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Feb 1, 2005
It make sense though ever since our people came west we been dealing with bullshit. Blacks have not had it easy anywhere in the states but especially the west. Now NY and the east have had Muslims, 5 %ers, Harlem renaissances, .arcus Garvey, Drew Ali, etc. The West is known for action over theory, hell Huey and them in the bay disbanded the LA panthers because they was bangin out too much, but what you expect when the police is bangin onyou and yours? Everybody specially if you black check the doc 41st and Central out if you find it and get a chance. It's about the panthers in LA, and more specifically the shootout they had wit the po and SWAT on said sts.
41st and Central is the realest documentary about the Panthers and the history of Los Angeles, if Butchy would have lived we wouldn't have Bloods and Crips so I really don't care about some made up science by somebody that isn't from Cali our history is ours and nobody can speak on something they know nothing about.
Oct 6, 2005
It make sense though ever since our people came west we been dealing with bullshit. Blacks have not had it easy anywhere in the states but especially the west. Now NY and the east have had Muslims, 5 %ers, Harlem renaissances, .arcus Garvey, Drew Ali, etc. The West is known for action over theory, hell Huey and them in the bay disbanded the LA panthers because they was bangin out too much, but what you expect when the police is bangin onyou and yours? Everybody specially if you black check the doc 41st and Central out if you find it and get a chance. It's about the panthers in LA, and more specifically the shootout they had wit the po and SWAT on said sts.
I'm like dude is kinda off... 'Cause the Panthers & the US organization used to go at it before the B&C ever existed...
Feb 7, 2006
That's true but they broke that down in that doc., I mean the military parts of there orgs. was ex-gangstas. But it's too fishy the history you gotta see that doc mayne. It breaks down the era right before the c's&b's in LA, a era that not too many know about.
Aug 6, 2008
And one thing, CAli is known for keeping it G almost so much it fuck us up in the long run, but NY and the east in general been the guiding light when it come to droppin black teashings about our history and self. I wonder why that is, i guess since so much shit hit them first, and they got so much different blacks and people over there.
For some reason that has held true throughout the years, with the East being more conscious then the blacks on the West Coast
sad but true, conscious people are rare in cali, i always wondered about that too

run up on an average cali nigga and ask him about ancient kemet or the moors and he'll look at u like u crazy, some niggas are worse than white people
Jan 9, 2009
as a nigga in the middle of the country i often wondered the same thing,
conscious east coast guy vs anti conscious west coast guy when they ended up in oklahoma for whatever reason..

my theory is the whole "knowledge & wisdom" thing is cool on the east coast..
new york niggas love to get high and talk about deep shit, even the thuggest of thugs.
learning can be ok, as long as you can handle yourself.
but the cali niggas made school seem like some pussy shit, learning was for nerds.

lol seriously tho
Apr 25, 2002
As far as being conscious is concerned here in California. You can pretty much go city by city, and look at thier history, and things that have been done in different communities. Los Angeles, Oakland, and parts of San Fran have been historically more conscious then other areas due to groups/orginizations that are based there (eg. Nation Of Islam, Panthers, Pan African Movement, etc...)
Nov 7, 2002
I think buddie made a few valid points outt of a whole lot of loud talkin' but all-N-all I revert bacc to his statement abt N.Y. putting it down since '93/'94 behind the walls...cuzz this chit has been active N CA since '67/'68...ya'll do the math and come on N!!!
Oct 6, 2005
That's true but they broke that down in that doc., I mean the military parts of there orgs. was ex-gangstas. But it's too fishy the history you gotta see that doc mayne. It breaks down the era right before the c's&b's in LA, a era that not too many know about.
What's the name of that doc...? BTW... Bastards of the Party is pretty through too...

I see you Enutt...
May 8, 2008
I disagree with the claim that the West Coast ain't conscious.....I'm sure Bobby Seale and Huey P would disagree too. If the West wasn't as conscious as the East and South it's understandable considering blacks living on the Westcoast during the 50's and 60's didn't face the same type of EXTREME racism that blacks in the South, East and Midwest did. Blacks on the westcoast feared police brutality, blacks in the South & Midwest feared lynchings and being fire-bombed while at church....and blacks in the East at that time lived in slums that looked like warzones, unlike the palm trees and cut grass that most middle class neighborhoods out here had. All the reasons each region had bred consciousness and activism, just on a different level.

And somebody said earlier that the West is known for action not theory, I agree with that the Panthers did advocate action....but they often referred to themselves as "Sons of Malcolm." They got their ideologies from Malcolm X, who preached the same "action over theory" message to brothas on the East Coast.
Oct 6, 2005
I disagree with the claim that the West Coast ain't conscious.....I'm sure Bobby Seale and Huey P would disagree too. If the West wasn't as conscious as the East and South it's understandable considering blacks living on the Westcoast during the 50's and 60's didn't face the same type of EXTREME racism that blacks in the South, East and Midwest did. Blacks on the westcoast feared police brutality, blacks in the South & Midwest feared lynchings and being fire-bombed while at church....and blacks in the East at that time lived in slums that looked like warzones, unlike the palm trees and cut grass that most middle class neighborhoods out here had. All the reasons each region had bred consciousness and activism, just on a different level.

And somebody said earlier that the West is known for action not theory, I agree with that the Panthers did advocate action....but they often referred to themselves as "Sons of Malcolm." They got their ideologies from Malcolm X, who preached the same "action over theory" message to brothas on the East Coast.
You have some solid points, mayne... George Jackson, Huey... The Panthers, Ron Karenga (even though he might be a SUCKA), Kwanzaa... Are/were all West Coast (California) conscious movements that rival anything that came outta the midwest (NOI)... The east (5% Nation)... Or the south (SNCC)...
Feb 7, 2006
I disagree with the claim that the West Coast ain't conscious.....I'm sure Bobby Seale and Huey P would disagree too. If the West wasn't as conscious as the East and South it's understandable considering blacks living on the Westcoast during the 50's and 60's didn't face the same type of EXTREME racism that blacks in the South, East and Midwest did. Blacks on the westcoast feared police brutality, blacks in the South & Midwest feared lynchings and being fire-bombed while at church....and blacks in the East at that time lived in slums that looked like warzones, unlike the palm trees and cut grass that most middle class neighborhoods out here had. All the reasons each region had bred consciousness and activism, just on a different level.

And somebody said earlier that the West is known for action not theory, I agree with that the Panthers did advocate action....but they often referred to themselves as "Sons of Malcolm." They got their ideologies from Malcolm X, who preached the same "action over theory" message to brothas on the East Coast.
I was sayin that the LA branch of the panthers practiced action over theory, Huey disbanded them after the 41st and Central shoot out citing that they had too much action over theory. We're known for some consciousness, and I feel most of it comes from the bay, but i feel like since the panthers died and the c's and b's came up you gotta look for consciousness in LA, while the bay may be mainey as fuck but you can feel the political climate there all the time.
Apr 25, 2002
Townbizz- You must put thing in a proper time perspective. In the 1960's MOST of our people were conscious. WHY? Because you could blatantly see injustices that were oppressing people. I'm not sayin that we dont have those same types of things going on today, but it was not right out in front of you like it was in the 50's and 60's. Out of that is when you got these movements, because people were catchin HELL. When our open oppressor gave us some scraps off his table, and made things seem like they were okay, people went back to sleep. It wasnt until the mid-80's when Black Coniousness rose again with the influx of rappers from the East Coast who had ties to the NOI, and the 5%ers (which is based on the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad). Then once again, there was a dumbing down of the community, of the people, through various media outlets. Companies didnt want to send any positive images of our people out there. You would hear no more X-Clan, Public Enemy, King Sun, Poor Righteous Techers, ETC... They gave you gangstas, hypy, pop pills rap, slap a bitch music, "Kill-a-Hoe", And for the women songs that urged the women to get with ballers, make sure you get a thug, dont be with no nicca that aint got no 26" rims on his ride. They began to give young men clothes pink in color, lavender real feminine colors, and now when you look around you see dudes that dance just like women, if not BETTER. This is why the Million Man March was called in October 1995. Hollywood (which is run by the jewish people) started to do movies Menace to Society, Boyz N The Hood, New Jack City, etc...which showed our young men as savages, and anilmals, cold blooded killers. This is pert of the propaganda that brainwashes society. Yea, there were some Black faces behind those movies, but the final say so if it comes out is left in the hands of those who run Hollywood. There are alot of positive movies that Blacks make, that go straight to video, and NEVER see a movie theater. Perfect example is "Animal" with Ving Rhmaes. It told the story of a brother who had lost knowledge of himself, to the point in which he reffered to himself as being no more than an animal or a nigga. Then another brother showed him some paperwork called the Willie Lynch Papers (google it) Then brother began to open his eyes, and regain knowledge of self.When he got out of prison, he triled to teach his son that the way he was living was wrong, and that he needs to read these writings so that he could also be more aware of whats going on around him. If this movie of this caliber would have came out to a wide national audience, how many of our young people wouldve went to go search for the Willie Lynch papers so that they can see for themselves? Thousands! Then you have a generation that would start to wake up. The same geneartion that has been lulled to sleep. The bible says it like this, it speak on dry bones in a valley, a carcass that was once a great people/civilization. A people who have lost knowledge of self, thier name, thier religion, thier culture, and are serving a God not thier own and afflicted for 400 years. The question was then asked, well, where would you find the remains of this once great people....Answer: Where the Eagle soars.......
Apr 25, 2002
My apologies for such a long post. One more thing. I seen it written on here that the West was more action, when the East was more Theological/Spiritual. Well in the Nation, they used the term "Cracked Fruit". Meaning SUPREME SOLDIERS from the NOI's Fruit of Islam. In the Nation as a whole West, East, and overseas, its always been said that the West Coast produces tha SOLDIERS....
Feb 7, 2006
That's what I'm saying. I don't understand alright most of us on here is coming from black working class lower middle class hoods, and shit is just astonishing how your own people could just not give a fuck about their history, what they really up against, their fellow brother, and ultimately themselves. I'm with my cousin on king and crenshaw, and the Hebrew Israelites is kickin some knowledge (yeah they dress funny, might seem crazy, etc.) but I start to rap with my cousin about some black shit, "and he say nigga fuck all that shit, I'm bout this money all that other shit can wait." And the shit was a trip cuz some young blood niggas up the st. was gettin harassed up the block by the po, and i'm like wow, where are we headed, how many of us is gonna come out functional for the next generation.
Apr 25, 2002
threads getting deep! the bastard of the party doc was pretty good seemd like alotta real shit in that one
Thats what I'm talkin bout!! Where was the big push behind that movie? The National marketing? Why didnt we see a commercial every five minutes promoting it? WHY? Because it would have gave some history, and woke some people up. So when that was out, and waking some of the people up to the orgins of those two gangs...Hollywood was too busy marketing a cross dressing blackman who acts like a buffoon and calls his character "Madea":mad:
Dec 19, 2006
Townbizz- You must put thing in a proper time perspective. In the 1960's MOST of our people were conscious. WHY? Because you could blatantly see injustices that were oppressing people. I'm not sayin that we dont have those same types of things going on today, but it was not right out in front of you like it was in the 50's and 60's. Out of that is when you got these movements, because people were catchin HELL. When our open oppressor gave us some scraps off his table, and made things seem like they were okay, people went back to sleep. It wasnt until the mid-80's when Black Coniousness rose again with the influx of rappers from the East Coast who had ties to the NOI, and the 5%ers (which is based on the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad). Then once again, there was a dumbing down of the community, of the people, through various media outlets. Companies didnt want to send any positive images of our people out there. You would hear no more X-Clan, Public Enemy, King Sun, Poor Righteous Techers, ETC... They gave you gangstas, hypy, pop pills rap, slap a bitch music, "Kill-a-Hoe", And for the women songs that urged the women to get with ballers, make sure you get a thug, dont be with no nicca that aint got no 26" rims on his ride. They began to give young men clothes pink in color, lavender real feminine colors, and now when you look around you see dudes that dance just like women, if not BETTER. This is why the Million Man March was called in October 1995. Hollywood (which is run by the jewish people) started to do movies Menace to Society, Boyz N The Hood, New Jack City, etc...which showed our young men as savages, and anilmals, cold blooded killers. This is pert of the propaganda that brainwashes society. Yea, there were some Black faces behind those movies, but the final say so if it comes out is left in the hands of those who run Hollywood. There are alot of positive movies that Blacks make, that go straight to video, and NEVER see a movie theater. Perfect example is "Animal" with Ving Rhmaes. It told the story of a brother who had lost knowledge of himself, to the point in which he reffered to himself as being no more than an animal or a nigga. Then another brother showed him some paperwork called the Willie Lynch Papers (google it) Then brother began to open his eyes, and regain knowledge of self.When he got out of prison, he triled to teach his son that the way he was living was wrong, and that he needs to read these writings so that he could also be more aware of whats going on around him. If this movie of this caliber would have came out to a wide national audience, how many of our young people wouldve went to go search for the Willie Lynch papers so that they can see for themselves? Thousands! Then you have a generation that would start to wake up. The same geneartion that has been lulled to sleep. The bible says it like this, it speak on dry bones in a valley, a carcass that was once a great people/civilization. A people who have lost knowledge of self, thier name, thier religion, thier culture, and are serving a God not thier own and afflicted for 400 years. The question was then asked, well, where would you find the remains of this once great people....Answer: Where the Eagle soars.......
That was a good movie. If you haven't seen it already Big Reese you should check out Ving Rhamess movie called Wrath of Cain. It's pretty much the same movie but it's pretty good.
Oct 6, 2005
That's what I'm saying. I don't understand alright most of us on here is coming from black working class lower middle class hoods, and shit is just astonishing how your own people could just not give a fuck about their history, what they really up against, their fellow brother, and ultimately themselves. I'm with my cousin on king and crenshaw, and the Hebrew Israelites is kickin some knowledge (yeah they dress funny, might seem crazy, etc.) but I start to rap with my cousin about some black shit, "and he say nigga fuck all that shit, I'm bout this money all that other shit can wait." And the shit was a trip cuz some young blood niggas up the st. was gettin harassed up the block by the po, and i'm like wow, where are we headed, how many of us is gonna come out functional for the next generation.
I feel you... & this is just my PERSONAL opinion... The 60's, the Civil Rights movement, the sit-ins, MLK, even the Panthers to an extent... Those were equality movements... We're NOT gonna sit in the back of the bus, we're NOT gonna drink outta seperate water fountains, the police AINT gonna go upside our heads, we are NOT gonna be treated like 2nd class citizens, etc... Well, we won... That generation got everything they were after... So much so, we have a sittin' Black president... Jesse Jackson (who saw MLK murdered) CRIED when Obama won... He was able to see the fruits of his generations labor bloom... Anyhow, on to my point... I think the one thing the Civil Rights generation didn't address was ECONOMIC development... So much of that era was about "knowledge of self", cultural development, & self pride... But the economic factor was damn near an after thought... So now we have a generation that has no idea what's it like to ride in the back of the bus, or pass by a whites only store... But they DO know what it's like to be broke as f*ck even with a Black guy in the White House... So I can understand where your cousin is comin' from... "Man, I can't pay my rent with 'knowledge of self"...! It's misguided but there is a bit of truth in it...

I know this is a long ramblin' post... Hopefully it makes enough sense for you to follow...