“Muslims Only” line at airline security checkpoints??

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Should we profile Muslims?

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Dec 7, 2005
im all for whatever keeps the people safe,

I think this would be more of a "comfort blanket" to get more people to fly and feel safer.....
Feb 1, 2006
Chree said:
im all for whatever keeps the people safe,

I think this would be more of a "comfort blanket" to get more people to fly and feel safer.....
keeping people "safe" at the expense of disrespect, profiling, racism, & embarassment of arabs? what the fuck? So you're supposed to "feel safer" knowing that the arab guy in line in front of you that's just trying to go on his business trip or vacation or whatever is getting harassed because of his ethnicity?


Dec 7, 2005
I would actually prefer all people to have to go through the screening rather than a certain race

i guess i worded my 1st line wrong, it was meant to be somewhat of a mockery of what seems to be going on, to me, it seems this is just trying to get the people to have more faith in the airline industry (i think business has been declining every year, not so sure though), and with the UK "terror Plot" why not use that as leverage to gain support for this act?

I pretty much agree with all of Trolls points.....
I chose the 1st option because it was the closest to what i would like (which is having all people go through extra security, instead of "selected individuals")
Dec 25, 2003
Eternal Designs said:
Especially since there was no arab bodies found in the wreckage of 9/11.
Two gigantic buildings collapsed and created a hole in the ground. There's alot they didn't find, and it isn't surprising.

To make a hilarious claim like this implies that they were sorting through smashed pieces of human applesauce going "Hrmm...dark skin, definitely Indian!"

"Hey man, Toss this hand on the Chinese pile!"
Sep 24, 2005
hmm... a muslim only line? I know a lot of non muslims with muslim names...so don't go at it like that. It is true that they may net the majority of the "muslims"...but hey....who's really muslim...most of them are hypocrits going by the identity of a muslim (how would security know?). Soo whats really real? Will there be a public outcry if that happens...the cries would be muffled. Wow, Patriot Act how beautiful are you! How enchanting!
Aug 8, 2003
Two gigantic buildings collapsed and created a hole in the ground. There's alot they didn't find, and it isn't surprising.

To make a hilarious claim like this implies that they were sorting through smashed pieces of human applesauce going "Hrmm...dark skin, definitely Indian!"

"Hey man, Toss this hand on the Chinese pile!"
Actually i remember vaguely bout someone mentioning that incident being the pentagon, they had victims but the hijackers i think were MIA.. but theres a lot of shit that cant be explained by the offical explanation.. can u xplain to me why thermate was found at that same smoldering hole in the ground??? they said that the molten was the aluminum jet, now, aluminum was found there but so was a lot of iron and steel mixed with thermate... (click me--->>> Thermate)
May 13, 2002
Just great, this is exactly what they want...(BTW, can anyone dig up any solid information regarding the recent "terror plot" that supposedly was prevented by the UK and US? I bet you cant)


Passengers refuse to allow holiday jet to take off until two Asian men are thrown off plane

British holidaymakers staged an unprecedented mutiny - refusing to allow their flight to take off until two men they feared were terrorists were forcibly removed.

The extraordinary scenes happened after some of the 150 passengers on a Malaga-Manchester flight overheard two men of Asian appearance apparently talking Arabic.

Passengers told cabin crew they feared for their safety and demanded police action.

full article


Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
Likwid said:
I'm all for profiling at airports. It irritates the fuck out of me when I get pulled from line at almost every airport to get searched while 10 arabs go by. I don't give a fuck if they get offended or not, I'm not the one flying planes into buildings and snyping soldiers. I wouldn't get offended if my homie (Paki) got searched even if we were flying together. Fuck that shit! Call it what you want but fuck being politcally correct.
There you go
Feb 1, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
The extraordinary scenes happened after some of the 150 passengers on a Malaga-Manchester flight overheard two men of Asian appearance apparently talking Arabic.

Passengers told cabin crew they feared for their safety and demanded police action.
That's fucking ridiculous. People are so incredibly stupid. We should have a line for idiots not muslims.
Aug 3, 2005
u know
tonight after getting out a movie in pleasant hill, a car fulla white boys drove by and started talkin some shit to me and my afghan boy...we told them to come say that shit again and they drove off
they came back around and screamed "go fuck a goat u fuckin arabs, fuck sand niggers woooo!!!"

they stayed in their car talkin shit till we started comin at them and then they drove off when they saw knives and bats come out, which i regret because bringin em out jus let em know they got to us...

but even still, the fact that
1) just cuz we middle eastern they assume we arabs (confusing a persian wit an arab is like confusing gold with wood)
2) the fact that the racism and ignorance in this country is at the same level it always has been, and sadly, probably always will be

plans like muslim or arab only lines at airports just show that the ignorance and fear exists in the hearts of powerful politicians just as it does in close-minded teenage suburbinites


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
^^Damn...I feel embarrassed/ashamed to call myself an Amerikan.
When people ask where you're from, just say Earth. Not that it's much better but it is a little bit. And that shit is sad, pathetic may be a better word. People are fucking retarded. They should be sterilized :)
May 13, 2002
Great recent quotes:

Robert Sandler, 8/17/06:

“If profiling isn’t acceptable because it’s not Politically Correct, here is another idea: Put the Muslims on one plane and put the rest of us on a different one. If that makes me a “racist,” I can live with that.”

Michael Gallagher, 8/15/06:

“It’s time to have a Muslims check-point line in American airports and have Muslims be scrutinized. You better believe it. It’s time.”

Sher Zieve, 8/20/06:

“It appears that if “we the flying public” are going to be safe, no one but ourselves is going to save us. The hell with political correctness! … If the airlines and our “PC” brethren don’t like it, I say ‘Then follow your own rules!’”

Bill O’Reilly, 8/16/06:

“Folks who have traveled to Muslim countries, people with criminal records, passengers who are Muslims age 16 to 45 all should be spoken with… This isn't racial profiling, this is criminal profiling! ... Profiling must begin now."


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
before making muslim only line at airport, make a politicos only line at entrance to heaven, they the ones at the root of this problem, if it werent for them there wouldnt be any terrorists.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
Defy said:
while they're at it, make a black line so they can get all the drug dealers, a latino line because they can't ever speak english, and a white line because they are the greatest group of people ever and they never do anything to harm people :rolleyes:
lmao, aint that the truest shit said on here yet.


Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Great recent quotes:

Robert Sandler, 8/17/06:

“If profiling isn’t acceptable because it’s not Politically Correct, here is another idea: Put the Muslims on one plane and put the rest of us on a different one. If that makes me a “racist,” I can live with that.”

Michael Gallagher, 8/15/06:

It’s time to have a Muslims check-point line in American airports and have Muslims be scrutinized. You better believe it. It’s time.”

Sher Zieve, 8/20/06:

“It appears that if “we the flying public” are going to be safe, no one but ourselves is going to save us. The hell with political correctness! … If the airlines and our “PC” brethren don’t like it, I say ‘Then follow your own rules!’”

Bill O’Reilly, 8/16/06:

“Folks who have traveled to Muslim countries, people with criminal records, passengers who are Muslims age 16 to 45 all should be spoken with… This isn't racial profiling, this is criminal profiling! ... Profiling must begin now."
This is all rational and logical reasoning. I'd think you were insane if you didn't agree with it.