Townbizz- You must put thing in a proper time perspective. In the 1960's MOST of our people were conscious. WHY? Because you could blatantly see injustices that were oppressing people. I'm not sayin that we dont have those same types of things going on today, but it was not right out in front of you like it was in the 50's and 60's. Out of that is when you got these movements, because people were catchin HELL. When our open oppressor gave us some scraps off his table, and made things seem like they were okay, people went back to sleep. It wasnt until the mid-80's when Black Coniousness rose again with the influx of rappers from the East Coast who had ties to the NOI, and the 5%ers (which is based on the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad). Then once again, there was a dumbing down of the community, of the people, through various media outlets. Companies didnt want to send any positive images of our people out there. You would hear no more X-Clan, Public Enemy, King Sun, Poor Righteous Techers, ETC... They gave you gangstas, hypy, pop pills rap, slap a bitch music, "Kill-a-Hoe", And for the women songs that urged the women to get with ballers, make sure you get a thug, dont be with no nicca that aint got no 26" rims on his ride. They began to give young men clothes pink in color, lavender real feminine colors, and now when you look around you see dudes that dance just like women, if not BETTER. This is why the Million Man March was called in October 1995. Hollywood (which is run by the jewish people) started to do movies Menace to Society, Boyz N The Hood, New Jack City, etc...which showed our young men as savages, and anilmals, cold blooded killers. This is pert of the propaganda that brainwashes society. Yea, there were some Black faces behind those movies, but the final say so if it comes out is left in the hands of those who run Hollywood. There are alot of positive movies that Blacks make, that go straight to video, and NEVER see a movie theater. Perfect example is "Animal" with Ving Rhmaes. It told the story of a brother who had lost knowledge of himself, to the point in which he reffered to himself as being no more than an animal or a nigga. Then another brother showed him some paperwork called the Willie Lynch Papers (google it) Then brother began to open his eyes, and regain knowledge of self.When he got out of prison, he triled to teach his son that the way he was living was wrong, and that he needs to read these writings so that he could also be more aware of whats going on around him. If this movie of this caliber would have came out to a wide national audience, how many of our young people wouldve went to go search for the Willie Lynch papers so that they can see for themselves? Thousands! Then you have a generation that would start to wake up. The same geneartion that has been lulled to sleep. The bible says it like this, it speak on dry bones in a valley, a carcass that was once a great people/civilization. A people who have lost knowledge of self, thier name, thier religion, thier culture, and are serving a God not thier own and afflicted for 400 years. The question was then asked, well, where would you find the remains of this once great people....Answer: Where the Eagle soars.......