Mac Jesus said:
I didn't know that people living in third world countries, poor people, black and brown people, ect. are all subhuman murderers who enslave women, brainwash hate into toddlers, and blow apart civilians. Thanks for teaching me this.
You made the statement and then appended an assinine comment specifically on the war on terror, so naturally I thought you were referring to our terrorist opponents in the mideast. I should have known you were just saying "I hate America." I'll avoid looking for anything deeper than that from now on.
Backtracking a bit, we can now resolve your commentary to: "The United States mistreats all poor people living in third world countries." And what do you base this on? Lets take a look at your post!
Now if only I could get into one of those smaller pockets of people who have billions of dollars so that if I was to do something crooked/shiesty and depending on what it is of course i'd spend little to no jail time,
Well this has nothing at all to do with oppression of third world peoples, but you threw it in there because "LOL CAPITALISTS SUX!" I really shouldn't address it, since it's a red herring and it's going to encourage you to randomly throw out any hair brained, unfounded criticism of the USA, even though it has nothing to do with flag burning. But I will.
Did you know before 1930, practicing law was a deregulated trade learned by apprenticeship, not university? Like a billion other things in the depression it was handcuffed by the UPL Laws, and subsequently it mutated into what it is today. Imagine that! And guess what happened when pro bono time were mandated and government increased subsidizing for lower income individuals? Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, it caused legal fees to increase! AND! It' provided only the shittiest quality, apathetic lawyers, begrudgingly putting in their pro bono time.
Sound familiar? People who labor, knowing their effort level isn't going to correspond to their incoming level being lazy? Sounds like the commune you'd like to see everybody in one day!
If the legal system today had maintained the cost of deregulated, non coercive certification, we would have an infantecimal amount of the woes we face today. Looks like caterpillerism really DOES work. Oh and by the way, who blocks President Bush's efforts for tort reform? COULDN'T BE TRIAL LAWYERS OR ANYTHING COULD IT??? And WHO was John Kerry's running mate again? A greedy lawyer? I guess he was a secret evil capitalist who happened to also be a liberal?
So again, shut the fuck up.
china by some poor schmuck who couldn't ever afford the 300 hundred canadian dollars I spent on it.
The United States was responsible for putting Mao Zedong into power? Maybe you missed it, but China was far from a free market economy for the latter half of all of last century? Those who partake in free trade, and encourage people to work hard for their wealth prosper. Those who forcefully redistribute wealth don't.
The man in China cannot afford jack shit because free enterprise was choked to death last century by fucking imbeciles like yourself, who do not like that a man should be free to make money however he likes and be free to keep it.
Yeaah I know.. If I was starving and didn't have shit
You're an unread twit if you think anyone, even the CEO's who you despise says "Nyah HA HA, I LOVE seeing POVERTY!" What you see as exploiting people will ultimately benefit them a LOT more than taxation, regulation, and revoking liberties ever will.
You just don't get it. Businesses encouraged to compete in the a FREE market, will increase wages. Business is ruthless, but competing selfish behavior causes price decreases, wage increases, and a higher quality of life. Germany was decimated, but industry thrives there? Japan is how many miles off shore from China? Industry thrives. Why? Because capitalism WORKS.
Talk to a homeless person sometime. Ask him if he prefers the stay in a privatized shelter or a government home. Why is it that privatized retirement planning has ALWAYS payed more social security? Government involvement is NOT the answer to social woes.