“Muslims Only” line at airline security checkpoints??

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Should we profile Muslims?

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Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
PGBD said:
This is all rational and logical reasoning. I'd think you were insane if you didn't agree with it.

if they are gonna even discriminate, they should at least have a checkpoint line to all religions that promote hate on others.
it aint like only muslims are out to get the world.
and also, notice how there has been one attack on us soil; 9/11, and then pay attention to the daily deaths in iraq.
mother fuckers are and have killled wayyyyyy more muslims than anything else, so is it really "muslims" that are bad, or extremists that claim to be muslim like ossama bin laden whos a wahaby, al zawahri is one, etc.
wahabies have many contradictions to the quran, such as giving God the attribute of "sitting on heaven" when in the quran it says God doesnt resemble any of his creations and so on.

you are completely ignorant when it comes to islam and arabs, and i believe the ignorance stems deep down from your racist self.
Dec 25, 2003
Hemp said:
wahabies have many contradictions to the quran, such as giving God the attribute of "sitting on heaven" when in the quran it says God doesnt resemble any of his creations and so on.
Wahhabis are not some isolated, faulty ass sect of Muslims like the Mormons or some shit. They're simply strict Sunnis. And being a Wahhabi doesn't make someone bad or a terrorist.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Wahhabis are not some isolated, faulty ass sect of Muslims like the Mormons or some shit. They're simply strict Sunnis. And being a Wahhabi doesn't make someone bad or a terrorist.
wrong they arent sunnis at all. in fact they have alot of hate for sunnis and shiites as do sunnis n shiites towards them.

from the page :

According to the false claim of Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab(leader), the Muslims who do these things are blasphemers.

He also considered visiting the grave of Prophet Muhammad and the graves of other prophets and righteous Muslims for blessings as blasphemy.

bn ^Abdul-Wahhab falsely stated: "Those who perform tawassul (asking Allah by the prophets, for example) are similar to those blasphemers mentioned in Surat az-Zumar, Ayah 3, who claim they do not worship the idols except to achieve a higher status from Allah."

In Surat az-Zukhruf, Ayah 87, Allah said:

Which means: [If you ask them, ‘Who created them?’ They will say, ‘Allah’.] Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab falsely concluded from these verses that the Muslims who perform tawassul are similar to those blasphemers.


there are too many, and according to real islam, just one of these = blasphemy. make sure you skim through the whole page tho, especially his Methodology and why its blasphemous


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
actually, that site states why they are blasphemers, check it if you want but make sure you check :


the conclusion on the fighting:

This is a very brief summary of the story of Muhammad Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab. To talk at length on each of these details would be very lengthy. The tribulations inflicted by the Wahhabis were a calamity for the Muslims. The Wahhabis shed a great deal of blood and robbed a great deal of money; their harm was prevalent and their evil spread.

Many of the hadiths of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, spoke explicitly about this tribulation. One narration said:

which means: <<There will be people who come from the eastern side of Arabia who will recite Qur&#8217;an, but their recitation will not pass beyond their collarbones{28}. They will go out of Islam as swiftly as the arrow goes through the prey. Their sign is shaving their heads.>> This hadith was mentioned in many narrations, including Sahih-ul-Bukhariyy and other books of hadith. There is no need to expound on listing these narrations or their narrators because they are well-known and of the sahih{29} classification.

The Prophet said: "Their sign is shaving their heads." This is an explicit reference to the Wahhabi sect. They used to order all those who follow them to shave their heads. None of the previous sects, i.e., those who came before the Wahhabis, like the Khawarij or other innovators, had this sign.

As-Sayyid ^Abdur-Rahman al-Ahdal, the Mufti of Zabid, used to say: "There is no need for writing against the Wahhabis. For, in refuting them, it is sufficient to mention the hadith of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam: <<Their sign is shaving their heads>> since no other innovators had ever done it."

It happened once that a women made her point against Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab when they compelled her to follow them and she did. He ordered her to shave her head. She told him: "Since you order the woman to shave her head, you have to order the man to shave his beard. The hair of the women is her decoration and the decoration of the man is his beard." Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab could not answer her.

Among of what the Wahhabis used to do was to prevent the people from asking the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, for his intercession--although the hadiths about the Prophet&#8217;s intercession are numerous and are of the mutawatir{30} classification. Most of his intercession is for the Muslims of his nation who committed major sins. The Wahhabis also prohibited Muslims from reading Dala&#8217;il-ul-Khayrat--which includes saying as-Salat on the Prophet and mentioning many of the Prophet&#8217;s complete descriptions. They said this is blasphemy. They also prevented Muslims from saying as-Salat on the Prophet on the minarets after the Adhan. Once a righteous blind Muslim was calling Adhan and said as-Salat on the Prophet after the Adhan{31}. The Wahhabis brought him to Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab who ordered his execution.

If I [the author] was to pursue the mischievous things the Wahhabis did, I would fill notebooks and lots of papers. However, what has been mentioned thus far is enough.
Aug 13, 2005
He also considered visiting the grave of Prophet Muhammad and the graves of other prophets and righteous Muslims for blessings as blasphemy.

bn ^Abdul-Wahhab falsely stated: "Those who perform tawassul (asking Allah by the prophets, for example) are similar to those blasphemers mentioned in Surat az-Zumar, Ayah 3, who claim they do not worship the idols except to achieve a higher status from Allah."

People who do this committ shirk (partners with God) and are committing "blasphemy". Muhammad (SAW) was nothing but a man, he (SAW) died, using him or anybody as a form of tawassul to Allah (SWT) takes you out the fold of Islam


Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
Hemp said:
if they are gonna even discriminate, they should at least have a checkpoint line to all religions that promote hate on others
it aint like only muslims are out to get the world..
There are isolated cases of members of all religions that have some animosity towards people of other religions, however, those of the Islamic faith are carrying out terrorists acts against those of other faiths in a disproportionate number and on a world wide scale. So yes, they are out to get the world.

Hemp said:
and also, notice how there has been one attack on us soil; 9/11, and then pay attention to the daily deaths in iraq mother fuckers are and have killled wayyyyyy more muslims than anything else
Uhh probably because there is a war being fought in Iraq, therefore leading to a greater lose of life than one isolated attack. And many of those muslim deaths are a result of your Sunni and Shia brothers being unable to coexist.

Hemp said:
so is it really "muslims" that are bad, or extremists that claim to be muslim like ossama bin laden whos a wahaby, al zawahri is one, etc.
wahabies have many contradictions to the quran, such as giving God the attribute of "sitting on heaven" when in the quran it says God doesnt resemble any of his creations and so on.
Who said all muslims are bad? The argument has always been that a small percentage of extremists were causing all of this trouble. But lets get back to the point, the one thing that they share in common is the Islamic faith (inspite of it's distortion), and since there isn't a definitive way to distinguish between a moderate and an extremist on sight, we should profile all of them.

Hemp said:
you are completely ignorant when it comes to islam and arabs, and i believe the ignorance stems deep down from your racist self.
You're right, I only studied Islam for a couple of years.
Aug 8, 2003
PGBD said:
There are isolated cases of members of all religions that have some animosity towards people of other religions, however, those of the Islamic faith are carrying out terrorists acts against those of other faiths in a disproportionate number and on a world wide scale. So yes, they are out to get the world.
i guess, the oklahoma city bombing, waco, werent really classified as terrorism because they werent islamic.. :rolleyes:

PGBD said:
Uhh probably because there is a war being fought in Iraq, therefore leading to a greater lose of life than one isolated attack. And many of those muslim deaths are a result of your Sunni and Shia brothers being unable to coexist.
I guess there are no U.S soldiers, killing, raping and pillageing.. they must all be standing there going "cmon u guys, u kno... cmon." PFFFF can u say "delusional" ?
PGBD said:
Who said all muslims are bad? The argument has always been that a small percentage of extremists were causing all of this trouble. But lets get back to the point, the one thing that they share in common is the Islamic faith (inspite of it's distortion), and since there isn't a definitive way to distinguish between a moderate and an extremist on sight, we should profile all of them.
ur very good at contradicting yourself and making it sound like its (ok).. "yeah, there are only a handful of extremists but since they dont have it tattooed on their foreheads we need to profile all of em"... why?? because of a single event that u admitted had less casualties then all of iraq.. "its not like white fundamentalists havent killed anybody".. :dead: i fear the christian right wing neo cons and a white cop with an itchy trigger finger more then i do an arab on a plane.. because a neo con wants to control me and helps pay that cops paid vacation for putting a bullet in me and i seen more of them then i do extremists..
Aug 8, 2003
@everybody else who uses common sense, PGBD is living an isolated life so dont expect him to understand how this world is operating


Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
TROLL said:
@everybody else who uses common sense, PGBD is living an isolated life so dont expect him to understand how this world is operating
Me and you go head up. What's all this get everybody against me shit? Marc
Aug 8, 2003
PGBD said:
Me and you go head up. What's all this get everybody against me shit? Marc
LOL@someone defending bush/neo-cons and racial profiling calling me a marc..

i dont intend to get anybody against u, but your posts should come with the disclaimer *i support facism* so that people understand that your in the minority ideology wise.

head up? as in meeting up to knuckle down?? if your talking about rolling thru my neck of the woods im down but i myself wouldnt bother going out of my way and wasting gas to meet up over this..like i said unless u come thru.. its all gravitational.. Most of the time i like keeping debate's non-violent even if it is against racist's but if u issue the challenge ill always call your bluff..