18 Year old burns flag and goes to court! Real american HERO or real american FOOL?

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May 18, 2002
the right to burn the flag to make a profound political statement should be protected under free speech laws. but i don't think this guy was making a political statement. i think he's a drunk asshole abusing the rights that are reserved for SERIOUS times.


Apr 25, 2002
MaddDogg said:
Maybe "ultimate" was a bad word... Last time I checked though someone burning the flag isnt tryin to change much, just get punched out...something they would deserve...theres a lot more creative ways to change things then burning the symbolic pride of our country...and you talk about genocide this and genocide that and how its all Americas fault, but then when America doesnt intervene its also there fault...its only not our fault when everything goes pretty much flawless, and then we dont even get a thank you...so think twice about the fact that we have stability and security and a great way of life and change things without burning something hundreds of thousands of people have died for...there are proper vechicles for changing governments in democracy called voting...the unfortunate thing is most of the people who want a change in government DONT VOTE...real chop.

Did you THINK before you pressed the send button? HONEST QUESTION ALL BULLSHIT ASIDE.
Jun 17, 2004
Joe DiMaggio said:
I think flag-burning should be illegal. Just so the government has something to throw you America-hating hippies in jail for something.

At the least, it should be punishable by a fine. There is that whole fact that people DID actually die in battle protecting the flag. Remember in the early wars, the flag had to remain flying in battle so soldiers could find their unit basically. So if the flag holder went down, a soldier had to drop his gun and pick up the flag. Lots of men died keeping that flag in the air.
Do you wonder why they don't make soldiers put their life on the line for a piece of cloth anymore? because it's unnecessary and fucking ridiculous. another stupid and pointless thing they did in the early wars was line up their armies on opposite sides of a field and shoot.

Stealth said:
We have the Bill of Rights in place so that revolution is possible. We have free speech so we can speak out against our government. We have the right to bear arms so that we can defend ourselves should the government ever become too oppressive. The entire point of the Bill of Rights is to ensure that we are free to speak out and act out against our country should it become too corrupt. In the future, it may be necessary to speak out against our government, to overthrow or government, or to burn our flag. That is why we were given those rights.

So, if you love our country, and the government becomes too corrupt, then burning the flag might actually be seen as the ultimate sign of patriotism.

I don't agree with burning the American flag, but I certainly reserve the right to do so given the appropriate circumstances.
I agree, people think that flag burning is disrespecting Americans or soldiers/veterans, no it isn't... its a call for change to the Government, this is what flag burning has always meant... when a Government is overthrown by it's people's revolution, they burn the flag symbolizing the fall of that government/rulers/dynasty.

SuiPSYedKing said:
We have brothers,sisters,mothers,fathers, uncles,aunts,friends all over seas fighting for this flag.To burn the flag is like burning them. JAIL the bastard w/ some veterns HOOOOOAH
Theres oh so much more to it than that, i hate when people say their cousin or grandpa or whoever fought for the flag... no they didn't.

Were they on the battlefield thinking to themselves... 'i'm out here putting my life on the line for the flag'...? no the flag is a piece of cloth which represents the nation... they are fighting for the nation not the symbol of the nation.

The whole reason the flag was ever taken seriously in the first place is because during the Revolutionary War men would wake up in the morning after a battle and first thing they would do is check and see if an American flag was flying in the harbor or town hall which meant the British didn't have control of that city.

This is where "fighting for our flag" came from, it doesn't literally mean fighting for the flag, it meant winning the battle so the flag would be there the next morning letting everyone know that the British were defeated.

Understand the meaning of it before you come to a conclusion that people literally die for it and burning it should be illegal.
Jul 13, 2005
Mac Jesus said:
If people are being mistreated in the name of liberty it sure ain't liberty, now is it?
Yeah god forbid we mistreat subhuman murderers who enslave women, brainwash hate into toddlers, and blow apart civilians. We treated those jolly, kind hearted nazis in WWII like crap too! How dare we!

Well maybe for a few pockets of people,
YOU are in those pockets of people. YOU have the freedom to do whatever you damn well like, because this country values liberty above all else. Next time you read anything besides the koran, or buy a condom - instead count your blessings as to how fortunate you are to be able to do such trivial things. And after you do that, shut the fuck up.

Those people who get the freedom to go to other countries and pay people pennies while they sit back and make billions.
Ugh. Free trade bad. Ugh. Thag no like Caterpillerism. Ugh.

It's tragic, all those people forced at gunpoint to work in sweatshops. I mean, ripped out of their beds in the morning and dragged to work! What?....What's that you say? They WEREN'T forced, they choose to work there, because it pays 10x more than they would make in their own indigenous marketplace? And the wages would increase even MORE if more and industry and more competition were encouraged?!? Hrmmmmrmmmm....well LOL BUSH STILL LOL SUX0RZZ LOL!

I believe george bush when he says the terrorists hate the western world because of our freedoms,
Please quote exactly where President Bush attributes that as the one and only cause for terrorism.

What other nations could do that to us? None. Because they don't have teh freedom to impede on our freedoms.
Foreign industry is free to set up shop in the USA last time I checked. We won't be outlawing Hondas, so what are you babbling about? Oh that's right, we invade other countries now and exclusively recruit children at gunpoint to manufacture our goods, right?
Jul 13, 2005
This is where "fighting for our flag" came from, it doesn't literally mean fighting for the flag, it meant winning the battle so the flag would be there the next morning letting everyone know that the British were defeated.
I already took 3rd grade history, but thanks for the worthless lesson anyway Professor. They still died to protect the damn thing. And your "free speech" ad nauseum makes me sick.

Flag burning isn't protected speech - it can easily be defined as an incitement to riot or an incitement to commit violence, both of which are crimes. It's interesting that the only "speech" leftists like to defend usually involves hatred of the United States - this is just one more example.

Here's a good idea. Louisiana allows flag burning, but those that violently engage said burner and beat them to a pulp are punished by a fine of no less than 10, and no more than 100 dollars. So, let the hippies burn all the flags they want. Let them know, in addition, that if they're willing to declare their violent opposition to the state, the state doesn't have much interest in defending them.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Yeah god forbid we mistreat subhuman murderers who enslave women, brainwash hate into toddlers, and blow apart civilians. We treated those jolly, kind hearted nazis in WWII like crap too! How dare we!
I didn't know that people living in third world countries, poor people, black and brown people, ect. are all subhuman murderers who enslave women, brainwash hate into toddlers, and blow apart civilians. Thanks for teaching me this.

YOU are in those pockets of people. YOU have the freedom to do whatever you damn well like, because this country values liberty above all else. Next time you read anything besides the koran, or buy a condom - instead count your blessings as to how fortunate you are to be able to do such trivial things. And after you do that, shut the fuck up.
Now if only I could get into one of those smaller pockets of people who have billions of dollars so that if I was to do something crooked/shiesty and depending on what it is of course i'd spend little to no jail time, hmm think of the power. in the meantime i'm going to do what you said and buy some condoms, because I have the freedom to do that. Thank god for lady liberty keeping canadians safe. And while i'm using my condoms on some random slut, i'm going to take pictures with my digital camera that was made in china by some poor schmuck who couldn't ever afford the 300 hundred canadian dollars I spent on it. And while he's stuck in china trying to get enough to eat, i'm here taking pictures of some slut - with the camera that he made, a camera that sold in the hundreds of thousands is making some fat cats reaal rich I always remember why I have the freedom to do so. THANK YOU AMERICA FOR KEEPING MY COUNTRY OUT OF HARMS WAY.

Ugh. Free trade bad. Ugh. Thag no like Caterpillerism. Ugh.

It's tragic, all those people forced at gunpoint to work in sweatshops. I mean, ripped out of their beds in the morning and dragged to work! What?....What's that you say? They WEREN'T forced, they choose to work there, because it pays 10x more than they would make in their own indigenous marketplace? And the wages would increase even MORE if more and industry and more competition were encouraged?!? Hrmmmmrmmmm....well LOL BUSH STILL LOL SUX0RZZ LOL!
Yeaah I know.. If I was starving and didn't have shit i'd work for pennies too! Does that make this shit right though? If I see a bum on the street who has no food, no job, no home, no source of income and I went up to him and told him i'd pay him 50 dollars to pick up some dog shit and eat it, and he willingly did it - does that not make me an asshole? Of course your going to say no because according to you these people are "subhuman murderers who enslave women, brainwash hate into toddlers, and blow apart civilians" When you see people in a bind and you decide to go over there and exploit that fact, meanwhile still leaving these people in the bind then fuck you.

Please quote exactly where President Bush attributes that as the one and only cause for terrorism.
No, I will not. But if you don't think that bush has ever made any comments about the terrorists hating our freedoms.. then you ain't been paying close enough attention.

Foreign industry is free to set up shop in the USA last time I checked. We won't be outlawing Hondas, so what are you babbling about? Oh that's right, we invade other countries now and exclusively recruit children at gunpoint to manufacture our goods, right?
Oh, for reaaaal? So you're saying that as a Canadian, I can come into your country and round up a whole bunch of starving children who belong to low income families and start paying them slave wages?
I thought america had child labor laws, and don't you folks got minimum wage laws as well?
Jul 13, 2005
Mac Jesus said:
I didn't know that people living in third world countries, poor people, black and brown people, ect. are all subhuman murderers who enslave women, brainwash hate into toddlers, and blow apart civilians. Thanks for teaching me this.
You made the statement and then appended an assinine comment specifically on the war on terror, so naturally I thought you were referring to our terrorist opponents in the mideast. I should have known you were just saying "I hate America." I'll avoid looking for anything deeper than that from now on.

Backtracking a bit, we can now resolve your commentary to: "The United States mistreats all poor people living in third world countries." And what do you base this on? Lets take a look at your post!

Now if only I could get into one of those smaller pockets of people who have billions of dollars so that if I was to do something crooked/shiesty and depending on what it is of course i'd spend little to no jail time,
Well this has nothing at all to do with oppression of third world peoples, but you threw it in there because "LOL CAPITALISTS SUX!" I really shouldn't address it, since it's a red herring and it's going to encourage you to randomly throw out any hair brained, unfounded criticism of the USA, even though it has nothing to do with flag burning. But I will.

Did you know before 1930, practicing law was a deregulated trade learned by apprenticeship, not university? Like a billion other things in the depression it was handcuffed by the UPL Laws, and subsequently it mutated into what it is today. Imagine that! And guess what happened when pro bono time were mandated and government increased subsidizing for lower income individuals? Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, it caused legal fees to increase! AND! It' provided only the shittiest quality, apathetic lawyers, begrudgingly putting in their pro bono time.

Sound familiar? People who labor, knowing their effort level isn't going to correspond to their incoming level being lazy? Sounds like the commune you'd like to see everybody in one day!

If the legal system today had maintained the cost of deregulated, non coercive certification, we would have an infantecimal amount of the woes we face today. Looks like caterpillerism really DOES work. Oh and by the way, who blocks President Bush's efforts for tort reform? COULDN'T BE TRIAL LAWYERS OR ANYTHING COULD IT??? And WHO was John Kerry's running mate again? A greedy lawyer? I guess he was a secret evil capitalist who happened to also be a liberal?

So again, shut the fuck up.

china by some poor schmuck who couldn't ever afford the 300 hundred canadian dollars I spent on it.
The United States was responsible for putting Mao Zedong into power? Maybe you missed it, but China was far from a free market economy for the latter half of all of last century? Those who partake in free trade, and encourage people to work hard for their wealth prosper. Those who forcefully redistribute wealth don't.

The man in China cannot afford jack shit because free enterprise was choked to death last century by fucking imbeciles like yourself, who do not like that a man should be free to make money however he likes and be free to keep it.

Yeaah I know.. If I was starving and didn't have shit
You're an unread twit if you think anyone, even the CEO's who you despise says "Nyah HA HA, I LOVE seeing POVERTY!" What you see as exploiting people will ultimately benefit them a LOT more than taxation, regulation, and revoking liberties ever will.

You just don't get it. Businesses encouraged to compete in the region....in a FREE market, will increase wages. Business is ruthless, but competing selfish behavior causes price decreases, wage increases, and a higher quality of life. Germany was decimated, but industry thrives there? Japan is how many miles off shore from China? Industry thrives. Why? Because capitalism WORKS.

Talk to a homeless person sometime. Ask him if he prefers the stay in a privatized shelter or a government home. Why is it that privatized retirement planning has ALWAYS payed more social security? Government involvement is NOT the answer to social woes.
Apr 25, 2002
If i ever saw someone buring the american flag in an act of protest, i would kick the living shit out of them, and be tempted to burn thier house down. To many good men have died to protect it. Mabye you dont agree with the war in iraq, but dont disgrace the men who died in the 1700's fighting for the right to have our own flag.
Jul 13, 2005
KleanKut said:
If i ever saw someone buring the american flag in an act of protest, i would kick the living shit out of them, .
In Louisiana you can beat the shit out of a hippie flagburner for a $10-$100 fine. I'll pay for mine and yours, friend.
May 13, 2002
KleanKut said:
If i ever saw someone buring the american flag in an act of protest, i would kick the living shit out of them, and be tempted to burn thier house down. To many good men have died to protect it. Mabye you dont agree with the war in iraq, but dont disgrace the men who died in the 1700's fighting for the right to have our own flag.
I wipe my ass every day with miniature Amerikkkan flags. Too many good people have been murdered, raped, enslaved, tortured, imprisoned, diseased, and oppressed all in the name of that piece of shit flag.

The flag no longer represents freedom; it represents globalization, war, greed and death.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
You made the statement and then appended an assinine comment specifically on the war on terror, so naturally I thought you were referring to our terrorist opponents in the mideast. I should have known you were just saying "I hate America." I'll avoid looking for anything deeper than that from now on.
Quick geography lesson America = the land between Mexico and Canada, how you came to the conclusion that I hate this land leaves me baffled.. its the goverment i have problems with!

Backtracking a bit, we can now resolve your commentary to: "The United States mistreats all poor people living in third world countries." And what do you base this on? Lets take a look at your post!
Learn about the history of the United states in Latin America & Africa. I don't feel the need to get specific, it's pretty obvious if you know the history.

Sound familiar? People who labor, knowing their effort level isn't going to correspond to their incoming level being lazy? Sounds like the commune you'd like to see everybody in one day!
Thanks for the history lesson on lawyers... But you act as if money is the only incentive there is.. let me give you a history lesson.. Back in the day on the land we now call AMERICA there lived tribes of native people.. each of these native people had a job, they worked together and equally distributed the wealth amongst each other.. seriously tho, when i read up about native american history it sounds a lot like those evil communes you are condemning. Maybe thats why those white people came and massacred these natives. Of course people won't work hard if they aren't getting enough money in todays society.. because whats the alternative..? Maybe if the incentive was to benifit society as a whole a lot more shit would get done.. but i'm not the one to argue communism/capitalism with. I ain't read a word of adam smith or any other capitalist writers and I ain't read a word of karl marx/lenin/ect.. if you want to discuss communism do it with 2-0-sixx or ColdBlooded.


The United States was responsible for putting Mao Zedong into power? Maybe you missed it, but China was far from a free market economy for the latter half of all of last century? Those who partake in free trade, and encourage people to work hard for their wealth prosper. Those who forcefully redistribute wealth don't.

The man in China cannot afford jack shit because free enterprise was choked to death last century by fucking imbeciles like yourself, who do not like that a man should be free to make money however he likes and be free to keep it.
I don't really care what got china to where it is today, I still think that if you go over there and exploit the fact that these people are poor and are willing to work for pennies and still don't have enough to eat while your making billions of dollars doing so it's wrong. Do you understand what I mean here?

You're an unread twit if you think anyone, even the CEO's who you despise says "Nyah HA HA, I LOVE seeing POVERTY!" What you see as exploiting people will ultimately benefit them a LOT more than taxation, regulation, and revoking liberties ever will.
Nah, but i think a lot of CEO's are saying "Nyah HA HA, I LOVE seeing POVERTY, BECAUSE IT'S KEEPING ME RICH AND MAKING ME RICHER" Of course what I see as exploiting people is benefiting them a lot.. thats the whole reason they exploit these people, is to benefit from it... lmao. it ain't benifiting the people they are exploiting though.
May 18, 2002
part of the problem with globalization is that it allows foreign companies to export huge amounts of the home country's capital and money. inherently, this undermines that particular government's ability to use fiscal policy to keep their economy in check. although US companies probably do pay a lot more than local businesses in foreign countries, the dollars that are made do not go back into their economy, they go into ours.

second, the problem with child labor is that it takes away any chance for that child to recieve an education, and better the country that they live in. think about it. although they may have what seems like material wealth (although more often than not, they are still living in poverty levels) they are forsaking an education that may someday benefit their own country, and inhibit their ability to promote their own industries, and govern their own economies.

thirdly, our massive amounts of labor laws drives up the cost of doing business here in the US, which DOES drive companies overseas. Under perfect competition and applying the concept of Ricardian Comparative Advantage, it would be simply foolish to expect US companies to pay a higher price for labor in this country when there are cheaper alternatives available. The problem with this that I see is that while it may be cheaper to produce some things in another country, it is because of that country's lack of labor laws protecting their own workers, sometimes as the result of close ties between corrupt governments and US businesses. One way to think of this is Sex tourism. If you have sex with a 12 year old girl (or boy) in the US, you're a fucking pedophile. Just because it's not against the law in another country doesn't make u any less of a pedophile if you do it there.
Jun 17, 2004
Joe DiMaggio said:
Leftists are like african grays, or mccaws.

*Squaaaaaaaawk* America bad! America bad!

Good 2-0-Sixx! Have a cracker!
Thats not what he said... he was talking about how people around the world recognize the U.S. flag as a symbol of war, imperialism and utmost disgusting arrogance.... can't blame them.. thats all they see from our country... they have never lived here.

Things are going to change in our government soon, either that or you'll see it's downfall.