“Muslims Only” line at airline security checkpoints??

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Should we profile Muslims?

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Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
TROLL said:
i guess, the oklahoma city bombing, waco, werent really classified as terrorism because they werent islamic.. :rolleyes:
Nah, that was terrorism, but statistically speaking, what ethnic/religious group is commiting the most terrorist acts throughout the world now?

TROLL said:
I guess there are no U.S soldiers, killing, raping and pillageing.. they must all be standing there going "cmon u guys, u kno... cmon." PFFFF can u say "delusional" ?
Nah, I can say that the U.S. soldiers have done more help than harm and I can say that there are more Muslims of different sects doing harm to one another than U.S. soldiers.

TROLL said:
"yeah, there are only a handful of extremists but since they dont have it tattooed on their foreheads we need to profile all of em"...
Pretty much. Let's go back to statistics and percentages. Which part of the population is commiting these crimes?

TROLL said:
why?? because of a single event that u admitted had less casualties then all of iraq.. "its not like white fundamentalists havent killed anybody".. :dead: i fear the christian right wing neo cons and a white cop with an itchy trigger finger more then i do an arab on a plane.. because a neo con wants to control me and helps pay that cops paid vacation for putting a bullet in me and i seen more of them then i do extremists..
Comparing Iraq to 9/11 is apples and oranges. Plus, the number of casualties is irrelevant. The fact that 9/11 even happened is what matters and shoud be the determining factor in how things are handled.
Aug 8, 2003
PGBD said:
Nah, that was terrorism, but statistically speaking, what ethnic/religious group is commiting the most terrorist acts throughout the world now?
Now or throughout history? right now through todays mainstream defenition of terror, it would appear as if isalmic extremists are being focused on..

now.. answer me this..

what do u think the ratio is of terrorist acts that have been commited THROUGH HISTORY by christian right wing extremeist's compared to islamic extremeists?? and out of america and the middle east.. who has their military presence where??? Im sure if IRAN sent troops to invade texas there would be rednecks across the southern states taking up arms.. but they would be considered terrorists by your point of view...

PGBD said:
Nah, I can say that the U.S. soldiers have done more help than harm and I can say that there are more Muslims of different sects doing harm to one another than U.S. soldiers.
what have they helped?!?! tell me please wtf good we did in iraq... we destroyed there water.. their electricity, bombed schools and factories, and gave the rights of women away..

PGBD said:
Pretty much. Let's go back to statistics and percentages. Which part of the population is commiting these crimes?
the american government..because we have our military over their giving them a reason to recruit, and martyr...

PGBD said:
Comparing Iraq to 9/11 is apples and oranges. Plus, the number of casualties is irrelevant. The fact that 9/11 even happened is what matters and shoud be the determining factor in how things are handled.
how can u say comparing 9/11 to iraq is apples and oranges?? it was the main reason we supposedly went in their correct?!?! The fact that 9/11 was not investigated should be cause of alarm to look at the people not wanting an investigation
May 13, 2002
Arabic T-shirt sparks airport row

An architect of Iraqi descent has said he was forced to remove a T-shirt that bore the words "We will not be silent" before boarding a flight at New York.


Mr Jarrar said he was shocked such an action could be taken in the US.


Mr Jarrar said he was told a number of passengers had complained about his T-shirt - apparently concerned at what the Arabic phrase meant - and asked him to remove it.

He refused, arguing that the slogan was not offensive and citing his constitutional rights to free expression.

Mr Jarrar later told a New York radio station: "I grew up and spent all my life living under authoritarian regimes and I know that these things happen.

"But I'm shocked that they happened to me here, in the US."


"We Will Not Be Silent" is a slogan adopted by opponents of the war in Iraq and other conflicts in the Middle East.

It is said to derive from the White Rose dissident group which opposed Nazi rule in Germany.

Full Story

From his blog:

"why do you want me to take off my t-shirt? Isn't it my constitutional right to express myself in this way?" The second man in a greenish suit interfered and said "people here in the US don't understand these things about constitutional rights". So I answered him "I live in the US, and I understand it is my right to wear this t-shirt".


Inspector Harris answered "you can't wear a t-shirt with Arabic script and come to an airport. It is like wearing a t-shirt that reads "I am a robber" and going to a bank".
May 9, 2002
Likwid said:
I don't give a fuck if they get offended or not, I'm not the one flying planes into buildings and snyping soldiers. .
And niether are Arabs/Muslims...you need to look at the government if you wanna put the blame on someone...Muslims and Arabs are misrepresneted becuase of our government...