse to bring them more money. More money to put their kids to school and send their kids to the ELITE colleges while black kids are dying in teh streets and prisons. No way buddy. If you were gulliable or naive enough to join or you felt your circumstances could only be changed by the military thats on you. But as for me? Hell no.

And now since I have answered your question I would like to ask you a question.

The Father of Serena and Venus Williams NEVER played Tennis in his life, yet he was the driving force behind their tennis carrers. Does this man have a right to talk about tennis even though he has never so much as played a game of tennis in his life?
Oct 28, 2005
Stealth said:
When people like this post in the forum, its the reason that I dont want to take part in the discussion. Who died and made you Socrates?
Who died and made you the fag that follows me around in every forum with my name all up in your dick-strokers?

If you want some.....stop acting like a fuckin bitch, and come get some. Quit this sissy, whining shit.
Oct 28, 2005
saladbowlking said:
And what of it? Do I go around saying nigga every other word, denying being part white, claiming to be from the hood, claiming to sell drugs, own guns, etc? ...No.

I claim what I have claimed since day one: on this here internet, I am your MESSIAH. I am the one that owns you, and I own 90% of these forums I post in with the exception of the people that I decide not to own. This is usually because they have impressed me and gained my respect, so I allow them to operate with relative impunity.

But make no bones about it: that 10% is is verily not OFF LIMITS.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Dirty Shoes said:
Who died and made you the fag that follows me around in every forum with my name all up in your dick-strokers?

If you want some.....stop acting like a fuckin bitch, and come get some. Quit this sissy, whining shit.
Sorry for "posting" in the same forums as you...didn't know that meant I was followin you. Actually, maybe we just have a lot in common. If I was gay, we could have been friends. But I already come got some...remember in the flows forum...I posted up a diss track against you...after you talked about all your "production skills" and how no one could top you...and I a vote of many people. You talked about how you were the most professional sounding real shit on the market, and you lost. So shut the fuck up. I'll post where the fuck I want to.

But when I see some faggot saying that no one on a message board can touch their versatility...two things come to my mind.

First of does being versatile ever help you win an argument?
Second of all...what the fuck makes you think you're intellectually superior to anyone here?

So like I said...this would be a good argument if it wasn't for people like you. You are a faggot, the board thinks you're a faggot, and I do NOT understand how people like you and J-Boeg could take that much hatred and hang around. Either way...right now you're acting like a little pussy with your back against the wall.

And here I am talking shit, slowly becoming no better than you.

So if you want me to come get me a plane ticket...or stop trying to provoke real life fights over the internet.

If you want to continue this "conversation" post up a thread called "Tadou is intellectually superior to Stealth" in the open forum and try to hurt my feelings. Until then, why don't you let grown men talk about the military instead of turning this into your own personal forum to defend yourself for saying stupid bullshit, calling yourself the messiah, and otherwise saying things so unfounded and delusional that they make you sound like the Rock.

***DISCLAIMER: Sorry for everyone else that had to read this. I know it gets old.***


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
On the subject at hand...I dont see how people can really say once you sign up for the army you should turn into a mindless robot. I understand that is the goal of the army, but considering that damn near every person on this website hates George Bush and the war in Iraq, and that the Gathering of the Minds is made for free-thinkers, I do not believe that "he signed up for the military, now he has to face the consequences" should be an end-all.

I dont care if you joined the military or not, its your life despite what kind of contract you signed, and everyone should make their own decisions. If the dude is still a free thinker, maybe the Army did a poor job in brainwashing him. But it seems like some of the people that hate the war in Iraq are the same people saying that this guy doesnt have the right object to the war. Fuck that, we all have the right to object to anything we want, that's the beauty.

I am very supportive of our troops, but right now this isn't the American army, this is George Bush's army. So anybody who decides that he would rather follow what he feels is right as opposed to following what he is being told to do is okay in my opinion. I understand that for security reasons people in the military ought to be disciplined and live up to their training, but this is a little bit different, and I applaud the dude for standing up for himself.
Apr 12, 2005
i wouldnt consider taking orders as being mindless..todays military is much different the when I joined.There has to be order,thats why there is a chain of command,why kind of miltary would we be if everyone did as they pleased...wich beleive it or not,are miltary is turning soft,with new rules regarding sensitivity and shit...sexual harassment and all that crap


Apr 25, 2002
50cal said:
i wouldnt consider taking orders as being mindless..todays military is much different the when I joined.There has to be order,thats why there is a chain of command,why kind of miltary would we be if everyone did as they pleased...wich beleive it or not,are miltary is turning soft,with new rules regarding sensitivity and shit...sexual harassment and all that crap
This makes no sense at all and is not a reflection of reality.
Apr 12, 2005
HERESY said:
This makes no sense at all and is not a reflection of reality.
Im not focused,speaking in tongues no language ever heard before...i was distracted
when i was in boot camp they would lay hands on ya (to an extent)
I heard now the recruits have stress cards when they feel like taking a timeout when being yelled at etc.they pull one of these out.
You can be written up for sexual harassment if a female walks by and she hears you talking to a friend about something anappropriate like sexual encounters etc.If you have a desk and there is a magazine with woman in bikinis she can write you up for sexual harassment...this is just a sample...I could go on how woman get special treatment in the miltary...but who cares.
In the military i came up in you did as you were told and it wasnt up for when given an order you will frequently hear complaining and the word why,and how come.
In todays military your command may have boards where you may be a member and you discuss how to make your work are better,faster,more enjoyable,and they may implement these ideas.....It wasnt like that when i first joined....when i joined they were just starting that zero tolerance crap...howver if you did piss dirty ,you still had a good chance of staying in.
I wouldnt describe any military member as mindless...even if he is a private,seaman recruit..whatever.It is important for those to follow orders to maintain a good chain of command,and be an effective,and efficient military unit.
Oct 28, 2005
maculentways said:
because he knows what "verily" means


Sad...but true. :ermm:

Stealth said:
Sorry for "posting" in the same forums as you...didn't know that meant I was followin you. Actually, maybe we just have a lot in common. If I was gay, we could have been friends. But I already come got some...remember in the flows forum...I posted up a diss track against you...after you talked about all your "production skills" and how no one could top you...and I a vote of many people. You talked about how you were the most professional sounding real shit on the market, and you lost. So shut the fuck up. I'll post where the fuck I want to.
You have no quotes, therefore, you have no argument. Talk about some shit that actually HAPPENED that you can PROVE--not just some shit you're making up, and expecting everyone to believe.

Reason #1 you envy me, yet, can never be like me: I don't run off at the mouth about things I cannot readily track down and SHOW TO EVERYONE.

But when I see some faggot saying that no one on a message board can touch their versatility...two things come to my mind.

First of does being versatile ever help you win an argument?
Second of all...what the fuck makes you think you're intellectually superior to anyone here?

So like I said...this would be a good argument if it wasn't for people like you. You are a faggot, the board thinks you're a faggot, and I do NOT understand how people like you and J-Boeg could take that much hatred and hang around. Either way...right now you're acting like a little pussy with your back against the wall.

And here I am talking shit, slowly becoming no better than you.

So if you want me to come get me a plane ticket...or stop trying to provoke real life fights over the internet.

If you want to continue this "conversation" post up a thread called "Tadou is intellectually superior to Stealth" in the open forum and try to hurt my feelings. Until then, why don't you let grown men talk about the military instead of turning this into your own personal forum to defend yourself for saying stupid bullshit, calling yourself the messiah, and otherwise saying things so unfounded and delusional that they make you sound like the Rock.

***DISCLAIMER: Sorry for everyone else that had to read this. I know it gets old.***
New thread, this forum. It is more appropriate. We are all going to have a big discussion

Also......last I checked, YOU were the one who came in this thread bitching and throwing out insults rather than CONTRIBUTING FIRST AND SHIT-TALKING LATER. Make no bones about it--that IS the order of operations; NOT THE REVERSE.

Anyhoo, friend, I know you are mad that I am so good at this internet shit. I know it also must piss you off for me to get props every once in a while--and yes, it DOES happen, and ALL THE TIME. In case you were wondering, THAT is what keeps me coming here. If nobody ever cosigned a single thing I wrote--and I'm not speaking about me saying something just to be pandering, I'm talking about things that are coming FROM ME, FROM MY MIND, AND IN UNCUT FORM--...there'd be no reason whatsoever to stick around.

The occasional insults i'll take. WHY? The same reason why the most popular girl in High School is a "slut", and a "hoe", and "is always sleeping around", etc.--Because it's what lowly, loserish people like you do, INTERNET OR OTHERWISE.

You feel you're better than Bill, you've both been at the job the same amount of time, but Bill makes more money than you? "Bill kisses the boss' ass all the time!"

You feel you're more handsome than Greg, you've both known the same girl for the same amount of time, yet she isn't attracted to you and she's dating Greg? "Yeah, just cuz like, he spends all his money on her! And I'm a pimp, so I don't do that!!!!"

etc etc.

Excuse.....excuse.....excuse. The internet is the worst, because no matter what all you just have to say is "It's only the internet!!!" and that will generally win you the argument. Well........not so much anymore. ESPECIALLY in forums like these, where there IS a pecking order, and there IS a structure to be followed, and there IS a place to be had.

Your place? The very bottom. You make snide comments and generally waste people's time. Nobody pays attention to you, because you have not made yourself worthy of it. You go around cosigning and kissing ass, waiting for that one rare moment when you start an argument with someone, so you can call upon all of them to come running to your aid. You are weak and pathetic.

My place? At or near the top. When I speak, people react. Sometimes favorably....many times unfavorably. Conversation ensues. During these exchanges (optimally) both sides go out and DO RESEARCH, and test out NEW WAYS OF SAYING THINGS, and so on, and the result is that, while opinions are RARELY changed dramatically, there is often a sort of feel-good feeling of goodness that takes hold, and one realizes that the argument wasn't a complete waste of time after all.

To summarize:

You--Nothing. A Freak show. A Comedy Act. A Pathetic weakling that cannot survive without cosigning and being cosigned.

Me--Everything. A Centerpiece. A Master. A Guiding light that survives only so long as everyone else around him is getting better, otherwise, I leave because I will have proven myself ineffective and unnecessary.

That about cover it, boss friend mac dog champion, or shall I continue your thrashing?


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
50cal said:
todays military is much different the when I joined.
How long ago did you join?

Dirty Shoes said:
Anyhoo, friend, I know you are mad that I am so good at this internet shit.
^^I like make me laugh :)

If you're worried about me saying I beat you in a freestyle battle...and you're saying I need quote to prove it...go check the flows archives...or just use your memory. Don't try to make me out to be a liar if that's the only way you can save face. Man up baby!

Anyways, the rest of the shit you said is bullshit and time wasting. You're the dude that got butthurt that I made a "snide comment". You also think you're an intellectual god. That's why people hate ya. But not me...I like you a lot. You seem to be a good, intelligent guy. I have no idea why I'd ever test ya. Hormones I guess? But shut me down and you won. So now...please take my advice and shut the fuck up or move it to another post like I asked ya nicely last time.

The reason I dont go all out to show off my intellect to you is because I really dont feel it necessary. I'm here to kick it...not take part in a competition for an internet pecking order.

Bye friend! :)

P.S. "Its only the internet"